Now DM gear nerfed too.


theif's blade loses 2 agi

buzz saw loses 3 str, keeps 3 agi and gains 3 crit

buzzer blade getter faster 1.4, losing damage


Tail Spike loses 3 str, gains 1 agi and 3 crit

Serpent shoulders losing 3 agi, gaining 4 stam


Chanting Blade getting 1.8 speed and damage buffed


Rugged Spaulders losing 2 agi and gaining 4 stam
next thing we know agm will be giving intellect

(which i guess could be useful in some situations lol)
Impaling Harpoon - Items - Sigrie losing 5 agi gaining 7 stam, moved from level 20 to 15.

Gold-Flecked Gloves - Items - Sigrie losing 7 sp, 1 int, gaining 4 stam, moved from 17 to 15.

Blackened Defias Armor - Items - Sigrie loses 4 stam, 4 str, gains 4 agi, moved from 19 to 15.

There are about 20 more item changes that I could do, but it really seems like all the blues have been moved down to level requirement 15, from VC/DM that is.

After looking through some BFD items, it seems as if all their level requirements have been moved to 20, not that that has anything to do with 19s, but its some information. Also, I looked at about 10 WC items, all the items level requirement has been changed to 16, except
All these changes just points in one direction: we will be merged back into xp on bg's with our locked toons. Balancing our twinks with heirloom people and pushing us to get heirlooms ourselves. Bad change!
Dont dispair. If these level 17-19 items are having their req level pushed down it very likely means that level 22-24 req items will have their req level reduced to below lvl 19. Yay new items. RIP old ones though they ill be missed. Still, bring on my Black Wolf Bracers!
Kore nametooshort said:
Dont dispair. If these level 17-19 items are having their req level pushed down it very likely means that level 22-24 req items will have their req level reduced to below lvl 19. Yay new items. RIP old ones though they ill be missed. Still, bring on my Black Wolf Bracers!

Ok then, now try to explain why the tree bark jacket and the staff of the blessed seer will be lv 20 items :s

I cant help it, i have the feeling we will be put back with the leveling people and as a GM of a twink guild wich still excists since classic im very concerned.
leotseddap said:
Ok then, now try to explain why the tree bark jacket and the staff of the blessed seer will be lv 20 items :s

they're juggling item and req levels. I can guarantee that they wont make it so that there are no lvl 19 req blues. There will be level 19 blues regardless. Even if there arent, we'll use the lvl 15 ones and simply adapt.
Kore nametooshort said:
they're juggling item and req levels. I can guarantee that they wont make it so that there are no lvl 19 req blues. There will be level 19 blues regardless. Even if there arent, we'll use the lvl 15 ones and simply adapt.

I hope you are right :) crosses fingers
It looks like they're normalising the level of all items from each dungeon.

So far:







SM GY= 26


Looks like the only lvl 19 blues we'll have will be the world BoEs.

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