Patch 3.1.2: Venomstrike vs. Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

Charmed Ancient Bone BoW or Venomstrike?

  • Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Venomstrike

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dead topic is dead, lets leave it like that. You can have a crafted shortbow and you'll still be another hunter in wsg.
Vendigo said:
Dead topic is dead, lets leave it like that. You can have a crafted shortbow and you'll still be another hunter in wsg.

Lol another gimp mad cause they rolled an inferior class.....cry more..
Shamans are by no means inferior, Any class can take anyother class down just depends on the player.
venomstrike is still better for damage !

but i agree the canon might be even with the bow just because it uses better bullets and has .8 dps less !
Croe said:
Shamans are by no means inferior, Any class can take anyother class down just depends on the player.

yeah, it does depend on the player. it depends on whether or not the player you're trying to kill is fucking terribad or not. /rollseyes
Venomstrike all the way :)

I also called my pet spider Venom ;)

Oh and i can kill all classes easily (hunter easy mode blah blah yeh) except for warriors when they get close, damn i hate hamstring badly!
mannoroth has some killer hunters, when i see them in the BG and know the gear they have or had i always ask questions.

especially when i know the have a VS, and see them using a BoA bow or gun.

this hunter has all three, [char=Mannoroth]%C3%8Er%C3%A2t%C3%A3rd%C3%ABd[/char] he said overall he likes the BoA ranged much better, that the VS rarely procs the poison.

he plays quit alot, if your on RUIN BG you might see him to ask in person
Hello there, I specifically signed up to both ask a question and place some input on this issue.

First of all, can Venomstrike proc of abillities like concussive shot or serpent sting? I assumed so at first but I'm not sure.

Following that, these dps compairisions are flawed somewhat. The boa items add mundane damage, that is to say it is affected by armor (and thus reduced by some 25% atleast) whereas the venomstrike proc is elemental and is thus far less affected by mitigation (I'm assuming the only mitigation is things such as the 'nature resistance' racial and resistances, but Im not sure on that).

Please excuse my poor English.
BOA gun+dwarf=win
Guns are natively slower which means they have a longer initial cast time so its harder to stand still for a few seconds, get a shot off, and continute running. Also, trinkets with a 45 second icd do not have a 100% proc chance, you can check this in wowhead.
Err why was this 2 month old topic rezzed?

Cliche said:
Guns are natively slower which means they have a longer initial cast time so its harder to stand still for a few seconds, get a shot off, and continute running. Also, trinkets with a 45 second icd do not have a 100% proc chance, you can check this in wowhead.

Yeah, I forgot that when I made this topic but remembered it a few hours later. Anyway, +2 Scope can no longer be applied to BoAs, which makes Venomstrike the clear winner, so I never bothered to update this.

A few weeks ago I tested Venomstrike's PPM and it was 6 iirc.
personally i prefer venom strike seems to be better for me just buy the trinkets or somthing instead of the bow well iw ould =)
It really depends on your type of WSG/Dueling/Arena lifestyle, i find the BoA bow a log better in Arenas and Duels, because you are mostly on the kiting run, not find much time to stop and take advantage of that fast whites from the Venomstrike. So taking the higher damage outcome and attack power from the BoA makes your Arcane shot more deadly.

But in WSG, i definitally overchose the Venomstrike, because of the faster speed, you have a better chance of just sitting down in mid, and hitting everything in site, drop it dead, then switch targets :)

~ Kaiford, simplifying complicated #'s since 2004.

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