P2P 20-24 List

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Hello fellow 20-24 tinkers, as you may or may not know, our beloved friend of the bracket Ochimaru no longer can keep updating this list. So I have decided to do our bracket mods a favour and continue on for Ochi. The name is Ainta, and you can check out any of my 24's in my sig or find me on Elune Alliance - US!

As you know, the 20-24 bracket is an ever growing and fun bracket to participate in whether you are playing your free to play, your p2p 20, or your p2p 24! The reason for this thread is to help out any newcomers to our beloved bracket with gearing, talent and specialization options. Feel free to help out by linking your armory to your 20/24 p2p as I may not know you!


Kratos - Alliance - <Sançtuary> - Alexstrasza - Restoration FC

- Horde - <Sãnctuary> - Alexstrasza - Restoration FC *HORDE ONLY*

- Alliance - Lightbringer - Restoration FC *ALLIANCE ONLY*

Genar - Horde - <Flawed> - <Tichondrius> - Restoration FC

Ftpkiller - Alliance - <underground> - Turalyon - Balance Druid

Scuzzmuffin - Alliance - <OS Gaming> - Kel'Thuzad - Balance Druid

Pizza - Horde - <RED LOBSTA> - Bleeding Hollow - Balance Druid

Boomyo - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Balance Druid

Wangmuncher - Alliance - Bleeding Hollow - Arcane

Hypergun - Alliance - <Sançtuary> Alexstrasza - Frost

Kaktusken - Horde <Kahhkti> - Laughing Skull - Frost

Lastplace - Alliance - <Ctrl Alt Del> - Khaz Modan - Protection FC

Búbbleoseven - Horde - <Incompetent Bank> - Dragonblight - Protection FC

Ochi - Alliance - <Extended Trial> -Alexstrasza - Protection FC

Sweetsydney - Horde - <Sãnctuary> - Alexstrasza - Holy

Shuultz - Alliance - <Madness and Mayhem> - The Venture Co - Holy

Swagshocks - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Holy


Healnomore - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Discipline

Sweetsydnee - Alliance - <Made in China> - Cenarious - Discipline

Saver - Horde - Zul'jin - Discipline

Ftpfearer - Alliance <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Shadow

Tquilatampon - Alliance <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Shadow *ALLIANCE BIS*

Phins - Alliance - <Controlled Chaos> - Spirestone - Shadow

Serenity - Horde - <
Sãnctuary> - Alexstrasza - Shadow

Baconfat - Horde - Bleeding Hollow - Shadow

Hordelife - Horde - <Perfection> - Lothar - Shadow

Opinionated Alliance - <Wiping As Intended> - Skywall - Shadow

Bakkedxo Horde - <Wat u Crave> - Bleeding Hollow - Shadow

Stix - Horde - <C H A O S> - Skywall - Shadow


Sways - Alliance - Bleeding Hollow - Subtlety

Luckfiberal - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Subtlety

Barrysneaky - Horde - <Sãnctuary> - Alexstrasza - Subtlety

Asuna - Alliance - <Twink InYaPink> - Gundrak - Subtlety

Curlex - Horde - <RED LOBSTA> - Bleeding Hollow - Subtlety

Heidi - Alliance - <Shadow Kin> - Cairne - Subtlety

Darkshock - Horde - <Vile Blade> - Hyjal - Restoration

Sweetsidney Horde <Sanctuary> Alexstrasza - Restoration

Jukedyo - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Restoration

Destrochi - Horde - <Sançtuary> - Alexstrasza - Destruction

- Horde - <High Warlords> - Illidan - Destruction

Dotnrot - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Destruction

Wolawk - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Destruction

- Alliance - <
Sançtuary> - Alexstrasza - Destruction


Freeswifty - Alliance - <Sãnctuary> - Alexstrasza - Protection DPS

Spewfeel - Alliance - Alexstrasza - Protection FC

Sweetsydnii - Horde - <Sanctuary > - Alexstrasza - Protection DPS

Vahavata - Horde - <RED LOBSTA> - Bleeding Hollow - Protection DPS

Slåmminyo - Horde - <Dragon Hunters> - Spirestone - Arms

Ftpbasher - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Protection DPS

- Horde - <Gods of Warsong> - Frostmourne - Protection FC

- Horde - <House of Wenches> - Blackrock - Arms

- Horde - <House of Wenches> - Blackrock - Arms

Lmfaoyo - Alliance - <Twink InYaPink> - Gundrak - Protection FC/DPS

Killnomore - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Protection FC/DPS

Blockade - Horde - Zul'jin - Protection FC/DPS

Shirty - Alliance - <Apocalyptic> - Stormrage - Arms


Samanthacolt - Horde - <Parishitlon BoomBoomPvP> - Malfurion - Survival

Mechi - Alliance - <Bravo Company> - Darkspear - Beast Mastery

Gredo - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Survival

- Horde - <Holy Crit> - Azuremyst - Beast Mastery

Flincieqt - Alliance - <Sanctuary> - Alexstrasza - Survival

Bownut - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Survival

Hangfire - Horde - <Lost in the Sauce> - Area 52 - Survival


Troolol - Horde - <MMOs Before Hoes> - Khadgar - Windwalker

Jumpkick - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Windwalker

Tehdrunktank - Alliance - <Underground> - Turalyon - Brewmaster

Ftpkicker - Alliance - <Pony Slaystation> - Elune - Windwalker

Heavens - Horde - <Bubble Blowin Babies> - Gundrak - Windwalker

Thanks again to Ochi for allowing me to reuse his old thread as a template! Credit where credit is due :)
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Thanks for steppin up to the plate tinker <3

Just so people know, my druid is resto FC ;P
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Man. It is just INFURIATING looking at these characters that have gnomer rings/bracers.
Most of them don't even have 1/6th of the amount of runs i've done. Yet they have all 3... $#%^
Man. It is just INFURIATING looking at these characters that have gnomer rings/bracers.
Most of them don't even have 1/6th of the amount of runs i've done. Yet they have all 3... $#%^

I feel your pain, brother. Reason for my rogue not being up there :( Forever getting Falcon crap. Got full Falcon, Tiger, Stamina, Monkey sets, but no Agility ;_;
Opinionated nearly made the cut to be fair! Just go get boa shoulders on him :)

I have them but i figured the being too lazy to get a 2nd ring is what got me booted!
I have them but i figured the being too lazy to get a 2nd ring is what got me booted!

Go equip and I'll chuck you on :) I'm not being too overly specific with Gnomer gear as I needed some examples that showed viable choices for those who don't have the Gnomer gear yet and are lost as to what to use in the meantime.
should add my resto fc, I shit on dradform so fast that he rage quit. looking forward to pissing a lot of my x horde friends off.
I was thinking about updating this but figured it would be better from a 24 to stop any potential drama.. Just a couple of suggestions I made to kilda

Change the formatting.

Add a spoiler after each class to make the list seem shorter and make drop down options.

Take out the *CAPS THING HERE* thing at the end of a couple.. Alot of them are ally or horde only so unless you say it for every single one no point in saying it in 2. That spriest isnt even close to BiS imo. Take out the option for the *CAPS HERE* thing all together.

Take out the Resto FC or Prot dps/fc option. No need to know what they do or what they are geared for imo. This is a list not a armory description.

Do SOMETHING with the faction-guild-realm-spec.. I'm not exactly sure what but that's up to you as the updater but there should be something changed imo.

Lastly and most importantly imo.. Take out the BiS rule.. This isn't for BiS only armories it's a list of P2P 20-24 and I know very well there has been plenty more people who gave an armory that has been turned down.. There is no reason to take people who aren't BiS out of a listing just because they don't have the best gear.

Just a couple things I thought could be edited to make it alittle better.. Up to you I guess whether you change anything or not
should add my resto fc, I shit on dradform so fast that he rage quit. looking forward to pissing a lot of my x horde friends off.

Please refrain from making vulgar comments on this thread. In regards to your druid, throw a link up! :)
I was thinking about updating this but figured it would be better from a 24 to stop any potential drama.. Just a couple of suggestions I made to kilda

Change the formatting.

Add a spoiler after each class to make the list seem shorter and make drop down options.

Take out the *CAPS THING HERE* thing at the end of a couple.. Alot of them are ally or horde only so unless you say it for every single one no point in saying it in 2. That spriest isnt even close to BiS imo. Take out the option for the *CAPS HERE* thing all together.

Take out the Resto FC or Prot dps/fc option. No need to know what they do or what they are geared for imo. This is a list not a armory description.

Do SOMETHING with the faction-guild-realm-spec.. I'm not exactly sure what but that's up to you as the updater but there should be something changed imo.

Lastly and most importantly imo.. Take out the BiS rule.. This isn't for BiS only armories it's a list of P2P 20-24 and I know very well there has been plenty more people who gave an armory that has been turned down.. There is no reason to take people who aren't BiS out of a listing just because they don't have the best gear.

Just a couple things I thought could be edited to make it alittle better.. Up to you I guess whether you change anything or not

Thanks for the input, Lil! This will be a working progress for me so I will do more with it in coming time :). Main priority at this time for me is keeping it updated and swiftly responded to :)
Question as I am considering lvling my 19 into this bracket. Is there an OP class to look out for in 24's. all brackets seem to have 1 or 2. What would it/they be here in the 24's.
Question as I am considering lvling my 19 into this bracket. Is there an OP class to look out for in 24's. all brackets seem to have 1 or 2. What would it/they be here in the 24's.

lolglobalprotwarrior..... priests and boomkin is pretty strong. But avoid a shadow priest 1v1, if there anywere near competent they should kill you
Scuzzmuffin is now a member of <OS Gaming> btw. Also, thanks for taking over this list! It should really be helpful for people who are new to the bracket or new to twinking in general. Oh yeah...and thanks for making me a part of it! Cheers.
Scuzzmuffin is now a member of <OS Gaming> btw. Also, thanks for taking over this list! It should really be helpful for people who are new to the bracket or new to twinking in general. Oh yeah...and thanks for making me a part of it! Cheers.

Updated. Thanks for the compliment!
Thanks for removing my Paladin :p
with his 2x intell rings 2x stam rings 2x 9 str and savage trudgers 8 intell hands 9 stam emissary cuffs. oh sorry dont have 9 intell emissary cuffs. That must be it and leveling up my mining now its low lvl sorry hahaha like i need another profession but Eng is Bis. Find some one with less personal issues to update the list.
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