Once you went twink how did you ever go back to a max level toon?


I've had the same main for 20+ years now. Arms Warrior. Even when Fury was (and often is) kicking Arms ass, Ive always stuck with Arms.
2k+ io virtually every season, AOTC every raid tier, hell when I used to PvP I even hit 2200 in 3s which is where my elite pvp xmog comes from.
I dont point those out to flex (OK maybe a little bit) but more so to show I was invested heavily in that toon and that toon alone.

Then MoP remix came along, and although my 1st toon in MoP remix was an Arms warrior, it just felt weak.
So I mained a mage in MoP remix and leveled up a bunch of other 70s cause that was the easiest way to farm the currency for mounts and transmogs.

I think MoP remix broke me. Starting TWW I got my warrior to 80, but the run speed was gone, the nuking mobs was gone, running simple heroics at the start of the expansion was painful. The new abilities for the class were just meh, I just wasnt feeling it and barely played for a while there.

Then..... I'm in a TW dungeon and a twink completely blew my dick off. So I fell deep into the twink rabbit hole. Started with absolute shit gear of course and had no clue what I was doing, even accidentally dinged 12, TWICE, and had to keep starting over. Ran into @Kastafall on his 11 warr while Im on my 11 warr and inspect his gear and hes all gemmed to the fucking teeth and im in fucking greens so anyway we talk for a bit, he tells me about this site (yup hes to blame) and so I go full on farming gear and here we are.

So now that I've got most of what I want and there isnt a ton left to do on this toon, not to mention eventually TW will be a once a month activity again, Ive started trying to play my main again.

And it jsut feels.......... so fucking weak. ILVL is only like 611 and I have not crafted anything this expansion or upgraded a single item, so its my fault that it feels so limp dick, but I shouldnt have to force myself to want to play a character. I hate it every second im on it.

So TLDR how do you guys go back to a normal max level toon after being a god playing geared out twinks?
I have a few 80s but they're all ilvl600ish, the island gear. I did end game grind through LK.. arenas, BGs were still hot, ques were short and you could level in them.
For me that was the golden era of wow.

Once world PVP died I kind of became "meh" about it. Maybe I need to go play classic lol
Great story. Thanks for sharing. I play both, we finished raiding and pushing M+ about two months ago so i have been enjoying twinking with this 24/7 tw. But a new patch is dropping so I will back on my 80's progressing again.
With your main i wouldn't worry about it too much until the patch drops because the ilvl of everything will jump and be easy to get. Arms is really strong on the PTR, if they don't catch any nerfs in the next week they will be really good.

Oh, and by the way, 611 is really weak :)
I only use end game content for gold making and it's not even necessary for that purpose. Guess the best tip is to find a niche that sparks your interest and do that, iirc on another post you did a bunch of weapon testing, maybe you can find another class to twink with and start experimenting with that one. In my experience fury is fun but I've been having much more fun gearing other classes and trying to understand how they function and what's good or not for each. Especially at 20 where there is more nuance to the classes than just 1 ability spam for 90% of the time and especially the weakest ones, even tho shaman is so fun. Or if you want to stick to 10/11 and like the feeling of being powerful resto druid is incredibly strong, probably faster than a fury in some cases, less huge pulls because survivability isn't as much without lifestealing but you absolutely destroy everything in the way and I feel like it's less brain dead gameplay than warrior.
My reason is similar to Flux and Derpy's. I don't play max-level as my main, but when I do it's specifically to aquire things I can use at 20, whether that be toys, tmogs, or utility items. I've actually been spending some of my saved up gold because other than for setting up my 20s it does me no good.

I'll echo what others have said in that it doesn't feel like the same game at low-level. Some players, especially those who haven't tried this, can struggle seeing the point in anything below max. But everything you do at max feels weaker than low-level, and access to raids and the required sub isn't personally worth it for me. So for me I doubt there's any going back to playing the way I used to.
i find twinks very boring tbh. i love making them, but once you get all the gear you wanted, you find yourself in the "wtf am i suppose to do now" type of situation.
It would be so much better if there werent separate Queues for PvP. (XP on / off)
If you were a leveler and in PvP youd have only been in that bracket for like 2 hours anyway so whyyyyyyyyy separate them /cry
It would be so much better if there werent separate Queues for PvP. (XP on / off)
If you were a leveler and in PvP youd have only been in that bracket for like 2 hours anyway so whyyyyyyyyy separate them /cry
I really appreciated that change to Classic twink queues.

I would absolutely DIE for a similar change on retail. Do exp-on queues even pop?

Unfortunately, like you said, leveling is SO fast now. It killed the 10-14 bracket on Cata a month after launch because everyone that rerolled new characters instantly out-leveled the bracket from like 1 or 2 bg wins (without talking about the exp exploit that caused day1 cata prepatch WSG caps to give 10+ levels worth of exp).
There is a bunch of big brains in this bracket. Some of the nuttiest theory crafting I have seen. Aka (Zazzyfraz/Paigexd). It's very appealing to see people like them run around with all these items that make me go "wtf, how does this guy have this." I believe this is what a lot of people are chasing. It's abnormal. And people like the strangeness. I remember back in the day entering a battleground and instantly inspecting people to see what they had. I don't do this at the higher levels, only ever in the lower brackets. Even before I was commited to twinking. Maybe its more of a challenge than end game to some. Maybe people rather gear a 20 because some of the pieces are actually harder to obtain then end game. Getting a speed proc on an item with sockets is more thrilling at lower levels than end game oddly enough. End game is very much cookie cutter. I have seen a-lot of obscure builds in the lower level game play that make it a far more rewarding to min and max. I have done 2400 arena in 3's battleground blitz at a high MMR, Multi Glad in TBC before achievements were a thing. I have raided in mythic + both in raids and LFG. AoC achievements, cutting edge achievements, legendaries, rare tmog, you name it. I have explored every nook and cranny most would say. Almost 23k achievement points, and I have been playing on and off since launch. I can tell you that while I dont currently play twinks I do miss it every day I log on.
I play pretty much every aspect of the game, from tiwnking to max lvl. I pay a sub so I might as wel get my monies worth. For max lvl these days I usually set myself goals/playstyles. For example during dragonflights final season I played a range only surv hunter at max lvl to see ow many ppl I could out dps. This season I am have only done delves to see what kind of gear/ilvl/dps I could get up to as a mage since its the newest feature.

Next season I am thinking of doing a ranged only enh shaman at max lvl with raid finder only lvl gear. For me it's all about finding interesting things/goals to do just like with my twinks to be honest.
There is a bunch of big brains in this bracket. Some of the nuttiest theory crafting I have seen. Aka (Zazzyfraz/Paigexd). It's very appealing to see people like them run around with all these items that make me go "wtf, how does this guy have this." I believe this is what a lot of people are chasing. It's abnormal. And people like the strangeness. I remember back in the day entering a battleground and instantly inspecting people to see what they had. I don't do this at the higher levels, only ever in the lower brackets. Even before I was commited to twinking. Maybe its more of a challenge than end game to some. Maybe people rather gear a 20 because some of the pieces are actually harder to obtain then end game. Getting a speed proc on an item with sockets is more thrilling at lower levels than end game oddly enough. End game is very much cookie cutter. I have seen a-lot of obscure builds in the lower level game play that make it a far more rewarding to min and max. I have done 2400 arena in 3's battleground blitz at a high MMR, Multi Glad in TBC before achievements were a thing. I have raided in mythic + both in raids and LFG. AoC achievements, cutting edge achievements, legendaries, rare tmog, you name it. I have explored every nook and cranny most would say. Almost 23k achievement points, and I have been playing on and off since launch. I can tell you that while I dont currently play twinks I do miss it every day I log on.
I think twinking scratches the itch that playing a hybrid/off spec used to do back in the day, when it was still possible; but instead of min-maxing around a specific level it was min-maxing around a concept instead.

The most well known ones of course being shaman or rogue tanking waaay back in the day. Course also had the Shockadins (DPS Holy Pallies) or people playing melee hunter before it was turned into Survival. Course the people who did their best to make pally and hunter tanking viable even earlier in the game.

For my part I put together a retribution pally that could heal, was about to output 70% of the DPSers and 70% of the HPS of the healers; which was quite helpful in a lot of raiding situations. I also put together a tank mage back during the TBC days, and tanked all of the dungeons (always had my actual tank in reserve if my attempt went south). Was fun solving the dual problem of having enough resilience to get rid of crits, collecting dodge gear that I could use, while keeping a high enough damage so could maintain threat.

Max level has been auto-solved for the longest time it seems: Use the highest ilvl item, the end.
I've had the same main for 20+ years now. Arms Warrior. Even when Fury was (and often is) kicking Arms ass, Ive always stuck with Arms.
2k+ io virtually every season, AOTC every raid tier, hell when I used to PvP I even hit 2200 in 3s which is where my elite pvp xmog comes from.
I dont point those out to flex (OK maybe a little bit) but more so to show I was invested heavily in that toon and that toon alone.

Then MoP remix came along, and although my 1st toon in MoP remix was an Arms warrior, it just felt weak.
So I mained a mage in MoP remix and leveled up a bunch of other 70s cause that was the easiest way to farm the currency for mounts and transmogs.

I think MoP remix broke me. Starting TWW I got my warrior to 80, but the run speed was gone, the nuking mobs was gone, running simple heroics at the start of the expansion was painful. The new abilities for the class were just meh, I just wasnt feeling it and barely played for a while there.

Then..... I'm in a TW dungeon and a twink completely blew my dick off. So I fell deep into the twink rabbit hole. Started with absolute shit gear of course and had no clue what I was doing, even accidentally dinged 12, TWICE, and had to keep starting over. Ran into @Kastafall on his 11 warr while Im on my 11 warr and inspect his gear and hes all gemmed to the fucking teeth and im in fucking greens so anyway we talk for a bit, he tells me about this site (yup hes to blame) and so I go full on farming gear and here we are.

So now that I've got most of what I want and there isnt a ton left to do on this toon, not to mention eventually TW will be a once a month activity again, Ive started trying to play my main again.

And it jsut feels.......... so fucking weak. ILVL is only like 611 and I have not crafted anything this expansion or upgraded a single item, so its my fault that it feels so limp dick, but I shouldnt have to force myself to want to play a character. I hate it every second im on it.

So TLDR how do you guys go back to a normal max level toon after being a god playing geared out twinks?
this is very much me lol.
i was f2p in df cause of irl issues and had a level 20 that i played in half WOD purples and queued bgs to get rekt by 29s and funny enough I was never exposed to the word 'twink'. i was doing it (kinda, i had stamina gems in my warfroged socket slots LOL) but I didn't realize there was an actual community who played lower levels, was just doing it for funsies and seeing how far I can push the game being completely f2p. I was just questing and doing stuff. it was also on a brand new account cause I had lost access to my main at the time.
Then started properly twinking in early november. Was running ur avg ilev 56 level 10 monk before i met someone who gave me a run down of gems and stuff, handed me beti's guide, the usual conversion into a cultist process etc. 3 days later I knew 25% rule, gemming, bis gear list, beti's guide all memorized and started bising a 11 fury warrior. then turns out i had locked at 29% instead of 25 which pissed me off so much I took a break from twinking for almost week since i had probably spent like 200 hours on that warrior lmao. Messing up that fury warrior was however the best thing that ever happened to me as it dug me out of 'fury warrior zug zug' phase and started having me explore varieties and now i have geared every class at 11-13 except dk and evoker.

With no tw i still chase bis on twinks but I also started undermine again and my 11 years old warrior feels so damn slow. How could I ever move without 49% speed smh. I'm like 610 (all from tw never stepped foot into a mythic dungeon higher than +2 since i was a casual cosmetic hunter from MOP to shadowlands). Probably still gonna spend more time on twinking than on my main. I just don't enjoy end game anymore. Might just play wow less in general though now without having to grind trinkets in tw.
I've had the same main for 20+ years now. Arms Warrior. Even when Fury was (and often is) kicking Arms ass, Ive always stuck with Arms.
2k+ io virtually every season, AOTC every raid tier, hell when I used to PvP I even hit 2200 in 3s which is where my elite pvp xmog comes from.
I dont point those out to flex (OK maybe a little bit) but more so to show I was invested heavily in that toon and that toon alone.

Then MoP remix came along, and although my 1st toon in MoP remix was an Arms warrior, it just felt weak.
So I mained a mage in MoP remix and leveled up a bunch of other 70s cause that was the easiest way to farm the currency for mounts and transmogs.

I think MoP remix broke me. Starting TWW I got my warrior to 80, but the run speed was gone, the nuking mobs was gone, running simple heroics at the start of the expansion was painful. The new abilities for the class were just meh, I just wasnt feeling it and barely played for a while there.

Then..... I'm in a TW dungeon and a twink completely blew my dick off. So I fell deep into the twink rabbit hole. Started with absolute shit gear of course and had no clue what I was doing, even accidentally dinged 12, TWICE, and had to keep starting over. Ran into @Kastafall on his 11 warr while Im on my 11 warr and inspect his gear and hes all gemmed to the fucking teeth and im in fucking greens so anyway we talk for a bit, he tells me about this site (yup hes to blame) and so I go full on farming gear and here we are.

So now that I've got most of what I want and there isnt a ton left to do on this toon, not to mention eventually TW will be a once a month activity again, Ive started trying to play my main again.

And it jsut feels.......... so fucking weak. ILVL is only like 611 and I have not crafted anything this expansion or upgraded a single item, so its my fault that it feels so limp dick, but I shouldnt have to force myself to want to play a character. I hate it every second im on it.

So TLDR how do you guys go back to a normal max level toon after being a god playing geared out twinks?
i hit that wall in LK. raiding is boring, dependent on chance and the success of others to profit, the actual fights are formulaic and repetitive. i did some lowbie pvp, met a pvper and 100% of gametime since has been 19s or higher lvl content in support of same. with the gross imbalance of the last few xpacs i even quit paying and playing altogether. gankdruids are garbage and im not paying to be farmed by some fuchtard

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