other twink brackets

Man I miss the 29-39-60-70 brackets. More of a toolkit to counter the disgustingly broken. Only so many times you can be subjected to the "skill" of an mm hunter using aimed shot to chunk more than 1/2 your health before you think "why am I playing this bracket"

Just looking at what some of the gimped classes/specs would receive if allowed to go to 29.

Hopefully DF fixes things, kinda doubt it though.
Yeah hunters are probably just getting buffed. The other insane spec (holy priest) got some colossal buffs. Prayer of mending, a second healing spell school (shadowmend) with a 10% less all dmg talent, possibly power infusion depending on how you spec, chastise with a stun component, possibly guardian angel if you want. Holy priest going to be like 2 x more OP than it already is. Pretty much expect the same for hunters.

As for other twink brackets you can party sync a 60 into the 51-59 bracket if you have 2 accounts or friends. Hunters still OP but it's not as bad.

Wotlk classic is coming soon. 70-79 xpoff should get games. 79 twinks and 70 bis trophy characters will be queuing.
majority of the people playing hunter now would just switch to the next strongest class if hunter does get nerfed anyway it’s just gonna be the same old story but we’ll have a new common enemy
majority of the people playing hunter now would just switch to the next strongest class if hunter does get nerfed anyway it’s just gonna be the same old story but we’ll have a new common enemy

i think this is the issue. It used to feel like we had more control of the think community, but that is long gone. There are just too many casual random hunter twinks that made characters specifically to duck shot up in 2 attacks. The ease and power of hunter was just too much to rein in.

Maybe something else idk but I think this brackets random ques are broken indefinitely because the twinkling community as a whole is broken indeffinately.

Gotta hold on to the parts that we can still influence I think. Arenas and premades, pve and farms and builds. It is time to let random que die (or the idea that it will be better at least.) but there are lots of things we can still have imo.
i think this is the issue. It used to feel like we had more control of the think community, but that is long gone. There are just too many casual random hunter twinks that made characters specifically to duck shot up in 2 attacks. The ease and power of hunter was just too much to rein in.

Maybe something else idk but I think this brackets random ques are broken indefinitely because the twinkling community as a whole is broken indeffinately.

Gotta hold on to the parts that we can still influence I think. Arenas and premades, pve and farms and builds. It is time to let random que die (or the idea that it will be better at least.) but there are lots of things we can still have imo.
Lots of retards right here playing hunter. No need to blame the randoms.
Tbh I wouldn’t mind an “OP” class as long as they were limited to maybe 2 on each team I think the match making for BGs could be done a lot better, queuing into 5/6 hunters just doesn’t feel good at all

I don’t know if it’s because there just isn’t enough healers playing or what but queuing into a BG with zero healers or 1 healer shouldn’t be possible either Teams should be relatively equal to one another in terms of how many dps/heal/tanks are on each team
Maybe something else idk but I think this brackets random ques are broken indefinitely because the twinkling community as a whole is broken indeffinately.
I understand (to a degree) the people who roll OP classes to be at the top of the damage board. There's a built in "reward" for that kind of behavior in the game, even if it is just seeing your name at the top of a list or having a few more HKs in your achievements pane.

Some people just wanna hop in discord, push some buttons and bullshit with their buddies. And running hunter/priest comps lets you do that without having to put too much thought into what buttons you're pushing. The game is secondary to the bantz. I also understand this impulse.

The people I dont understand are the people who roll OP classes not because winning is fun for them but because their fun is derived from making you lose. Or from knowing the community at large is frustrated/annoyed by how many people play the OP classes and they seek a sense of enjoyment from that.

It comes down to that old question of "why do you twink" and we have long tried to ignore that a not insignificant portion of the communities answer is and always has been "to annoy other people"
Remember MoP prot warriors? That was an interesting time.

Yeah I had socketed bracer / gloves on my prot for the extra armor pen (or was it str, can't remember). Think it was 2 k crit shield slams. Don't remember what expac but BM monk kegsmashing for 2 k aoe with vibroblade procs and then massive guard absorbs too.

Then I got banned for 3 days for using the 400 tailoring enchant on a heirloom cloak (only needed 1 tailoring for it to work) to get 1.8 k incinerates lol
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Mop prot warr & prot pala was 5.2 before the hunter resurgance in 5.3-5.4 and after the druid infestation and nothing could die of 5.0-5.1.

It was crazy times when hunter wasnt fotm.

Keg smash was like all of wod.
Remember MoP prot warriors? That was an interesting time.
I didn't twink at the time so no. I'm talking about from here on. Hunter is probably the worst class to be op imo. The fact that they can shoot while moving, can't be kited nor interrupted makes them OP by default.
Ye those classes were broken at Mop and Wod but I still remember not seeing 7 of them in the same match (in one faction) like hunters nowadays. You could still play whatever you like and kick ass if you were good.

alliance team from mop
mists ally.jpg

another alliance team from mists.
mists ally_copy.jpg

another another alliance team from mists
mists ally_copy_copy.jpg

a horde team from mists
mists horde.jpg

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