Paid Accounts with level 20 twinks?

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I doubt you've come across many rets, and certainly no good ones if that's your opinion. Either you have an overinflated opinion of yourself, and hunters, or you just don't understand how ret works. Either way, I completely disagree. Not that it matters, and not that I expect you to change your mind, unless the inevitable happens and you actually do find yourself destroyed by a decent ret 1v1.

I'd happily do some arena 1v1 against you. You won't win. How do you intend on getting in range to use a single skill?

My opinion is based on the fact that I have every char, extensive play, and sufficient experience in high end pvp in the past (R1 in previous seasons.) I've participated in well over 200 arenas at 20, with almost every class and spec.

Your opinion is based on the fact that you've farmed trial players with an overbuffed char on a heavily imbalanced faction. When you experience any slight disadvantage, you AFK.

My opinion >> your opinion.
Kale, If you're trying to accuse me of backpeddling, you might want to think twice. You key turn and s-key to your hearts content, but I my friend move with a 6 button gaming mouse. You can ask anyone who's played with me. BTW, you're bad, and get carried by your gear and buffs.
Ark, I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thought he was talking about chants only. Only the most junk of 24 doesn't have chants, and yes, there are plenty of those around too. They're the same kind of junk that plays 20. Junk is junk, regardless of level.

I didn't think he was talking about enchants only. I thought he was talking about 4 levels making more of a difference then P2P enchants, which I'm sure any number of people will agree that IS in fact exactly what it seemed like he was saying. I try to correct that thinking where I can, and if that is not what he was implying then I'll leave it to him to correct me :)

I'm closing this thread before it deteriorates into more "You back peddled this time" vs "You afked this time"
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