Opinion on 70 WW Monks?


Leveling a monk and thinking about locking at 70 and going Windwalker..

Say fully geared like a feral druid? Double Glaives? Played to full potent? Is it viable?
Im not sure about patch 6.0 but monks aren't that great at 70 in patch 5.4. They get rekt so easy and are very squishy. On my sham as long as i don't get karma'd I pretty much one shot combo him every time.
Im not sure about patch 6.0 but monks aren't that great at 70 in patch 5.4. They get rekt so easy and are very squishy. On my sham as long as i don't get karma'd I pretty much one shot combo him every time.

Sorry but I don't believe that.. The heals are absurd as a druids rejuv and they have better cc than most classes.
If you can 1 shot a monk fully geared, you're saying you can 1 shot most classes in the bracket..
Ele shams can pretty much one shot combo every class depending on cds. But your gonna be finding your gonna be trying to heal yourself more then actually fighting. Just saying man. Also how many monks do you see 2k plus in 2s. Monks are cool no doubt having an new class with 70 sunwell gear and glaives, but you wont do that great as of right now.
Ele shams can pretty much one shot combo every class depending on cds. But your gonna be finding your gonna be trying to heal yourself more then actually fighting. Just saying man. Also how many monks do you see 2k plus in 2s. Monks are cool no doubt having an new class with 70 sunwell gear and glaives, but you wont do that great as of right now.

Well then that makes it easier to go for the "best 70 monk" title ;)
Well first off im 72 so I can't 2s. Second, when arenas were able to be 70-74, I would get shit on so hard. Like don't get me wrong there fun, but they are incredibly hard to play at 70 compared to most classes. I personally find them so god damn squishy and rely on getting crits. I haven't played a monk past this character here, but I think they need more abilites later on in levels to be good, because I do know they reck shit up at 90 right now. Also since I've had my shaman 70 shaman for a few months, I've seen a hand full of mist weaver monks and zero WW in 2s. Only time I see a WW monk is in goldshire doing duels.
WW Monks are at least 2.5k viable, perhaps higher if you get somewhat lucky with what you queue into I suppose.

Most specs are actually more viable than people would have you believe. The only specs that I truly think can't work in 2v2 arenas whatsoever are Fury Warriors, Enhancement Shaman, Frost DKs and Affliction Warlocks.
WW Monks are at least 2.5k viable, perhaps higher if you get somewhat lucky with what you queue into I suppose.

Most specs are actually more viable than people would have you believe. The only specs that I truly think can't work in 2v2 arenas whatsoever are Fury Warriors, Enhancement Shaman, Frost DKs and Affliction Warlocks.
Enhance shammies are super good, whathca talking about willis. Any class at 70 is viable to hit a high raiting if your a god-mode player, but realistically how many ww do you see queing???
Dadspancakes @ Blackrock - Community - World of Warcraft - My monk

I can assure you what the others have said is true, monks are very squishy. As WW I find myself ready to pop karma and/or fortifying brew any time I take damage. As you can see I am currently in BrM spec. BrM does decent damage, has a bubble against magic, provides bubbles for your team, has a charge, and has a spammable AOE slow (keg toss). BrM is more enjoyable to play in BG's imo, however it is useless in arenas.

The most fun spec to play for me is MW. In bg's you can toss out a ton of heals and you are about 10x more useful than you are while playing either of the other specs. I also like the combo of a disc priest and MW healing a team up...the priest's shields give you enough time to get renewing mists on 6+ people and enough chi to do a couple uplifts.

IMO you should go for it! 6.0 is a week or two away and EVERYTHING about the twink brackets are going to change. Monks on the PTR are almost identical to how they are on live so you won't have to readjust yourself to a new playstyle etc..

Good luck gearing and I hope to see you in some bgs!!

Edit: Grammar
Also i forgot to mention it will take you a very long time to hit full bis, my monk took like 1.5 months to hit almost full bis,depending on your luck that is.l
I always find that monks just get destroyed by rogues... the rogue has a crazy opener after all.

WW has a crazy amount of options though and you barely miss out on any abilities compared to like a lvl 90!

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