MoP Remix is the best event/LTM Blizzard has ever made and it's not even close. It was fun. I too levelled a bunch of 70s by boosting with my own 20 Holy Priest twink. I did of course run out of things to do and I refused to farm all the raid tiers for all the unique mogs, particularly the LFR-specific tmogs. But I certainly bought everything you can buy with Bronze. And being a 476 was fun.Then MoP remix came along, and although my 1st toon in MoP remix was an Arms warrior, it just felt weak.
So I mained a mage in MoP remix and leveled up a bunch of other 70s cause that was the easiest way to farm the currency for mounts and transmogs.
IMHO that's not just Remix. I think TWW is objectively bad. Pretty much everything is worse than it was in DF. Blizzard killed the entire TW gear community and replaced it with 10/11 twinks. It used to be fun to farm out a TW gear set that might make you do a bit more damage.I think MoP remix broke me. Starting TWW I got my warrior to 80, but the run speed was gone, the nuking mobs was gone, running simple heroics at the start of the expansion was painful. The new abilities for the class were just meh, I just wasnt feeling it and barely played for a while there.
Get in a TW group with 5 75-79s and you realize just how bad the scaling in TWW is. Everything feels awful and takes too long. The TWW events are worse than the DF events (eg feast, Dreamsurge, ED weeklies).
I did level a bunch of 70s in the TWW prepatch as well because it was so easy. I'd 2-box on a 2-man mount and just fly between objectives.
But honestly, WoW has been a Remix waiting room since MoP Remix was ended. It seems like 11.2 will be Legion Remix. It's like the worst kept secret at this point. Hopefully, Blizzard doesn't kill it trying to make it "balanced". My biggest problem is I'm out of character slots for new alts.
All I've really done on TWW is level 80s to run Comp Stomp to farm Marks of Honor to buy mogs.
I have had zero interest in the "endgame" hamster wheel of seasonal content.So TLDR how do you guys go back to a normal max level toon after being a god playing geared out twinks?