Help with Feral Druid


Hi guys,

I'm new to the 24 bracket but not to twinking. I had several twinks during the Burning Crusade era, then I quit. Recently, I got resurrected and realized that twinking was one of the main reasons I kept playing, so I've decided I want to get back into it.

I've run into some problems when building my twink. I understand that the heirlooms are the number one priority, and I've been working to get them, but there are some other slots where I was wondering what the best item was. Those slots are: ring, leggings, belt. I know petrolspill leggings are ideal, but I play on a low pop realm and have yet to see them in the month since I've been back.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know. My character is below-
Buckinbronco @ Drak'Tharon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Cloak: Consider getting a Parachute Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft as it is situationally better.

Leggings: I think you have the best available before you get your hands on Petrolspill Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft (I got lucky and bought a pair for 40g I think it was a few days ago)

Belt: I think a 5/5/5 bandit belt is slightly better

Trinket: You can buy a Rune of Perfection - Item - World of Warcraft for 20 honor points until you get a better one (you're not going engineering, so I'm guessing you will want an AGM eventually)

Enchants: You probably want to go for 4 stats chest, 9 sta bracer, 25 agi 2H, 15 agi gloves, 7 agi boots and stealth to your cloak. You could also consider getting extra boots and gloves for different enchants. The parachute cloak can be enchanted with 12 agi for example due to its Ilvl.
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If you ever like to Premade with us . We bring real Ids into our groups. Welcome back

Thank you for the offer, and I'll take you up on it. I'll PM you my Real ID

Cloak: Consider getting a Parachute Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft as it is situationally better.

Leggings: I think you have the best available before you get your hands on Petrolspill Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft (I got lucky and bought a pair for 40g I think it was a few days ago)

Belt: I think a 5/5/5 bandit belt is slightly better

Trinket: You can buy a Rune of Perfection - Item - World of Warcraft for 20 honor points until you get a better one (you're not going engineering, so I'm guessing you will want an AGM eventually)

Enchants: You probably want to go for 4 stats chest, 9 sta bracer, 25 agi 2H, 15 agi gloves, 7 agi boots and stealth to your cloak. You could also consider getting extra boots and gloves for different enchants. The parachute cloak can be enchanted with 12 agi for example due to its Ilvl.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've been working on running to gear but I've gotten cloaks instead of belts for the past 8 runs. Is there any way to increase the odds of getting a belt?

I've been doing Gurubahsi arenas and have 4 of the trinkets necessary of the 12.

I'm going to think about the engineering as a profession, I feel like it'd be a pain in the butt to level and I'm also not sure how much it'd be (im guessing a few hundred gold)

Keep the suggestions coming if you got anymore.
24 feral druid same build as rogue.....substitute BOA mace for for daggers
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been doing Gurubahsi arenas and have 4 of the trinkets necessary of the 12.

I'm going to think about the engineering as a profession, I feel like it'd be a pain in the butt to level and I'm also not sure how much it'd be (im guessing a few hundred gold)

Keep the suggestions coming if you got anymore.
Engineering is pretty easy to max. Especially if you keep mining at least until you are done with engineering. Life is more fun with engineering. You can use the cloak (w/ slowfall), grenades, trinkets etc.

BiS bracer is Emissary Cuffs - Item - World of Warcraft from Dark Iron Ambassador - NPC - World of Warcraft in Gnomeregan - Zone - World of Warcraft

BiS rings are Charged Gear - Item - World of Warcraft of monkey, agility or stamina, depending on situation, they drop from Mekgineer Thermaplugg - NPC - World of Warcraft in Gnomeregan - Zone - World of Warcraft

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