Patch 3.1.2: Venomstrike vs. Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

Charmed Ancient Bone BoW or Venomstrike?

  • Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Venomstrike

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


So Patch 3.1.2 brings the Venomstrike vs. Charmed Ancient Bone Bow debate back into discussion, with the removal of the +3 Damage Scope.


So let's look at the facts.

Venomstrike gives an extra 0.68DPS (excluding the proc rate*)

*Venomshot operates like any other "Chance on Hit" Item: 100% Proc Chance w/ 45sec internal CD. (I'll doublecheck this)

Charmed Ancient Bone Bow scales better with the 15% Haste Autoshot with longer attack speed, hits harder (go burst), and has +1 Hit/Crit Rating.

I'm leaning towards the BoA bow because you can hitcap yourself easily (Spidersilk Drape+Lavishly Jewled Ring+Deviate Scale Belt+BoA Bow)
imho the BoA bow is only worth getting if your gonna go for the hitcap (which i haven't tried so don't know if its worth it), if your not making full use of the hit rat i would take the extra dmg from venomstrike. Atm i am witholding judgement till i try out the hitcap and see how much difference it makes.
The WoWhead link confirms that the proc chance is 100% and as this is directly from WoW data this should be correct. So I'll assume your 45 internal CD is correct too.

I'll try to make a simplified image of the benefits of these weapons to get an idea how close it is. By the way can the [ITEM]Standard Scope[/ITEM] be applied to the BtA bow/gun now? If so it would be much closer.

Assuming you just stand autoshotting the numbers are


+0.8 DPS

+proc (38 average per 45 sec = 0.7556 DPS extra)

+2 damage (that's 0.833 DPS)

Charmed Bow

+5 AP

+1 hit

+1 crit

The DPS advantage of the Venomstrike would thus be 2.03

I would value that 14.22 stat points, versus 2.15 stat points of the Charmed Bow.

BUT! Of course this isn't a correct representation. You will be doing lots of Multi-Shots, which favour a slow weapon. You will be running away a lot, so your autoshot will cool down without being used, favoring a slow weapon. Slow weapon auto shots hit (and crit) much harder so are better for burst.

Don't forget the [item=44093]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/item], which has the following stats:

30-56 2.9 speed 15.0 DPS 3 AP 2 cri 1 res

This gun is so slow, that it benefits even more of the previously mentioned factors favoring a slow weapon. If you think these factors outweight the simple DPS advantage of the Venomstrike, the Charmed Bow or Upgraded Cannon might be the weapons for you. Also don't forget [ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM] can help you hitcap too.
Yeah I still don't think the BoA Gun is viable at all.


+0.8 DPS

+proc (38 average per 45 sec = 0.7556 DPS extra)

+2 damage (that's 0.833 DPS)

Charmed Bow

+5 AP

+1 hit

+1 crit

The DPS advantage of the Venomstrike would thus be 2.03

I would value that 14.22 stat points, versus 2.15 stat points of the Charmed Bow.

But a few issues with that. +5 AP from BoA doesn't give any other benefit than a DPS Increase, so the +0.8 Venomstrike DPS goes down to 0.68

Also +2 Scope does work on the BoA Bow (99% sure)

In conclusion, it's

Venomstrike (+1.4356 DPS) vs. BoA (+1 Crit/Hit Rating)

But yeah there's also things like Multishot to take into consideration.
Good point lol, I should have known that :p

Ok, for the gun then...

The WoWhead link confirms that the proc chance is 100% and as this is directly from WoW data this should be correct. So I'll assume your 45 internal CD is correct too.


+0.8 DPS

+proc (38 average per 45 sec = 0.7556 DPS extra)

+2 damage (that's 0.833 DPS)

Upgraded Cannon

+1 bonus DPS from ammo

+3 AP

+2 crit

+1 res

The DPS advantage of the Venomstrike would thus be 1.1746

I would value that 8.22 stat points, versus 2.35 stat points of the Upgraded Cannon.

So indeed the gun is much closer. And it is also 2.9 slow, the highest damage per shot ranged weapon at 19. Great burst, I'd think :)
Actually I'm not sure...

I'm positive that Trinkets with a Chance on Hit operate with a 100% Proc Rate with a 45 Sec Internal CD. So I assumed that's how Weapons work too.

So can anyone test this?

Just wail on someone for a few minutes with recount running and count up the procs?

Edit: So after reading some EJ about Proc Mechanics, I'm assuming that Venomshot has a 1.0 PPM.

Which brings it to 0.633 DPS.
between both BOA the gun is strickly better as you can throw bullets that have better damage then your regular arrows !

- Crafted Heavy Shot

- Smooth Pebbles

they are beter then the 3.5 dps counter parts. thus making guns at this level better then bows. venomstrike do rival those DPS boost though. but this is if i had the choice, i'd go BOW only for stats, but GUN for burst damage !


hard to get crafted heavy shots ?

all engineers can do them at low levels, they are trainable even my 150 engineering on twink can create them !
I had this very same question as I have access to both.

Also just to clarify, you can in fact attach the 2dmg scope to the BoA.

Im a big fan of the numbers and math. Its what this game was built on. However, their is one thing that these numbers do not account for. And that is the situation. If u are able to stand their and flick arrows one after another without moving, you may see a slight advantage in the venomstrike.

However, this is NEVER the case. In pugs and premades you are always on the move. To put this to the test I dueled a local Druid FC (this is your usual target) whom had a healer to help with the accuracy.

I did a 10 minute parse with each bow.

The results were this:

VenomStrike: 59.7 dps

BoA Bow: 61.5

As you can see insanely close.

Here is the kicker tho. When i asked the healer which was harder to heal through he said the BoA by alot. The burst was pretty insane. And when i was able to stop and fire off a couple auto shots its was even worse.

Anyway, hope this helps.
Quick ? on the Venomstrike. Since some of us have multiple pieces of the fang armor set and also Headmasters, does spellpower affect the dmg on the proc of the Venomstrike? I havent been able to find an answer yet.
Sodyum said:
Quick ? on the Venomstrike. Since some of us have multiple pieces of the fang armor set and also Headmasters, does spellpower affect the dmg on the proc of the Venomstrike? I havent been able to find an answer yet.

I dont know. However, I have the 2 piece Fang and Headmasters, so if it does, that was included in my parse. And BoA still beat it out.

Croe said:
WTB lvl 19 Training Dummy.

Again, this is not accurate, as you are not able to stand there and flick arrows in a premade or half decent pug. So unless you plan to kite the Target dummy, your parse wont be accurate.

The sad part about this poll is, it too is very inaccurate. People are going to vote that dont have the BoA simply cause they cant get it. You should have both, and test both before you vote. If you cant get the BoA, then dont vote.

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