P2P 20-24 List

Does it really matter , I say don't even bother putting guild names on it Sally. Just the armory less work for u at the end of the day. It's just a list for armories.

also delete the armories that have no clue what they are doing. FYI armory has been broke and hasn't been working since DDOS.
Updated to here.

Some housekeeping stuff:

  • Deleted all servers & guilds from list. It can be a lot of work and time to keep it all in order.

  • Deleted dead armories, folks who leveled out and consistently naked armories.

  • I don't play in this bracket. With that being said I'm not going to look for BiS or if people "have a clue" ^_^
    • Gear in each slot? √
    • Enchants in appropriate spots? √
    • Good enough for me, however if you see someone that needs to be removed, just let me know.

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