Heyguise Im a hipster again
Heyguise Im a hipster again
I'm pretty excited for that 10% AP buff many people says it wont be much of a buff but any buff is a good buff. Since i already get so many kills i imagine more Ap.
Ideally i think a healer should killable by 2+ players
As it is now, you need 3-4+ people. This is a needed change. Hopefully things will even out abit, and hopefully blizz does something about the spell hit issue... im tired of missing all my hojs.
Ideally i think a healer should killable by 2+ players
As it is now, you need 3-4+ people. This is a needed change. Hopefully things will even out abit, and hopefully blizz does something about the spell hit issue... im tired of missing all my hojs.
Well yeah I know that but they aren't also meant to be topping the dps charts like hpalas right now.
Whoever is saying the nerf is needed doesn't play a healer and is mad there is something they can't 1v1 on their OP hunter
Whoever is saying the nerf is needed doesn't play a healer and is mad there is something they can't 1v1 on their OP hunter
Feet healers are insance atm and you should know since you have every fucking class i think.
Whoever is saying the nerf is needed doesn't play a healer and is mad there is something they can't 1v1 on their OP hunter
Feet healers are insance atm and you should know since you have every fucking class i think.
Yes, yes I do. You don't see me complaining about killing healers on any of the classes, they are killable. I had a great time on all my toons, healer or dps. And @ lil the way I turned out? I'm not allowed to think a challenging, more CC oriented game where fights take longer is nothing to bitch about especially while playing a night elf hunter and when most of the healers you have to kill are quelthalas paladins? You're just upset I keep mentioning that you're an OP hunter and all you want to do is faceroll everything.