Official Recruitment Thread For Level 10-14 Twink (Exp-off) US

Official Recruitment Thread For Level 10-14 Twink (URGENT NEED OF ALLIANCE TWINK)

Before Posting Anything.

Nothing outside level 10-14 twinks will be accepted in this post.

Anything Not following the Twinkinfo CoC or Anything Disrespectful about level 10-14 Will be automatically reported to the appropriate person.

This is not a place to Argue, Explain or even Question About level 10. This is a Recruitment Thread That's it.

Any reply about Twink level 10-14 Hate or Not going with the main topic will be Reported.


Why Would I twink level 10 or level 14?

-Level 10 and 14 are a quick option for those who hate leveling

-No expensive BoE Gear and Less expensive Bracket (except for Formal User)

-A control on Resilience User limitting them on using only Trinket and Weapon. Not Chest enchant (In Premade)

-Infinite amount of set combination

-Be the first one to twink a certain Class Spec!

-Tons of possible Theorycrafted Setup, Build and gear

-Multiple Defensive and Offensive combination ( Haste or Crit or Doge or Stam, Stacking)

-A new bracket

-A bracket that never experienced Premade yet. Build your own Premade Set!

-An extremely fast growing community

Competitive Bracket!

Items Control.

Due To the misunderstanding here, I deleted everything about items control.Simply, We will be able to Fix Resillience Chest Enchant by Limitting our Premade members of using it.

4.0.3 The Shattering gave us level 10 and 14 tons of new peice of gears and gear setup! Quest aren't so hard and for most twink you don't have to farm for gear in instance! You can quickly complete a competitive twink and fight against your enemy in PvP!

We will start the recruitment of new twinks, we want an heathly bracket will lots of players and for that, we have to work on it Hard!

We will start setting PuG Dates Soon after Cataclysm Release so everyone is done with 85 crap and already back on their twink!

If you need any help with level 10 here's the complete guide for you

If you need any help with level 14, there's a post that is slowly gaining a lot of information, go take a look!

10s Are currently looking for more activity from Alliance side.

If you're looking for a guild Horde Side here's 2 of them looking for more active player!

You can Always PM me for more information About 10 or 14 and be free to post any information or constructive opinions here, Thanks!

P.S: I'm just trying to recruit players, to get some Game going in this bracket, that's it. Not trying to lead the bracket, Not trying to be a douchebag about it or anything, I'm just trying to get 10-14 bracket going, That's it.



:Alliance: URGENT NEED OF ALLIANCE TWINK:Alliance: PSt If you have one!!

That be really nice, with beat on nineteen and my guild recruitment, most of the twinks 10-14 are Horde Side, To get an healthy Bracket we'll need tons of Ally too :p

EDIT: Imma make a 14 to try things out, I'll make it ally to help the situation a bit too
I have level 10 twinks on both sides. If there is a server that is going to be more active for this then I don't mind rerolling. I can take a DK anywhere and self fund it. Just let me know where to go.
Just curious what would happen if I joined and I had the resil enchant? o.o;

Also If not the resil enchant what would you suggest for a 10 H pally?
All the information are on the official thread of levle 10, but I can quickly answer this one for you.

BoA with either +4stats or mana enchant


Dangui with +22 Dodge


Haliscan Jacket + 6 stats, +Mana, +150 Hp.
Items Control.

We'll be able to control unhealthy enchant and items. With a Bracket full of invested player we can control items and enchant that ruin the game!

How will you "ban" people from pugs, don't bite off more than you can chew, seriously. Also it's snowing and I don't want to chew up your thread piece by piece so pce.
Yeah chief, you talk about people being disrespectful, yet the entire tenor of your thread reeks of disrespect.

First, YOU dont have the right to say what is 'accepted' in this thread. Last I checked youre a player, just like us. You have the right to report whatever you want, although I hate to tell you but you personally dont have the ability to remove other players posts.

Second, you have absolutely no ability to ban an item or ability from your bracket. That has never happened. You can make claims about Aimed Shot in the 29 bracket, but that was never BANNED, it was ASKED that people not use it. Also, you have no ability whatsoever to 'take action' against a player who refuses to cooperate with YOUR points of view regarding what is acceptable for a bracket.

Ill refrain from bashing on your bracket, its not like I have any reason to wish ill on a different bracket, pretty sure the 19 bracket will survive regardless. GL with your attempt at keeping your bracket alive, just keep in mind that youre a poster just like us. You have no more authority over us than we have over you.
We'll be able to control unhealthy enchant and items. With a Bracket full of invested player we can control items and enchant that ruin the game!

-Resilience Chest Enchant Will be Banned From this Bracket! Any user of this enchant will be contacted and if that person keep using it, action will be taken against that player, to have an healthy bracket we have to ban this enchant from BGs

How exactly will you do this? i mean i would love to buy an us account and run around with that specific enchant just to piss lvl 10s off!
There are a couple of ways to police this.

We could pre-schedule games and only tell people who are in certain level 10 guilds when the times are. These guilds would all agree to adhere to a certain set of rule, of course. If you don't know when the que would be, you'd probably have a difficult time getting in with so few players in the bracket.

We could all transfer to one server and also engage in world pvp without having to wait on bg ques. We would change the meeting areas from time to time to discourage griefers.

The regulars in the bracket could simply inspect your gear and ask you not to keep the resilience enchant on, and you being someone who also wants a competitive game would comply since you would realize that playing just to ruin everyone elses fun is pathetic. Of course, if you chose not to comply then you'd be in a bg where both sides are not happy with your presence. I'm sure one side isn't going to mind constantly flagging you afk and/or leaving you to get camped by the entire opposing team.

We'd prefer that you join up for the fun of it.
Falaris said:
Yeah chief, you talk about people being disrespectful, yet the entire tenor of your thread reeks of disrespect.

First, YOU dont have the right to say what is 'accepted' in this thread. Last I checked youre a player, just like us. You have the right to report whatever you want, although I hate to tell you but you personally dont have the ability to remove other players posts.

Second, you have absolutely no ability to ban an item or ability from your bracket. That has never happened. You can make claims about Aimed Shot in the 29 bracket, but that was never BANNED, it was ASKED that people not use it. Also, you have no ability whatsoever to 'take action' against a player who refuses to cooperate with YOUR points of view regarding what is acceptable for a bracket.

Ill refrain from bashing on your bracket, its not like I have any reason to wish ill on a different bracket, pretty sure the 19 bracket will survive regardless. GL with your attempt at keeping your bracket alive, just keep in mind that youre a poster just like us. You have no more authority over us than we have over you.

Hush your tongue, worm. Resilience 10s vs Resilience 10s. THAT'D BE FUN, YEAH! He's stating that the use OTT Resilience Enchants would just end up boring the entire bracket, and after 1 BG pop, after all that effort to get a WSG up; another wouldn't happen, least not for a while.

He's making the effort to try and get 10-14 BG Pops; props to him. If they want a healthy bracket, they'd take heed to what Bankbeauty has to say. Sure, he's no self-proclaimed messiah for Level 10 Twinks, but he's got a pretty good idea of how to try and get that bracket running.

I'm not even a fan of 10s, and that's how I feel.

Edit: On topic, I'm EU, so best of luck anyway.
Falaris said:
Yeah chief, you talk about people being disrespectful, yet the entire tenor of your thread reeks of disrespect.

First, YOU dont have the right to say what is 'accepted' in this thread. Last I checked youre a player, just like us. You have the right to report whatever you want, although I hate to tell you but you personally dont have the ability to remove other players posts.

Second, you have absolutely no ability to ban an item or ability from your bracket. That has never happened. You can make claims about Aimed Shot in the 29 bracket, but that was never BANNED, it was ASKED that people not use it. Also, you have no ability whatsoever to 'take action' against a player who refuses to cooperate with YOUR points of view regarding what is acceptable for a bracket.

Ill refrain from bashing on your bracket, its not like I have any reason to wish ill on a different bracket, pretty sure the 19 bracket will survive regardless. GL with your attempt at keeping your bracket alive, just keep in mind that youre a poster just like us. You have no more authority over us than we have over you.

First, I wasn't disrespectful against anyone. I will change my post and remove Ban and change it for Ask, I understand your point of view. I don't have the ability to remove what is posted on here? Well I can easily ask a Mod to remove any post that doesn't fit in here. I don't want any troll or anything outside 10-14 Bracket Recruitment, It's not Hard to understand. Btw, a lot of mods already cleaned some of my post about level 10 because they were full of hate and it was not the point of it.

Second,I'm not trying to 'ban' an item from the bracket, mostly just an enchant. I Premaded I lot of time on my 19s and I can tell you, removing an item from premade is extremely Easy. We used to premade and say for exemple no Swiftness Pot and No Agi or Hit pot and no Rum. Also no glitched weapon (That was with Mallet of Zul'farrak at level 19 on PTR) and Stuff like that. Level 10 guild and soon 14, aren't looking to kill this bracket! They'll accept to remove 15 Resilience from Chest so they can premade, I'm sure!

Also, I have no ability to take action against a player not following these rules? Well maybe not, but no one will ever use that enchant in my guild and I'm pretty other level 10 or 14 Guild leader will be Exactly the same. If I ever hear about someone from my guild using it, I will kick him, simply because it's for the safety of our bracket.

I'm just trying to get people to regroup and get some guilds going, to keep our bracket alive. If you don't like the fact that we have to remove 15 Resil enchant from our premade than alright.
Oh so now resilience enchants arent funny anymore? it was all good when it was just the 19s game-play you were ruining but when you gotta face those resi stacked 10s yourself then its not as much fun huh? karma is a bitch
Vincent said:
Oh so now resilience enchants arent funny anymore? it was all good when it was just the 19s game-play you were ruining but when you gotta face those resi stacked 10s yourself then its not as much fun huh? karma is a bitch

I understand your point of view. But actually, since resillience nerf, 19s were able to kill us, maybe not easy but they were. Level 10 Dps input is lower and so it would make it impossible.

Level 19s twink themselves told level 10 that their dps didn't worth it.

Btw, Tons of level 10 never enjoyed resil.
bankbeauty said:
since resillience nerf, 19s were able to kill us, maybe not easy but they were. Level 10 Dps input is lower and so it would make it impossible.

Thats part of the level 10-14 bracket, just level to 19 like every other normal twink if you dont want resilience. But if you enjoy that sick scaling that 10 gives then deal with the fact that people will be using and abusing resi the same way you would do unless it threatened your precious level 10s ability to get pops. Fucking hilarious that you are trying to get 10s to stop using the enchants you've been crutching on to survive in the 10-19 bracket, allthough it ruined all the fun for 19s, dont you see the irony?
Yes tons of 10s didn't enjoy resilience but more of them did, am I wrong here? I are getting this gut feeling you want to announciate yourself as a creator or w/e of a bracket or something, this reeks of your initial post as you try to sound erhhh threatening lololol. Also, you're implying any other guild leader will have to accept your decision or there will be .... consequences, lololol. Maby you should try lowerin dat e-peen :D, not even bashing 10-14 but this post is directly to you. The bracket could work, not with you as a leader or w/e of it. Pceee ( It's snowing I am watching Borat again. I'm from Kazakhstan btw, seriosly.)
Vincent said:
Oh so now resilience enchants arent funny anymore? it was all good when it was just the 19s game-play you were ruining but when you gotta face those resi stacked 10s yourself then its not as much fun huh? karma is a bitch

Karma has nothing to do with it. You make the mistake of thinking that all level 10 twinks here are stacking resilience. I started playing a level 10 twink about two months after I completed my first level 19 twink, which was a few months after Battlegrounds first came out. I enjoy low level pvp and I wanted to challenge myself to play with the lowest level charater possible, with the fewest talents and spells and see if I could compete with players 9 levels above me. When I found out that level 10 warriors were a natural counter to the abundance of rogues that have historically plagued the bracket, I was sold on my level 10.

The majority of the loyal level 10 twinks that post here are not the ones trying to ruin everyone's fun by stacking resilience and humping the flag in the GY. Do I have a resilience set, yes? Did I wear all the time once 4.0 hit, no. The majority of the time I was wearing my avoidance gear. When I came across a team that was 5+ rogues all trying to one shot me, damn straight I swapped it in.

I'm not going to allow the 654665132132 fotm rogues ruin my fun.

The loyal level 10 players are all pretty much in agreement that 4.0 really screwed level 10's up. It took away all the low level utility spells and gave back resilience. Great, mobile training dummies......Thanks Blizz. If there is a level 10 twink that wouldn't gladly trade their resilience to have back those spells that they lost, then they are twinking at level 10 for the wrong reason. I've sat through 4 1/2 years of being randomly spit on by my own teammates before a bg even starts (we're talking 2.0 - 3.0 time frame here) People telling me to leave and that level 10's suck and I'll get stomped and not to touch the flag........and then when I carry that same team for the entire match they yell at me not to cap so they can farm kills. Then when any sort of bug comes along they try and lump me in with the scrubs that thought it would be cool to pwn noobs with enti's or stack resilience.

Taking pot shots at us is ridiculous. The fotm baddie aren't the ones posting here. The loyal level 10 players are the ones trying to breath some life in this bracket. We're trying to do it the right way. If the brackets never split, you'd still see me in there without the resilience enchant, contributing and compete. Since that's not possible, I'm trying to keep playing the toon I enjoyed the most. It's no different than the Ruin migration after the exp-on and exp-of que's were split. No twinks were hating on each other to keep twinking alive. Why does everyone have to hate on level 10's for trying to keep their thing going? If it's not your thing, leave it be. If you want to participate then, please join up. We're going to do our best to keep things balanced, competitive, and most of all fun.
Vincent said:
Thats part of the level 10-14 bracket, just level to 19 like every other normal twink if you dont want resilience. But if you enjoy that sick scaling that 10 gives then deal with the fact that people will be using and abusing resi the same way you would do unless it threatened your precious level 10s ability to get pops. Fucking hilarious that you are trying to get 10s to stop using the enchants you've been crutching on to survive in the 10-19 bracket, allthough it ruined all the fun for 19s, dont you see the irony?

I almost never crutched on resillience except when 19s were farming me, and only aiming for me over and over.
Ancient said:
Yes tons of 10s didn't enjoy resilience but more of them did, am I wrong here? I are getting this gut feeling you want to announciate yourself as a creator or w/e of a bracket or something, this reeks of your initial post as you try to sound erhhh threatening lololol. Also, you're implying any other guild leader will have to accept your decision or there will be .... consequences, lololol. Maby you should try lowerin dat e-peen :D, not even bashing 10-14 but this post is directly to you. The bracket could work, not with you as a leader or w/e of it. Pceee ( It's snowing I am watching Borat again. I'm from Kazakhstan btw, seriosly.)

I don't care at all about leading this bracket, I don't want such a role. I just want to get game and premade other twink guild in this bracket. I'm not saying other guild leader have to follow what i'm saying. But seriously, any1 premade shouldn't be using Resillience. I'm pretty sure most of the 10s are alright with that decision. That's it.
fochixi said:
Do I have a resilience set, yes? Did I wear all the time once 4.0 hit, no. When I came across a team that was 5+ rogues all trying to one shot me, damn straight I swapped it in.

I'm not going to allow the 654665132132 fotm rogues ruin my fun.

Of course, people shouldnt be allowed to play rogue since that ruins all your fun, and if someone does then thats reason enough for you to ruin everyone else's fun... sounds reasonable

fochixi said:
Karma has nothing to do with it.

Hope you dont mind me making a resi stacked 10 then...

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