Official Queue Times Thread for all XP off Brackets

lindenkron said:
Trollbane (Reckoning) 10-19 pop confirmed. All BGroups seems to be linked for at least 10-19 Warsong.

was ruin players in it?
Evade said:
was ruin players in it?

He's talking about EU. Ruin and Vindication are still in a separate group from the others...
I think Cataclysme (dunemaul's) battlegroup (eu) is not in merge or bugged, i qued over hour in dunemaul with 16min average and got no pops then logged draenor and got almost instant pop :/
I honestly would just lock this topic and make a new one once all of the bugs related to queues have been fixed. All of the information in here will be inaccurate in the near future.
Pizza said:
I honestly would just lock this topic and make a new one once all of the bugs related to queues have been fixed. All of the information in here will be inaccurate in the near future.

Better yet: When it gets fixed, you make a new one. You'll likely have more time to keep it updated than me.

@OP - before u go official, pls l2 distuingish US and EU Bg pools :p - 1 thread for us queue and 1 for eu would be nice
drunkn said:
@OP - before u go official, pls l2 distuingish US and EU Bg pools :p - 1 thread for us queue and 1 for eu would be nice

That's a good idea. I'll pass the suggestion on to Pizza once he makes the "new official" thread. :p

Subpar said:
~10 min Q on my horde Hunter (Rampage)

~9 min Q on my alliance War (Rampage)

Later got a 4 min Q on the same war

Im seeing a loooooot of "half twinks" though, mostly rogues in shit gear

What levels, if you don't mind? :)

For me at L49 (US):

Queued at 9:03pm PST for 1 hour. No pop.
Inkobah said:
That's a good idea. I'll pass the suggestion on to Pizza once he makes the "new official" thread. :p


When I make this I'll be making it strictly for US. You'll have to find someone else for EU times!
Hi, all... Any updates on queue times? Been watching this thread and topics in this section hoping to see confirmation that merging of b-groups has improved queue times for xp-off players.

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