Im not sure about patch 6.0 but monks aren't that great at 70 in patch 5.4. They get rekt so easy and are very squishy. On my sham as long as i don't get karma'd I pretty much one shot combo him every time.
Ele shams can pretty much one shot combo every class depending on cds. But your gonna be finding your gonna be trying to heal yourself more then actually fighting. Just saying man. Also how many monks do you see 2k plus in 2s. Monks are cool no doubt having an new class with 70 sunwell gear and glaives, but you wont do that great as of right now.
Heeling @ Whisperwind - Community - World of Warcraft this is my monk, and I still get shrekt by 70s, with having 226 axes and goggles.
Enhance shammies are super good, whathca talking about willis. Any class at 70 is viable to hit a high raiting if your a god-mode player, but realistically how many ww do you see queing???WW Monks are at least 2.5k viable, perhaps higher if you get somewhat lucky with what you queue into I suppose.
Most specs are actually more viable than people would have you believe. The only specs that I truly think can't work in 2v2 arenas whatsoever are Fury Warriors, Enhancement Shaman, Frost DKs and Affliction Warlocks.