One of the key principles of leadership is to see which way the crowd is heading, and then take them there. In this case, the momentum is definitely towards Alliance. Perhaps for a few, that is related to the eyepatch, but I can say for me it was because I have always played Alliance and knew the levelling places well, and, as I've said before, they are just better looking. (These things matter to some people... I am looking forward to transmogrification something fierce!)
On the other hand, though, if you want people to start rolling Alliance due to wargames rather than rolling Horde due to short PUG queue times, then we need to make wargames happen on a regularity that makes pugging--on either side--obsolete. It is always going to be the case that most people are going to want to log in, queue up, and get to fighting, and therefore pugging is always going to happen. It's on us, then, to make wargames frequent enough, and awesome enough, that players coming to AP would rather roll Alliance for the wargame awesomeness than Horde for the pug queue times.