Now DM gear nerfed too.

hmm, my theory falls apart on Impaling Harpoon. Its level 15 :/ Am i wrong, or is it a bug?

Edit: Some other items, like Fenrus's Hide arent updated yet on db.mmo but i think they just havent got round to it yet, since when i checked at least they has two items for Phantom Armor, the 3.3.5 version and a lvl 16 version.

Edit2: We will be getting some pretty damn sweet gear from this change though.
Quelfep said:
never seen it like that before. ever in my life. i have seen it the way i posted COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF TIMES

Ive only seen bads post it the way you do.

jks. Anywho, the way i posted it is way more common than your way on EU at least.

guys please tell me what the fuzz is about, i may have a different kind of view on things,

but i dont see the problem with the changes yet.

lets see..

at first when i saw the cata posts and videos, i was looking at them with a happy and a crying eye

the happy one sees

- great gameplay, we are finally getting united

- new items, new quests, new achievments, new fun,...

- more twinks in total, old twinks getting the chance to become active again


=> all in all we are getting something new to do, get to have more fun, and enjoy twinking

the crying one sees

-much QQ

ok, lets give what i just outlinded a bit of meaning.

we'll take a look at what may be causing the QQ

From what i see health pools are going a bit up in total, we get new abilities, and fun.

The video's i saw so far suggest we would be seeing high crit damage (Even worse than

some hunter crits now). more healing, and more damage in general.

Now, that i actually read that blizzard is rebalancing our gear, i felt upset at first.

Given how much time, and efford i put into getting bis, getting the enchants and so on

caused me to rage for a minute.

After that i realised something most of you just dont seem to get at the moment.

Blizzard re-balancing items for 19's actually means that this crit damage will go down, something

some of you wanted to have done for ages.

I am excited to see where that leads us to.

Having less damage and the new stuff we get, should end us up with a bit more exciting gameplay.

Also from the trend that they start low and take it up higher, i can guess that some of the

20-29 items are going to get some new love too, so we might just get a few new bis items.

All in all i think its a bit too early to judge if the changes are gonna be awsome, but what i see

is that this actually may be a turning point for twinking.

My feeling suggests that it will be to the better, so we can have more fun playing and less rage getting 5 shotted.

Also as we get new stuff to discover and new stuff to do, like farming new bis gear for

example, this will also call out the twinks in our rows that didnt really have to change gear for ages.

It may be a small set back, but it gives newcomers also a chance to get inspired and catch up on gear.

Just my two cents
caice said:

guys please tell me what the fuzz is about, i may have a different kind of view on things,

but i dont see the problem with the changes yet.

lets see..

at first when i saw the cata posts and videos, i was looking at them with a happy and a crying eye

the happy one sees

- great gameplay, we are finally getting united

- new items, new quests, new achievments, new fun,...

- more twinks in total, old twinks getting the chance to become active again


=> all in all we are getting something new to do, get to have more fun, and enjoy twinking

the crying one sees

-much QQ

ok, lets give what i just outlinded a bit of meaning.

we'll take a look at what may be causing the QQ

From what i see health pools are going a bit up in total, we get new abilities, and fun.

The video's i saw so far suggest we would be seeing high crit damage (Even worse than

some hunter crits now). more healing, and more damage in general.

Now, that i actually read that blizzard is rebalancing our gear, i felt upset at first.

Given how much time, and efford i put into getting bis, getting the enchants and so on

caused me to rage for a minute.

After that i realised something most of you just dont seem to get at the moment.

Blizzard re-balancing items for 19's actually means that this crit damage will go down, something

some of you wanted to have done for ages.

I am excited to see where that leads us to.

Having less damage and the new stuff we get, should end us up with a bit more exciting gameplay.

Also from the trend that they start low and take it up higher, i can guess that some of the

20-29 items are going to get some new love too, so we might just get a few new bis items.

All in all i think its a bit too early to judge if the changes are gonna be awsome, but what i see

is that this actually may be a turning point for twinking.

My feeling suggests that it will be to the better, so we can have more fun playing and less rage getting 5 shotted.

Also as we get new stuff to discover and new stuff to do, like farming new bis gear for

example, this will also call out the twinks in our rows that didnt really have to change gear for ages.

It may be a small set back, but it gives newcomers also a chance to get inspired and catch up on gear.

Just my two cents

Ofc you are right, but i also tested my wlock on the beta in the current state, it has insane damage, globald knucklerot in a few secs, 1 shooting lv 19 mobs litterally, i just hope this is not ment to be.

Anyway, im patching as we speak to check it again.
i think that after a few weeks 19's should have gotten some love, lost some dps overall (Thats what the item changes suggest) and utility and fun going up.

also i am quite certain we will recive a few new and cool items with other dungeons beeing adjusted, this could end us up quite balanced.

i also suspect that they will re-balanced damage done a bit. but thats far out at the moment, as they are likely to fix 80's items and then minor things such as

lower level pvp (they will, as they dont want to spill the pvp-level expierience too much)

i am also curious to find out weather or not, we will be seeing some new dungeon level requirements later on in the beta, if dm and so on get pushed down, maybe sm will be aswell?

that would be quite charming, even if it ends up like gnomer, we could still have some fun in there.

as for item changes, i am curious how the "grand fathered" items will changed, at the point of release, but from my pov its too early to really check for stuff like that.

if i where you i would start with watching class changes, keeping thoose threads updated, and then move into dungeon and pvp changes, rather than jump on items

that are going to change maybe one or two times more till it feals right for them.

i also have a strong feeling that when they finally get around to the pvp level expierience some of our items are going thru a second review from a different point of view, or they will just

adjust some numbers on game mecanics.

i wouldnt worry too much at the moment, and rather wait for a later point in the beta to start checking out how stuff will feel

so long

Rivfader said:

i dont get it.

i mean, twinks were SO LARGE of a problem they gave us a seperate BG. Just by existing, even when the game wasnt turtles or camped into oblivion we still held battlegrounds hostage. merely by existing.

Why would blizz make full sets of gear that scale with level, are BiS at every level, and are available with minimal effort? dont you think that people geared like that would be even more detrimental to the leveling pvp experience?

i do. I think you do too.
Grunge said:
i dont get it.

i mean, twinks were SO LARGE of a problem they gave us a seperate BG. Just by existing, even when the game wasnt turtles or camped into oblivion we still held battlegrounds hostage. merely by existing.

Why would blizz make full sets of gear that scale with level, are BiS at every level, and are available with minimal effort? dont you think that people geared like that would be even more detrimental to the leveling pvp experience?

i do. I think you do too.

They will put twinks back in with the other levelers if the continued introduction of BoA gear and removal of BiS 19 boe's and instance loot continues. Almost every slot bar some special items such as AGM and non BoA slots i.e. gloves will be BoA bis in Cataclysm. People will whine non-stop about the powered up BoAs and Blizz will not remove them because that would remove the point of XP bgs at all.

If they don't, it doesn't matter since all it will mean is twinking is easier to get into and might see the xp offs get some new blood. But if people whine enough and trust me, the whining will be collosal, i see no reason why Blizzard to keep twinks segregated when recyclable BoAs who will now hit level 15 in about 2 hours will just dominate even further.
Spite said:
They will put twinks back in with the other levelers if the continued introduction of BoA gear and removal of BiS 19 boe's and instance loot continues. Almost every slot bar some special items such as AGM and non BoA slots i.e. gloves will be BoA bis in Cataclysm. People will whine non-stop about the powered up BoAs and Blizz will not remove them because that would remove the point of XP bgs at all.

If they don't, it doesn't matter since all it will mean is twinking is easier to get into and might see the xp offs get some new blood. But if people whine enough and trust me, the whining will be collosal, i see no reason why Blizzard to keep twinks segregated when recyclable BoAs who will now hit level 15 in about 2 hours will just dominate even further.

well, i dont want BoA's removed completely. i like the idea of the extra xp, grinding all the way to 80 for multiple toons can burn a person out very badly. i just dont think they should be BiS. i think each piece should be third, maybe forth best at any given level.
Any dedicated twink will have full BoAs in the slots that BoAs exist since they are BiS.
In all seriousness the biggest problem that I see with full BoAs is that once we get to that point it will be pretty hard to recruit people into XP off since most would rather run around in a full BoA suit stomping on the undergeared. It's not about obtaining them it's about how hard it's gonna be to bring people into the bracket once full (or nearly so) BiS is basically free.
Rivfader said:
In all seriousness the biggest problem that I see with full BoAs is that once we get to that point it will be pretty hard to recruit people into XP off since most would rather run around in a full BoA suit stomping on the undergeared. It's not about obtaining them it's about how hard it's gonna be to bring people into the bracket once full (or nearly so) BiS is basically free.

they do that now, there are many who rip a player to 10, do 150 eng for goggles and herbing, turn off xp only to get items and turn back on to brutalize players on new accounts, etc. as they head to 20 and then delete the player and reroll. when they get to 17-19 alot of times they are flag grab and hold type players who farm kills.

XP on BG chat is loaded with

- i'm one critting these players

- ijust waxed half their team in the FR and they couldn't even dent me

- why are there twinks in here

- where do i get that silver/gold etc, white item gear with all the stats....etc

- they have more twinks than us, we are going to lose

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