US Old school retail 19s

you say i dont know anything about the old twinks i dont want to argue here but you dont know anything about the modern bracket as of now. no class 1 shots anyone now its not like that it may have not been what it used to be when you played but twinks arent a 1 shot type of deal now. you should give it a shot before you shoot it down saying you think its not real twinking or something like that isnt so great to say people love twinking now a days

Like i stated previously. I can log on my fully geared 19 rogue right now and duel another fully geared 19 rogue and the duel would end in less than 25 seconds if that. That's not what the 19 bracket is about, sure the team play maye have increased but back then we didn't have the option to war game. We scheduled premades and 20 people met up and we had fun. the overall structure of 19s is better but once again the gameplay is so lacking it's not even funny/ you judged the skill of a 19 back then on how hard it was to kill them. Here's a example, i logged on my 19 rogue and qued a skirmish a few months back just to see if i could get into this. I dueled a rogue who sapped me and killed me with a double ambush ( from shadowmeld ). Sorry but that's HORRIBLE.
Like i stated previously. I can log on my fully geared 19 rogue right now and duel another fully geared 19 rogue and the duel would end in less than 25 seconds if that. That's not what the 19 bracket is about, sure the team play maye have increased but back then we didn't have the option to war game. We scheduled premades and 20 people met up and we had fun. the overall structure of 19s is better but once again the gameplay is so lacking it's not even funny/ you judged the skill of a 19 back then on how hard it was to kill them. Here's a example, i logged on my 19 rogue and qued a skirmish a few months back just to see if i could get into this. I dueled a rogue who sapped me and killed me with a double ambush ( from shadowmeld ). Sorry but that's HORRIBLE.
throw some more stam on pop evasion and try your best thats what the game is now
Yeah you guys were #1 for sure, i literally quit like 2 weeks before release of cata and came back maybe a little more than 6 months ago. Glad I can look back on the good old days

edit: yeah the 10v10 days of 5/5 D/O, or 6/4 D/O vice versa
The entire argument here is " that's what the game is now " is completely awful. Popping evasion doesn't stop you from getting hit in the back and more or less two shotted in a GCD. I think you may want to research a little.
Yeah you guys were #1 for sure, i literally quit like 2 weeks before release of cata and came back maybe a little more than 6 months ago. Glad I can look back on the good old days

edit: yeah the 10v10 days of 5/5 D/O, or 6/4 D/O vice versa

In our battlegroup we were but there were other horde guilds that were really good as well who i never had the chance to play against.
In our battlegroup we were but there were other horde guilds that were really good as well who i never had the chance to play against.
Yeah I never ventured out into other battlegroups besides retaliation and I went to play with <border patrol> but i felt like ruin would always be #1 and back then you couldn't do horde v horde premades.

i remember having to be in vent calls with other gleads and counting down to queue up.
Yeah I never ventured out into other battlegroups besides retaliation and I went to play with <border patrol> but i felt like ruin would always be #1 and back then you couldn't do horde v horde premades.

i remember having to be in vent calls with other gleads and counting down to queue up.

Literally will always be the best memory in my gaming " Career "
I played against him a few times and he was great. But if i were to pick my personal choice for best FC i've ever faced it would be Dumb from Dragonmaw.
Dumb literally made me rage every game i played against him.

Druid. Gaaz
Warrior. Realek \ Rick
Rogue. Golfer ( Best rogue i've ever dueled. Hellsoldier from Dmaw )
Priest. Beaux, Whinke, and Kp
Shaman. Dirtyauction i guess even though he was a cunt lol.
Warlock. Virtual was pretty good and i heard Maniack or something was good but i never got to play him.
Hunter. Kitemonster
Mage. Fleas / Ctrlaltsheep
Paladin. Zaxie as a dueling pally and overall player along with mentions like Dumb.. imaseaturtle.. healbotz
That list changes on private servers though. Some private server dudes are just as good as anyone i played on retail. although most of these things are hosted on euro servers and they get 28 ms while i get about 200 lol.
the reason i like these xpacs because unlike before wrath it was twinks 1 shotting ppl lvling through bgs which was a boring not so fun thing to do. The xpacs now show great competitiveness against other twinks

Well, xp locked BG's did appear near patch 3.2.. The same patch where they did remove every high enchants (libram, shoulders enchants, ...). There was 2 kind of twinks back in the past. The one who liked to kill some grey in WSG's and the one who sticked on twinkinfo & were looking for some challenge & shit. So saying twinks back in the past was all about greykilling is false.. Because WoTLK did saw their first own twink bg's.

you say i dont know anything about the old twinks i dont want to argue here but you dont know anything about the modern bracket as of now. no class 1 shots anyone now its not like that it may have not been what it used to be when you played but twinks arent a 1 shot type of deal now. you should give it a shot before you shoot it down saying you think its not real twinking or something like that isnt so great to say people love twinking now a days

Hmh.. I'ill list some challenge from some class who were cheat thro the last 3 expansions

Cataclysm :

Paladin ; Stunt, spam exo -400 kkthxbye
Rogue ; Ambush, shadowmeld ambush kkthxbye
War (with a healer); - 400 auto attack - 400 spell - 1200 execute kkthxbye

MoP ; Feral Hi kkthxbye -1000 (1800 hp)
Rogue ; Ambush, shadowmeld Ambush

WoD : Feral hi kkthxbye -3000
Boomkin: dot 50 yards kkthxbye

I do not judge just throwing some true facts that some class were superior to other. Like Hired did say himself too, those 3 expansion were great because twink did learn to play in team (w/ wargames, plebmade & shit) But the overall skill decreased and cannot be compared to previous xpac
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Well, xp locked BG's did appear near patch 3.2.. The same patch where they did remove every high enchants (libram, shoulders enchants, ...). There was 2 kind of twinks back in the past. The one who liked to kill some grey in WSG's and the one who sticked on twinkinfo & were looking for some challenge & shit. So saying twinks back in the past was all about greykilling is false.. Because WoTLK did saw their first own twink bg's.

Hmh.. I'ill list some challenge from some class who were cheat thro the last 3 expansions

Cataclysm :

Paladin ; Stunt, spam exo -400 kkthxbye
Rogue ; Ambush, shadowmeld ambush kkthxbye
War (with a healer); - 400 auto attack - 400 spell - 1200 execute kkthxbye

MoP ; Feral Hi kkthxbye -1000 (1800 hp)
Rogue ; Ambush, shadowmeld Ambush

WoD : Feral hi kkthxbye -3000
Boomkin: dot 50 yards kkthxbye

I do not judge just throwing some true facts that some class were superior to other. Like Hired did himself too, those 3 expansion were great because twink did learn to play in team (w/ wargames, plebmade & shit) But the overall skill decreased and cannot be compared to previous xpac

Didn't most people ban feral druids from any form of competitive twinking? If so that literally says everything we need to know about the last 3 expansions.. lol
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this post made me go log over to some old characters…damn do I miss this times. plus some of these old players

If your the most active member you can become GM, might be some cool stuff in the G bank

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