On a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy playing WoW?


Lets be honest there are times when we hate WoW and love WoW. For you, is it a game you enjoy playing all the time, or are you convincing yourself you enjoy it because you are addicted to WoW. Would love to hear everyone's opinion.

For me personally, i have a really addictive personality, if it's Girls, Game's, Drugs, W/E i take it to the extreme. I do admit i am addicted to WoW and sometime's it makes me really depressed how much time i spend wasting away at a screen when the real world is out there. But a lot of the time i do really enjoy the game and the friends i have got from it.

Share your opinions, i genuinely am interested to see what a lot of people i play with on a daily basis feel about the game.

for me... 7/10
6/10 overall as f2p, cuz i miss p2p perks
Sigh, another dumb thread that will be gone in 2 days, buried deep beneath the layer of new threads made by the OP
5/10 - I am only amused when games pop. I really have to stop logging in when there is nothing to do.
6/10 - I should be doing better things with my time.
I've been playing WoW since vanilla and I've taken breaks for a few months every now and then, so no, I don't consider myself addicted to it. I play WoW because I enjoy it and because my accounts has big sentimental values to me
Edit: just did another bg.

I now change current F2p game experience to

Keep us posted whenever u finish a bg :p

OT -
game exp -> 5/10
"old" US AP community -> 8/10 (would be 10/10 if I didn't witness the most stupid moment in all of my WoW history - "oh you are fishing in MY pools and I chase the stupid 10 point achievement. Stop it now or you will be kicked for eternity from channel!")
US AP community before 5.0 -> 3/10
EU Agg community post 5.0 -> 9/10
24's premades -> 0/10
8/10, Everytime I start to get bored, Something happens that makes me wanna play again
Yeah, game is pretty much 10/10 but all the retarded denouncespamming paladins, the resto specced feral geared droods, the reroll prot warriors - all the faceroll LOLIMSOGUDLOOKMOMNOHANDS chars i see in this community really puts the sadhat on my head - so community 3.141592/10.

Edit; Im slightly mad atm - playing this beauty is not all fun and games.
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I usually play whenever I have absolutely nothing to do. Friends/family, school, work, and homework are my priorities and whenever I need a break, I use WoW.
Therefore, 9/10.
Cataclysm>MoP though.

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