Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

Mages rejoice, you lot are going to make druids on speed pots look silly with the new 5.2 changes , your getting Blazing Speed at level 15 ! !

They reverted the nerf on shadow priest healing and how devouring plague works.

Stone Bulwark hp gets buffed !

If these changes make it to live I'll never go Arcane or Frost again...

Btw you should maybe state it with a source :)


"'Blazing Speed' is now a level 15 talent replacing 'Scorch'."

"'Scorch' is no longer a talent and is now available to all Fire Mages."


"When summoned, the 'Stone Bulwark Totem' has health equal to 10% of the casting Shaman's health."

So, more buffs or rather changes for Mages and another nice buff to an underused Shaman-talent :)

Source: MMO-Champion - just scroll down :)
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I did the detailed changes with ptr links in the first post edit , just made a little recap reply for a bump. Might add the colors though :eek:


  • WoWScrnShot_020513_200358.jpg
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Some things are missing or false :

> Ice Floes now has a 45 second cooldown (was 1 minute) and its duration have been increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
> Arcane > Arcane Charges now stacks up to 4 times (was 6), increases damage by 50% (was 25%), and increases mana cost by 150% (was 75%).
> Hand of sacrifice is a 80 spell.
> Spiritual Healing is a new passive ability obtained by Discipline and Holy Priests at level 10. This ability increases the amount of healing done by Flash Heal, Binding Heal, Renew, and Prayer of Mending by 25%. The amount of healing done by those four spells have been reduced by 20%. For Holy and Discipline Priests, there is no change to the amount of healing done by those four spells (so the previous -30% healing done by Shadow priests isn't right anymore).
> PW:S effects has been increased by 25% for Discipline and Holy priests (not sure if it's on the patchnote, however it's on the PTR).
> The talent Nature's Guardian now preserves the player's health percentage when its maximum health boosting effect expires.
> The benefit of Haste from items and consumables has been increased by 50% (down from 100%) for all Warriors. This change is not in the patchnote but you can see it with Lifeblood on the PTR.

Also Resilience effects from items has been increased on the PTR. Something like ~45%.
Good roundup of the changes, however some things are switched, as in you say up from or down from when its the opposite.
Fire mage was going to die anyways because of level scalling in BGs (-7% crit and you become useless). So Blazing speed is a nice thing for arcane mages, who will reborn maybe as powerfull as he was during Cata !

Edit: About Resilience changes, on live PvP trinket gives me 6 -> 2.77% dmg reduction. On PTR the same amount gives 4.13% dmg reduction (up by 49%). If I add Scarlet Kris, I get 9 Resilience -> 4.13% on live and 5.99% on PTR (up by 45%). I don't know if it's intended, maybe it's just for PvP testing.
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Lmao there goes Fire mages :p

Also I don't think you guys realize this, but will the damage caused by the Water Elemental's Freeze not remove stealth of classes -.-'?
will the damage caused by the Water Elemental's Freeze not remove stealth of classes -.-'?

Well, didn't think about that... Depends on how Blizzard implements this or if they even thought about that (bet they didn't) - but just from seeing as it is, no it probably doesn't break stealth.

#Dax could you maybe test this out on the PTR? :)
It still breaks stealth (rogues and druids), but not sheep. It seems Blizz has been smart, this time.


And btw, big thanks to you for keeping information straight from the PTR rolling - nobody else seems to do (if I had the time I'd mess around with it myself :/) so you're a big help with this :)
[*]Displacer Beast has been redesigned. It now triggers Cat Form and grants 50% increased
movement speed for 4 seconds after teleporting, and no longer activates Prowl.

GG, I quit.
General changes:
  • raid frames and unit frames show absorbs (not working with AGM)
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label no longer increases stamina
  • Rapture now reduces the cost of Power Word: Shield by 25% and provides mana equal to 150% (down from 200%) of the Priest's Spirit and no longer benefits from Spirit provided by short-duration bonuses
  • Penance healing and damage increased by 20%
  • Divine Aegis critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 50% (up from 30%) of the amount healed up to 40% of the Priest's health
Disc & Holy:
PW:S part is interesting; Disc already has 20% stronger shields than Holy and Shadow. Now Disc's PW:S is 50% (1,2 x 1,25) stronger compared to Shadow (still 20% compared to Holy). Holy's PW:S is 25% better than Shadow. OP broken imho:

Next PTR builds:
- Holy Fire will be instant baseline
- Devouring Plague change reverted
PTR Class and Set Bonus Issues, Part II - Forums - World of Warcraft

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