Not logging on anymore unless someone does War Games.

I am starting to agree to this and considering lvling and gearing my ally shaman. Pugging is just utter BS. Plus in full dungeon/quest gear my ally would have better stats than full boa horde ROFL
You should Shockur, it has the most potential for f2p. The more people alliance has on AP the sooner and more we can roll out the wargames carpet.

Its a shame actually that people dont roll and or leave AP from a pug and agm point of view. You shouldnt and help build a solid community who plays wargames!
Damn this is all a bit depressing lol. I guess my experience of PuG's seems to be different than most people on here.

If you all go Alliance though, wouldn't it make the class disparity even worse? There is no doubt leather and mail wearers on Alliance have a gear advantage. But if you all went Horde, it would weaken hunters, rogues and paladin slightly, all of which are the most OP classes anyway. (No harm done there). That would in turn make your wargames more fun. Horde cloth wearers have equivalent if not better gear than Alliance. Plus if you were all Horde, if there were no wargames going, it would mean more people to make groups with to enter PuG BG's with group of 5 or so from AP.

My 2 cents. Not that you asked.
One of the key principles of leadership is to see which way the crowd is heading, and then take them there. In this case, the momentum is definitely towards Alliance. Perhaps for a few, that is related to the eyepatch, but I can say for me it was because I have always played Alliance and knew the levelling places well, and, as I've said before, they are just better looking. (These things matter to some people... I am looking forward to transmogrification something fierce!)

On the other hand, though, if you want people to start rolling Alliance due to wargames rather than rolling Horde due to short PUG queue times, then we need to make wargames happen on a regularity that makes pugging--on either side--obsolete. It is always going to be the case that most people are going to want to log in, queue up, and get to fighting, and therefore pugging is always going to happen. It's on us, then, to make wargames frequent enough, and awesome enough, that players coming to AP would rather roll Alliance for the wargame awesomeness than Horde for the pug queue times.
Pookums said:
I'll quit before I roll Alliance.

That's what I like to hear (kind of :p)

If Alliance were the ones completely outnumbered and outgeared though, you can bet that I wouldn't have any horde f2p characters being made at all. Always playing the underdog side :S
Pookums said:
I'll quit before I roll Alliance.



<Kay I rolled a Nelf Hunter to PvP Naked but who cares lol>

If I wanna play wargames then I'd stay horde whatever happens my first char was horde and the last char I'll make is horde. If you guys think we need alliance for wargames it's rediculess srsly. Horde isn't bad (we roflstomp hunterssssssssssssssssss) we're unorganized and the only reason we go PuGs (I guess atleast) is that we just want the honor even if we get farmed like hell on our gy and they are outgeared before we even think about what BoA we're going to buy... and GG for choosing a High Pop PvE <--- OH CMON PvE?! server I've tried like every server and my ms just increases maybe for + 50 on Darkspear (that would make 150 ms for me lol)
leotseddap said:
Never understood why yall are playing on horde or went horde anyway. For pugs? Wargames can be done with just 1 side and you could have teamed up with the rest of TI's alliance to get your boa gear and quit pugs after. It's actually you who messing it up for yourselves (and alliance) by making 1 into 2 groups by going horde. Our main goal was to have wargames/premades (arena, wsg and ab) and it was very clear that newbs, 24s and imbalance (in classes) would destroy pug play and people would qq about things like eyepatch if we rolled premades A vs H on AP.

Hold on a minute.

If wargames were/are the goal then playing P2P would have made a lot more sense to begin with, if only because of the communication issue.

Same with the "you could have teamed up with the rest of TI's alliance to get your boa gear"" bit:

if yet another loomfest bracket is the goal, then just P2P makes much more sense, as that way the whole BG bit could have been skipped as the Heirlooms could have been acquried by mains (or just mailed after transfer).

It isn't like Visa doesn't exist.

Same with the whole 'all play Alliance for the gear' bit to begin with:

in Wargames you can control with whom you play with so the whole BG bit could AGAIN be avoided, as the playing them for the rewards they yield becomes irrelevant if you don't allow them in your wargames in the first place.

In other words, if you want Wargames you can do them just as well with everybody running about in 'Greens' with either Faction, and the whole Battleground scene with camping Allies leading to camping 24 Hordies leading to 24 Allies camping leading to a depressing bowl of crap served and serves NO PURPOSE AT ALL.
why would i roll alliance for wargames? everybody on alliance sucks.

the only people i would ever want to group with are on AP horde.

if you guys love solo queuing THIS MUCH, i would suggest making an alliance alt that you can queue on when the BG ratios are particularly awful in the alliance's favor. this would solve pretty much all your problems.
Wargames are happening at this very moment, or are about to start... 10 v 10 horde v alliance. Join us if you can!
I logged on, because Jdoring sent me a PM that War Games were happening, but in truth weren't. Played 1 AB, got annoyed, and logged. Oh and you are such a tool Pwnadin for rolling alliance. I then decided to play some HoN and got a few good games in. I've been getting back into it after watching the DotA 2 International. Which I can't wait to come out.. :)

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