Hi. I am new to twinking. I'm currently twinking at Ahn'Qiraj on alliance. I just leveled all my classes to 19, But i have no clue on how to gear them. Invasion gear is off the table, but if anyone could help me out with a BiS list for any of the classes / specs i would love to hear it. I mainly play mage, druid, hunter and warrior. Thanks in advance <3
Gear is still being figured out. Heres a very rough draft as I look to make the next quick start guide.
Head: Engineering Goggles
Neck: Heirloom neck w/ legion enchant
Shoulders: Heirloom shoulders w/ high lvl shoulder enchant
Back: Heirloom/Dungeon/Satchel cloak w/ agi/dodge or movespeed enchant?
Chest: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ glorious stats enchant?
Bracers: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ ??? enchant
Gloves: BoE w/ glove reinforcements or heirloom/dungeon with ???
Belt: Heirloom/Dungeon/Satchel or Gnomish Eng belt (leather, stam set)
Legs: Heirloom w/ high lvl LW enchant
Boots: BG crate > dungeon w/ movespeed. FCs get stam enchant set too
Rings: BG crate. Shipyard heirloom. WSG ring. Blood Ring. Lots of options. w/ +secondary enchant
Trinkets: Engineering or heirloom trinkets. Will vary based on class/spec.
2h Str wep: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ crusader
1h str wep: BG crate > WSG sword? > heirloom/dungeon w/ crusader
1h agi wep: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ ele force/landslide/???
Agi dagger: BG crate > WSG sword? > heirloom/dungeon w/ ele force/landslide
Agi 2h: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ ele force/landslide
Int 1h: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ ele force/???
Int offhand: BG crate > heirloom/dungeon w/ int
Theres other pieces and glass cannon sets and flag running sets. But hopefully thats something to get you started.