Paid Accounts with level 20 twinks?

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even if p2p 20s have enchants i still have respect in them since they didnt roll lvl 24
I'm a P2P 20, with F2P restrictions.

Simply did it for the challenge and the fun experience that came along with it all.
I still don't understand. How can I use a paid account to boost those things for my f2p when I cant mail, trade, nada? I will most certainly be collecting things on my f2p, though. Im so sad I missed the Valentine event for Flamingo, though. His pet was gonna be the pink strider :( Pair that with the Swift Lovebird = win. Idgaf if its useless utility wise for pvp perks, its funny. And pink. As if hunters need another cc anyway.

First off: I recently noticed Eukanuba in a BG and your name made my day. :)

You can't trade of course, but if you want to, you can help your f2p toon out quite a bit. Dual-box for levelling and gearing in dungeons, water walking buffs for fishing, protection detail in Gurubashi or high level zones, etc.

If you don't want to, don't worry, doing things solo is fun as well. ^^
I still don't understand. How can I use a paid account to boost those things for my f2p when I cant mail, trade, nada? I will most certainly be collecting things on my f2p, though. Im so sad I missed the Valentine event for Flamingo, though. His pet was gonna be the pink strider :( Pair that with the Swift Lovebird = win. Idgaf if its useless utility wise for pvp perks, its funny. And pink. As if hunters need another cc anyway.

You can use your 85 to quickly run your F2P through dungeons. You can summon/fly them to FPs. You can farm pet drops much faster. You can farm rep. You just have the F2P on follow and have two instances of WoW running at once. You can do it on one PC although it is easier if you have two PCs. Get AGMs at Gurubashi.
even if p2p 20s have enchants i still have respect in them since they didnt roll lvl 24

No offense but this is retarded.

Your suggesting that four levels makes more of a difference then enchants.

20 with p2p enchants > 24 without p2p enchants.
No offense but this is retarded.

Your suggesting that four levels makes more of a difference then enchants.

20 with p2p enchants > 24 without p2p enchants.


calling someones opinion retarded :(

He never suggested or said enchants made more of a difference than 4 lvls, he merely stated that he had respect for p2ps that capped at 20 with enchants
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No offense but this is retarded.

Your suggesting that four levels makes more of a difference then enchants.

20 with p2p enchants > 24 without p2p enchants.

Look at it this way, I can solo that level 20 hunt with BC enchants because I can heal through his DPS. I can't do that (since the 4.3 buff) with a 24 hunt. Also, at 24 there are quests and better gear, as well as BoAs that scale higher. There is also the issue of higher hit cap required to hit 24s.

The simple fact is that 20s, even with full chants, are not as powerful as 24s with full enchants. This isn't like level 14 when the gear is absolute trash, and BoAs and chants scale better at 10.
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Look at it this way, I can solo that level 20 hunt with BC enchants because I can heal through his DPS. I can't do that (since the 4.3 buff) with a 24 hunt. Also, at 24 there are quests and better gear, as well as BoAs that scale higher. There is also the issue of higher hit cap required to hit 24s.

The simple fact is that 20s, even with full chants, are not as powerful as 24s with full enchants. This isn't like level 14 when the gear is absolute trash, and BoAs and chants scale better at 10.

You can't solo a 20 hunter, lol.

P2P Enchants are what make 24's beast. For hunters, you gain 49 AGi and 205 HP from the improved enchants. You gain 4 AGI and 9 STA from the gear transition of 20-24. While some classes do benefit heavily from the extra talents and skills (Fdruids, Enh Shams), and the slight bump in miss chance and gear helps, the enchants blow away the small gains from the levels.

A 20 with enchants is just as overpowered, don't kid yourself.
P2P Enchants are what make 24's beast. For hunters, you gain 49 AGi and 205 HP from the improved enchants. You gain 4 AGI and 9 STA from the gear transition of 20-24. While some classes do benefit heavily from the extra talents and skills (Fdruids, Enh Shams), and the slight bump in miss chance and gear helps, the enchants blow away the small gains from the levels.

A 20 with enchants is just as overpowered, don't kid yourself.

My point exactly.

And Klinda, I wasn't calling his opinion retarded, I was calling his comment retarded because it implies the four levels are in fact greater then the enchants. Which is wrong.

You can say all you want his comment doesn't imply that but it really does. :)

Kale cant laugh on his own he has to quote someone else D:

I'm just kidding and I realize its wildly off topic but couldn't help my self :p

/forshame community leader
My "retarded" observation...

You can't solo a 20 hunter, lol.

A 20 with enchants is just as overpowered, don't kid yourself.


I can, and have multiple times, soloed the hunter that was linked. You're an idiot. "lol"

In this particular case Kale is right ( without the "You're an bla bla" part ). 1,4 k hp hunter with Lucky Fishing Hat & Parachute Cloak ... vs Kale bis ret f2p with ****loads of buffs - Kale wins.
On the other hand, after a battle between a lev 20 bis p2p hunter and a lev 20 bis f2p ret ( same buffs / prof / pots - u name it ) ... the hunter stands still .. so Freeranged is right.
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I laugh, I just don't laugh at my own lame jokes. You morons are forgetting the weapons and gear that 24s get, as well as the reduced hit chance 20s have against them. Morons, seriously. Do you even know the difference between the word then and than?

Forget it, what's the difference? You call someone's opinion retarded, which itself is retarded. You don't agree? Fine. The opinion itself, which I don't share, is theirs, and is perfectly valid.

I'd rather go up against 20s with chants than 24s with chants any day. I certainly don't respect anyone for doing it, but I do prefer they do it.

First off you need to take it down a notch and pay the fuck attention there buddy.

Like I've already stated, I did not say his opinion was retarded, I said his comment was.

Secondly actually read shit before you go off on a ranting raving argument. I am not arguing that a 20 with p2p enchants is greater
or equal too a 24 with p2p enchants.

What I am arguing is the fact that people think 4 levels and a small smattering of gear make MORE OF a difference then the enchantments available to P2P's. WHICH is what was implied in his comment AND what I said in my response to his comment.

He is perfectly entitled to his opinion, the point that I'm trying to make is that the benefits of P2P enchants far exceed that of the extra four levels (gear included).

Not once did I say or argue anything otherwise. I'll thank you to not insult me based on your misunderstanding of my posts.

I will also thank everyone else that wishes to continue discussing this to to so in a much less offensive way then Aradiel did, else your posts will meet the same fate as his did.
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Ark, I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thought he was talking about chants only. Only the most junk of 24 doesn't have chants, and yes, there are plenty of those around too. They're the same kind of junk that plays 20. Junk is junk, regardless of level.

Free, good is subjective of course, and I'm quite sure I could. Klinda seemed to think they were good. Personally, I've never seen a good 1v1 hunter. All they can do is run like a bitch, I mean kite, and hope someone helps them. No 20 hunter of any skill level can 1v1 an equally skilled paladin.

The DPS boost at 24 compared to 20 is pretty significant. Forget skill, since the skill required isn't that high. All you really need is not to be a moron. I realise that may be more of a challenge for some people than others.
Ark, I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thought he was talking about chants only. Only the most junk of 24 doesn't have chants, and yes, there are plenty of those around too. They're the same kind of junk that plays 20. Junk is junk, regardless of level.

Free, good is subjective of course, and I'm quite sure I could. Klinda seemed to think they were good. Personally, I've never seen a good 1v1 hunter. All they can do is run like a bitch, I mean kite, and hope someone helps them. No 20 hunter of any skill level can 1v1 an equally skilled paladin.

The DPS boost at 24 compared to 20 is pretty significant. Forget skill, since the skill required isn't that high. All you really need is not to be a moron. I realise that may be more of a challenge for some people than others.

I'd drop any Ret in a 1v1 with zero issues on my hunter, but we both know you hunt in the pack because of that very issue. It's playing to your strengths, but don't kid yourself into thinking you can take out a good hunter 1v1 without massive terrain advantages.
Free, good is subjective of course, and I'm quite sure I could. Klinda seemed to think they were good. Personally, I've never seen a good 1v1 hunter. All they can do is run like a bitch, I mean kite, and hope someone helps them. No 20 hunter of any skill level can 1v1 an equally skilled paladin.
One time I kited you from farm to stables, 1v1 the whole way. You blew every CD and then AFK'd when you went oom and had 100 hp left.
I doubt you've come across many rets, and certainly no good ones if that's your opinion. Either you have an overinflated opinion of yourself, and hunters, or you just don't understand how ret works. Either way, I completely disagree. Not that it matters, and not that I expect you to change your mind, unless the inevitable happens and you actually do find yourself destroyed by a decent ret 1v1.
One time I kited you from farm to stables, 1v1 the whole way. You blew every CD and then AFK'd when you went oom and had 100 hp left.

If you're talking about your backpedalathon, I left because of the mage casting frostbolts at me, or were you too busy backpedaling to notice that? Long fight, that you were just about to lose if the mage didn't show up. Like I said before, run like a bitch, and hope someone shows up to help.
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