Nurturing the Bracket [US]

Med'an said:
Its damn pointless, all the retards roll 24 and no matter how much you explain to them, they are just to dumb to understand.

It is not about the money, its about the ****ing balance at 20 F2P. If everyone were lvl 24 it would be horrible burst and the whole bracket would collapse.

It is also the fact that we need the new trials to get a queue and trial is at lvl 20.

i feel bad for you medan. you obviously poured a lot of effort into your US rogue, which is turning out to be a very nice level 20 F2P twink btw.

but eventually this bracket will be filled with 24's that simply stomp level 20 rogues, i am sure you have ran into a few by now.

i gave up on my 20 project as i realized that my most useful ability against 24 twinks is sap...

now regarding how to keep this bracket alive. instead of "banning" (shunning) 24's, we should encourage people to roll 24's on both side, this way at least you have an even battlefield, make sure all the 24 twinks take care of the F2P-20 on their team. last but not least, encourage people to roll healing/crowd control/hunter F2P-20 twinks, help them get AGM's.

i don't think you can do much besides the above as trading is disabled and communication in game is not very convenient.
Quelfep said:
you cant honestly complain about getting owned by better-geared twenk. thats pathaetic

Whats pathetic is getting over 2.866 posts without knowing WTF your talking abut in any of them.

We dont care what YOU think, you dont even know what it is about. It even says more or less "if you havent played in the bracket or dont stay on topic: dont post"

- Feel free to delete my post, as it also has nothing to do with the topic
glancealot said:
i feel bad for you medan. you obviously poured a lot of effort into your US rogue, which is turning out to be a very nice level 20 F2P twink btw.

but eventually this bracket will be filled with 24's that simply stomp level 20 rogues, i am sure you have ran into a few by now.

i gave up on my 20 project as i realized that my most useful ability against 24 twinks is sap...

now regarding how to keep this bracket alive. instead of "banning" (shunning) 24's, we should encourage people to roll 24's on both side, this way at least you have an even battlefield, make sure all the 24 twinks take care of the F2P-20 on their team. last but not least, encourage people to roll healing/crowd control/hunter F2P-20 twinks, help them get AGM's.

i don't think you can do much besides the above as trading is disabled and communication in game is not very convenient.

I honestly have 0 problem against any 24's Iv faced, rogue is OP, and they all suck (and please, if any of you 24's read this, hit me up)

But lets stay on topic now
I think the biggest threat facing the bracket right now is the queue times.

Many of us will be rolling an alternate Horde F2P for the instant queues (instead of waiting 10-20 minutes on Alliance side).
Med'an said:
Whats pathetic is getting over 2.866 posts without knowing WTF your talking abut in any of them.

We dont care what YOU think, you dont even know what it is about. It even says more or less "if you havent played in the bracket or dont stay on topic: dont post"

- Feel free to delete my post, as it also has nothing to do with the topic

i know its probably easy to just point to the nearest thing about me and insult it but thats not how you should do it. calm down please. im just saying that its hypocritical to complain about that kind of thing
My 2 cents

1. GY camping drives people away for both Horde and Alliance.

2. 24 twinks in full BoAs are extremely annoying and if they keep on, they will overrun the bracket.
24's honestly, if your into twinking and you have a 24 twink your helping to push away all us 20's who love to twink but cant afford to pay for an account. Thus ruining the community.
I will say what i do and i think every 24 should do it.

24s can be controlled just shun the ones trying to farm heal the ones playing objectively. Discourage Gy farming. Make sure if your team decides to Gy farm to gab flag and cap it asap/afap(as fast as possible). I play objectively i kill EFC when it is a balanced game i don't when the other side has players with 1k> HP. Instead i weaken defense. If i play defense i of course wipe out every one in sight i try to not fight in MF but try to fight in areas where it is needed. If my side is doing their job both offensively and defensively then i will weaken the other players every where i go making sure they can not succesfully stay grouped by killing players of interest (aka: Hunters, Priest, Paladins) or players that try to turn the tide for their side.

Imho can we get some ABs going?
Rolling 24s encourages other people to roll 24s to compete. 24s are counterproductive to the health of a f2p bracket. People are more likely to just GY farm trials if they know they can't kill the 24 FC and his 24 healer, even when playing objectively 24s have a negative effect.
Rivfader said:
Rolling 24s encourages other people to roll 24s to compete. 24s are counterproductive to the health of a f2p bracket. People are more likely to just GY farm trials if they know they can't kill the 24 FC and his 24 healer, even when playing objectively 24s have a negative effect.

Never said to pick up the flag as a 24... But you should run the flag if your team is at a disadvantage. Why does every one assume that 24s want to farm 20s i made a 24 since for 1. i like to be at the top of a bracket and 2. it is a new bracket and i want to have fun, and by fun i mean win games and not farm if i wanted to farm i would play my 85.
Its kinda hard for me to understand the point of having a level 24 twink.

Myself is making a US (Im normally EU) 20 F2P twink while having the opportunity to level a 24 with Enchants/Cloak-Head BoAs.

But I dont want to do that because of the fact that Ill be overpowered compaired to over 50% of the players Im up against.

Doing a good score as a level 24 isnt good, its not fun and it has no point.

If you are a good player and still want an active bracket, you go 19 in a 15-19 bracket, not 24 in a 20-24 bracket.
Inkobah said:
The F2P twinks have been around for nearly 1 month now and everyone has varying opinions (including me) on what needs to happen to nurture the 20-24 bracket. In an effort to begin encouraging fair play and to keep the bracket alive and well I wanted to create a discussion to determine what the biggest threats to the bracket are and how to limit those threats from killing off everything.

I'm not so naive to think that Twink Info is going to fix all the problems but am hopeful that the TI community can help lead the charge towards a flourishing 20-24 bracket. So there's 2 questions I want to ask of those that have played in the community:

1. What are the biggest threats to the 20-24 bracket? (If any)

2. What compromises need to be made to keep the bracket flourishing? (If any)

If you're offering your suggestions and haven't played in the bracket at all, keep it to yourself as this bracket is a whole different animal than any other bracket before. I will personally be moderating this thread so keep things civil, productive, and on-topic please. Bans and infractions will be given out to those that don't heed my warning.


1. Trying to control things that ultimately cannot be (24s, gy farming, op classes, boa, etc)

2. Everyone needs to roll AP no exceptions. Horde or ally is up to you. Wargames is the 1 aspect that we can fully control here. We decide who, what and where. If we should be focusing on anything right now it should be communication among 20 f2p twinks. TI is obviously where it starts but thats just the beginning.
swilley07 said:
24's honestly, if your into twinking and you have a 24 twink your helping to push away all us 20's who love to twink but cant afford to pay for an account. Thus ruining the community.

$15 a month big money. Go do an hours work and stop moaning. Also like quelfep said it's pretty hypocritical to complain about getting shit on by 24 twinks when that's what the majority of the twink community did for the best part of 3-4 years to non twinks but heh, "THATS NOT WHY I GOT INTO TWINKING HONEST GUYS".

On the one hand we can pioneer a more balanced bracket that has the added bonus of being f2p.

On the other hand we can turn yet another bracket into an RNG burstfest plauged by OP classes and FOTM rerollers and still pay for it.

Hmmmm, which one sounds more fun and interesting?
Didnt read the posts at all so someone's for sure brought this up but whatever.. The biggest threat against bg dying is probably the ratio between horde-ally..
Last night I made a f2p account, and made an alliance pally on Aerie Peak. I added about 10 people to my friends list just from watching the f2ptwink channel (I also got camped by two mysterious horde 55 dks who magically new where I was all the time lol).

The best way to nurture this bracket is going to be wargames. We will have control over who plays and who doesn't, and no 24s/p2p 20s with maxed profs and high level chants will be playing. What drew me to this bracket was the promise of lower burst due to lack of crusader/15/25/agi chants.

TL;DR Come to Aerie Peak, roll a horde and alliance and play wargames.
I stopped playing WoW for some time now, but this new F2P thing made me gain interest again.

I played a 19 UD Warlock named Hardivh, back on the time that 19 twinks were only rogues and hunters, and I kinda made a name for myself that time (I even have 2 vids on WCM if ne1 wanna check).

So i'll be doing my part to help the twink community and play a F2P acc, it's free so I won't become an addict again :p

I'm leveling a troll druid named Freetroll on Aerie Peak, but I'll try to lock exp on 19 before moving on to 20s... I really have that bad feeling that 24s will take over. Everyone wants to "Pwn N00bs" and that's what they gonna do, no matter if it's "fair" or not.
Hardc0re said:
I stopped playing WoW for some time now, but this new F2P thing made me gain interest again.

I played a 19 UD Warlock named Hardivh, back on the time that 19 twinks were only rogues and hunters, and I kinda made a name for myself that time (I even have 2 vids on WCM if ne1 wanna check).

So i'll be doing my part to help the twink community and play a F2P acc, it's free so I won't become an addict again :p

I'm leveling a troll druid named Freetroll on Aerie Peak, but I'll try to lock exp on 19 before moving on to 20s... I really have that bad feeling that 24s will take over. Everyone wants to "Pwn N00bs" and that's what they gonna do, no matter if it's "fair" or not.

Honestly, the real games, the ones we should all be looking to support are going to be the wargames. Build a toon or two on each faction (they only take a day or two to make) so we can play same faction wargames. The gear disparity between horde and alliance DPS is a bit much, so we should really all look to support the bracket by rolling multiple toons.

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