Old Hellscream/Kul Tiras 19's


Old School
Are there any old hellscream/kul tiras twinks left here? if so, please contact me:;) (by old i mean vanilla/TBC/first patch of wotlk),
yeah, my next thread is going to be named "is hurrx really this stupid", because i didnt want to see if i could meet up with old friends again, i just wanted to boost my image infront of newfags.
yeah, my next thread is going to be named "is hurrx really this stupid", because i didnt want to see if i could meet up with old friends again, i just wanted to boost my image infront of newfags.

Oh no you didnt'
inb4 mocha... vengeance 05 here but for 29s. Mazerati had some characters on KT back in the day he still lurks around here.
Now again, you came here and ruined the thread... the thread was about me trying to find some old friends, not scumbags flaming on me, ty... yeah some of you are really trying to make it a good thread, but people usually ruin em;/
I find it really sad that people like Hurrx have to come here with some stupid comments, if the thread doesnt intrest you, dont bother to comment...
I find it really sad that people like Hurrx have to come here with some stupid comments, if the thread doesnt intrest you, dont bother to comment...

i find it sad that you had to double post to bring some drama to your thread, i find it sad you was bragging to some random 500hp rogue about your private title, i find it sad that every guild you join no one likes you, i find it sad that you make me sad. but thats just me i find things sad. :cool:

edit: i find it sad you only have 1800 hk's, i find it sad you have 65 mining on a rogue. damn this is a sad thread :'(
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i find it sad that you had to double post to bring some drama to your thread, i find it sad you was bragging to some random 500hp rogue about your private title, i find it sad that every guild you join no one likes you, i find it sad that you make me sad. but thats just me i find things sad. :cool:

edit: i find it sad you only have 1800 hk's, i find it sad you have 65 mining on a rogue. damn this is a sad thread :'(

oh god, one more moron, you have no idea of what you are talking about, but keep up the badassery.
oh god, one more moron, you have no idea of what you are talking about, but keep up the badassery.

i have no idea? the proof's in your armory, your just one more shs @50% rogue that will never be seen again as soon as rogues get nerfed in mop, fact. O/

btw, why did you put a +8 armor kit on your legs? i know its not game breaking, but its not exactly a weeks grind to get a +16 one.
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People think they're cool when they do that Pump. The biggest joke is, this whole Twinkinfo community actually thinks they are cool, because of that.

Twinkinfo is just a bunch of morons mate, you'll be glad to meet someone normal down here. Unfortunately for you, I don't remember anyone from Hellscream or Kul'Tiras.
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i have no idea? the proof's in your armory, your just one more shs @50% rogue that will never be seen again as soon as rogues get nerfed in mop, fact. O/

btw, why did you put a +8 armor kit on your legs? i know its not game breaking, but its not exactly a weeks grind to get a +16 one.

Listen you idiot, he never said he was a pro like you probably spread around all the time about yourself. He doesn't give a fuck about 8 armor or how good he is, he never even said anything about that subject in the first place. He just wants to know if there's anyone still around here that was originally from Hellscream/Kul'Tiras. And if you don't have anything useful to say about that, you're not supposed to comment. I guess you're dumb as5 brain doesn't realize that. Now fuck off.
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I am on hellscream. I started in vanilla. Didnt start to twink until BC. Rantcasey and Jameshowlet.
i have no idea? the proof's in your armory, your just one more shs @50% rogue that will never be seen again as soon as rogues get nerfed in mop, fact. O/

btw, why did you put a +8 armor kit on your legs? i know its not game breaking, but its not exactly a weeks grind to get a +16 one.
i could explain it to you, but i wont go down to your level... good luck on my TI ignore list.
edit: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/aszune/Sainttwink/statistic#21:153 you're really "pro", 1017 WSGs played: 2 flags returned...
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