Ãude said:Well, back to the topic. Ordo gonna take the Wsg out, for sure. And Noo Don't Quit lvl 19, really want that Duel with u.
Noo said:Atm, it's 50/50 if I quit. I want to. Then I don't. If that makes sense? I might just take a break tbh. Find a decent realm. Xfer there or start my own Guild or something, I dunno^
Ãude said:Oh well, my advice is taking a break, we ll need that some times. Butbefore u transfer give me a ingame /w or mail, i really need that duel
But for gods sake don't, lvl Noo.
Hamcake said:What's going on with you guys? Haven't managed to spot any of you in arenas or WSG apart from that one time when you arrived here.
Many s
Enxon said:and that would be?
Noo said:Cyclone or Misery. Been to Cyclone, fun for a period of time. I want to go Misery though