EU+US One thing US and EU can agree on

Without Europness Murica would not have been Murica and you would have been a baby of a real murican and yall be smoking peace pipes infront of your wigwams and tepees making bonfires to roast some buffalos and use their hides as clothes. It would have been hard to defeat the USSR with bows and arrows.

Um, not really. IF somehow no European country managed to either discover and/or colonize the Americas between 1492 and now, I think it is pretty safe to assume that an Asian nation would have. The technological gap and germs of the Old World would have made it's way across the Pacific and ultimately ended in a similar outcome for the native population. Considering that gunpowder was used during the Tang dynasty in China (618 - 907AD), I think it's also pretty safe to say that this hypothetical non-European America would more than likely not be using bows and arrows in a twentieth century conflict.

When is this thread moving to General? :p

Maan, what's going on in USA right now is prob worse than whole EU becoming sharia nation. No way around it.
Maan, what's going on in USA right now is prob worse than whole EU becoming sharia nation. No way around it.

I take it you don't know what sharia law is lol
Why are all you americans so obsessed with comparing countries etc? Is the Trumpyness getting to your heads?
Bark all you want America is the ONLY country that has been to all the planets in our system and is the ONLY country with their flag on the MOON.
Bark all you want America is the ONLY country that has been to all the planets in our system and is the ONLY country with their flag on the MOON.
imo that is an actual feat to be proud of, and I hope they keep up the exploration of the universe
Bark all you want America is the ONLY country that has been to all the planets in our system and is the ONLY country with their flag on the MOON.
I mean USA only been to Mars that's not all the planets lol but ye we Gucci
We all know that muricans going to the moon and mars was a hoax.
R1 conspiracy theorist right here, is tupac and Osama chillin on a beach in cuba rn, tell us who did 911, is Hilary the anti Christ? Tell us oh great one
R1 conspiracy theorist right here, is tupac and Osama chillin on a beach in cuba rn, tell us who did 911, is Hilary the anti Christ? Tell us oh great one
You simply have been lied to. And they had to, to make you believe the dollars were spent the right way. Blame NASA back in the 60s for having a dream they couldn't make reality and had to find solutions.

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