Old Hellscream/Kul Tiras 19's

i could explain it to you, but i wont go down to your level... good luck on my TI ignore list.
edit: Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft you're really "pro", 1017 WSGs played: 2 flags returned...

He can't return when we have returners at the speed of light such as lejn zimt hurrx and myself. Flag returns on a priest means nothing, and the fact your using that agaisnt someone shows your the moron here.
Lol pump. 60 wsg and only 1 capture and 12 yes only 12 returns as rogue. And you try to bitch on a priest armory. Haha made my day
Some day EU will get on the level of US light speed scrollers.

Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

178 games; 502 returns.

Where did i say anything about return ratio other than on a priest? I said fastest returns. You really need to stop coming into these threads and making yourself look like a moron. Some day US will get on the level of EU intelligence. jk
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Ah that's too bad, would have liked to see it. I guess I can search it. Thanks!

It was never accurate as it didnt include returns before it was introduced in Wrath.
i could explain it to you, but i wont go down to your level... good luck on my TI ignore list.
edit: Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft you're really "pro", 1017 WSGs played: 2 flags returned...

my job aint returning flags, its healing fc's, but i'll tell you the same as the last guy who tried that troll 1v1 any time you feel like it.

Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

boomkin i been working on, hit lvl10 about a week ago if you check, yet i managed to get the right chants and finish proffs, and get more kills and cap more flags than you :p

only reason i said anything is, in a game a few nights ago you was trolling a guy who is ten times the player you are because he dont have a SF, cuz tbh idgaf about stats.

stay small <3

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