[Outdated] Guide - Which gear can upgrade? (socket/tertiary stats/warforge)

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that’s not very pure f2p. Lol

Having level 60 friends isn't f2p? :(
Serious though, are you able to reset instance and keep legacy loot on without needing to regroup?

Group up with your level 60 "friend", both enters the instance, the level 60 friend exists instance, you now have legacy mode while alone in the dungeon. (Your level 60 friend can still stay in party so no need to ever regroup)
Wait, does legacy loot mode stay active after the 60 leaves the instance? I always get a message that says something like "Legacy loot mode disabled" when I leave the instance on the 60.

I could totally be wrong about this, but I have done several of these runs over the last few days and I'm sure I have seen that.
Wait, does legacy loot mode stay active after the 60 leaves the instance? I always get a message that says something like "Legacy loot mode disabled" when I leave the instance on the 60.

I could totally be wrong about this, but I have done several of these runs over the last few days and I'm sure I have seen that.

It gets removed for the 60, since u know... It's no longer in the instance.
But the instance itself is still in Legacy mode, which is why u wont see that message on your 20.
Oh shit, that is good to know. Thanks Homie!

Edit: That does indeed work, that will save me considerable time in the long run!
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Having level 60 friends isn't f2p? :(

Not much difference from a vet, did your 60 friends help you gather for gems/enchants too?

Not throwing stones, just dont see the point of f2play in the first place if a 60 is going to do the heavy lifting... why not just be vet and save the other few hours of effort gearing too via AH and mail? Boggles me to no end. :confused:

edit- just seems like saying "I ran across the US!!" when in reality you just jogged to the airport and hopped a flight...

Wait, does legacy loot mode stay active after the 60 leaves the instance?

Unfortunately.... things with mongo large loot tables would be way easier if you could get run thru the trash and then just have the normal class/spec loot for the boss. Sometimes legacy loot is a curse, IMO. :(
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After our last discussion I though I would collect some data on the % of items actually upgrading. Since then I've done 250 runs and looted 500 items from Rezan and here are the results:

Total Single Upgrades: 90 items have upgraded with only Socket or a Tertiary stat, or 18.00%.
Total Double Upgrades: 7 items have upgraded with both Socket and a Tertiary stat, or 1.40%.

Now we can go a bit more specific and loot at the individual type of upgrades:

41 items upgraded with only Socket, or 8.20%.
22 items upgraded with only Avoidance, or 4.40%.
13 items upgraded with only Speed, or 2.60%.
8 items upgraded with only Leech, or 1.60%.
6 items upgraded with only Indestructible, or 1.20%.
3 items upgraded with both Socket and Leech, or 0.60%.
2 items upgraded with both Socket and Indestructible, or 0.40%.
1 item upgraded with both Socket and Avoidance, or 0.20%.
1 item upgraded with both Socket and Speed, or 0.20%.

What we can see from this is that Socket is by far the most common upgrade and that getting a socket is almost as common as getting any of the Tertiary stat upgrades.

This data is by no means perfect since the sample size is very small, but I though it was better than nothing, I will update it once I get my Shield. I should also note that only 6 our of 8 of Rezan's drops can have Indestructible, which is why it's the rarest Tertiary stat.

PS: This test might only be true for BFA Dungeons, I have no idea if the upgrade chance is the same for other expansions or other drops.
Total Single Upgrades: 90 items have upgraded with only Socket or a Tertiary stat, or 18.00%.
Total Double Upgrades: 7 items have upgraded with both Socket and a Tertiary stat, or 1.40%.
I've always operated under the assumption/rough anecdotal estimate that any upgrade at all was a 5% chance and that therefor the chance of getting both was a .0025% chance? (i suck at calculating probabilities)

Seems like its actually much more common!
I've always operated under the assumption/rough anecdotal estimate that any upgrade at all was a 5% chance and that therefor the chance of getting both was a .0025% chance? (i suck at calculating probabilities)

Seems like its actually much more common!

I've always gone with 1 in 7 which would be 14%, so I was a bit off too
I will update it once I get my Shield

Okay, 3961 looted items later and the shield dropped so here are the updated numbers.

Total runs to get Shield with Socket + Speed was 3480. The stats below account for 1981 of those runs.

Total Single Upgrades: 707 items have upgraded with only Socket or a Tertiary stat, or 17.85%.
Total Double Upgrades: 51 items have upgraded with both Socket and a Tertiary stat, or 1.29%.

348 items upgraded with only Socket, or 8.79%.
109 items upgraded with only Leech, or 2.75%.
108 items upgraded with only Speed, or 2.73%.
84 items upgraded with only Avoidance, or 2.12%.
58 items upgraded with only Indestructible, or 1.46%.
19 items upgraded with both Socket and Leech, or 0.48%.
13 items upgraded with both Socket and Speed, or 0.33%.
12 item upgraded with both Socket and Avoidance, or 0.30%.
7 item upgraded with both Socket and Indestructible, or 0.18%.

edit: fixed error, accidently swapped the socket + indestructible and socket + speed stats
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Not sure if it's mentioned, but MOP dungeon drops can now proc 3rd stat. If OP is active, please update the first post of this great TLDR guide.
Okay, 3961 looted items later and the shield dropped so here are the updated numbers.


Total Double Upgrades: 51 items have upgraded with both Socket and a Tertiary stat, or 1.29%.

19 items upgraded with both Socket and Leech, or 0.48%.
13 items upgraded with both Socket and Speed, or 0.33%.
12 item upgraded with both Socket and Avoidance, or 0.30%.
7 item upgraded with both Socket and Indestructible, or 0.18%.

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Hello ,just signed up to post screenshot .I got extra socket proc for wastewalker helm from epoch hunter.Sorry if it's known already.


  • Screenshot_20230109-235202.png
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Does Someone know which ilvl the epic gear from epoch hunter has now?
The pants have 3 sockets on ilvl 87 this would be bis??
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