Patch 5.3 Confirmed Release Date

I'm pretty excited for that 10% AP buff many people says it wont be much of a buff but any buff is a good buff. Since i already get so many kills i imagine more Ap.

-_- jajaja

hunters dont need a nother buff

this patch for me consists of op hunters op ferals op wariors, no heals to counter them and no buffs to the classes that need it like guardian or enhcement or ret (lets be honest the rut or enh buff dosent make that much difference) spell hit still isnt fixed and in each bg anything with slightly low survivability like mages locks even rouges are gonna die about 1 billion times
sorry for being a grumpy guts and on a lighter note patch 5.4 is just around the corner so it will all swing back around somehow
i would play a healer even if they got nerfed to the point of almost being pointless cause i love it so much . on a diff note . ima be outa the country from monday till sunday so i wont be able to try out the new patch
Ideally i think a healer should killable by 2+ players
As it is now, you need 3-4+ people. This is a needed change. Hopefully things will even out abit, and hopefully blizz does something about the spell hit issue... im tired of missing all my hojs.

Always this nonsense. No Healer can withstand 4 dps (esp. not Restoshamans and Priests).
We are talking about ppl with the ability to press at least 2 buttons with a little bit of timing right?
If you can outheal 4 dps and there are ofc situations where you do, these dps are so low geared and so not able to interrupt or cc you that this is not a fair comparison and isnt worth mentioned here!

Do a fair comparison and not what you have achieved in some random bg vs. a random group of undergeared players thank you.

PS: I will stay Holy as I always was and always will be.
Proud of my Respecc-Counter: 0
Ideally i think a healer should killable by 2+ players
As it is now, you need 3-4+ people. This is a needed change. Hopefully things will even out abit, and hopefully blizz does something about the spell hit issue... im tired of missing all my hojs.

I don't care if they can SURVIVE (e.g live by healing THEMSELVES not others) against 2 people, but as healers stand now, they survive against 3 people, keep 2 other people alive and do insane DPS (1k ferobites, 400 denounce, 400HF crit+200 Penance ticks) to boot (except resto shamans in the dps part). They have to fix the DPS and the survive-against-everything-while-keeping-everyone-alive part, only then will healers be fixed.

And yes, please fix spellhit! Can anyone top 9 Poly-misses in a row?

Well yeah I know that but they aren't also meant to be topping the dps charts like hpalas right now.

Nerfing healing has nothing to do with denounce spam/rdruid ferobites/holy fire+penance ticks they'll still do too much damage if they get a chance to...
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Whoever is saying these nerfs aren't needed are either a healer whos likes the OPness or likes these 5+ healer constant teams. These nerfs are needed bad and 15% MAY balance things out some to where they should be. Idec bout my little 25 added AP this patch, ONLY things I care about this patch is seeing these healers start disappearing cause they will be moderately balanced and SS no longer 1 shotting me.

If spell hit actually gets fixed this maybe a good patch. If not it may turn into cata with hunts vs heals with mixes of prot pallies in there
Whoever is saying the nerf is needed doesn't play a healer and is mad there is something they can't 1v1 on their OP hunter
For me and most EU this patch is complete shit, tired of seeing 20s and 24s rerolling (Dpriest/Rdruid/Hpally).

German realms full of 24s and healers same goes with french realms.
Im tired of seeing 5+ healers per game.

Then i get team full of clueless spanish that only want to chat.
Its almost impossible to get good bg while solo queuing.

I wish they had never implement this shity low lvl bg scaling.

Separate spanish realms from english realms in bgs.
Fix the hit bug.
Uncross realms.
Fix mana regen.
Give skirmish war games.

AND! MoP is worst expansion evah.
Feet? Come on Feet.... You know healers are extremely stupid right now... a nerf is definitely needed. what someone plays doesn't change that fact.
Whoever is saying the nerf is needed doesn't play a healer and is mad there is something they can't 1v1 on their OP hunter

Feet healers are insance atm and you should know since you have every fucking class i think.
holy shit I cant believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time to start getting rdy to own more on enh :D.
ELE is also gonna be loads of fun. YAY!!!!!
Feet healers are insance atm and you should know since you have every fucking class i think.

Yes, yes I do. You don't see me complaining about killing healers on any of the classes, they are killable. I had a great time on all my toons, healer or dps. And @ lil the way I turned out? I'm not allowed to think a challenging, more CC oriented game where fights take longer is nothing to bitch about especially while playing a night elf hunter and when most of the healers you have to kill are quelthalas paladins? You're just upset I keep mentioning that you're an OP hunter and all you want to do is faceroll everything.
Yes, yes I do. You don't see me complaining about killing healers on any of the classes, they are killable. I had a great time on all my toons, healer or dps. And @ lil the way I turned out? I'm not allowed to think a challenging, more CC oriented game where fights take longer is nothing to bitch about especially while playing a night elf hunter and when most of the healers you have to kill are quelthalas paladins? You're just upset I keep mentioning that you're an OP hunter and all you want to do is faceroll everything.

I am not Mad, I am a fucking OP hunter but i don't faceroll shit dude. I chosed a hunter since i started playing WoW and today i am still a hunter.

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