P2P 20-24 List

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Why are all the locks Destro? make sit hard to see what i sould do for my demoness when i get to her.
Ironman only BIS Paladin 2x 9 intell rings and 9 intell bracers/ Hotshots *Coming Soon* Real 24 TWIBK unlike anti-twink Never Bgs a disgrace to the bracket. I farm and I stand for my Community! his unactive 24 proves this.
Ironman only BIS Paladin 2x 9 intell rings and 9 intell bracers/ Hotshots *Coming Soon* Real 24 TWIBK unlike anti-twink Never Bgs a disgrace to the bracket. I farm and I stand for my Community! his unactive 24 proves this.

im afraid your claim to bis falls short in a number of areas

yes I agree please can we get someone else to do this, the lists are filled with inactive + poorly geared twinks in addition to them not being updated

Closing for now since it's been a bit inactive, currently maintained one is here. :) TY to Ainta for all the hard work so far!
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