Newest compilation of MoP BiS Healing templates! (for both 80 AND 80+ PvP twinks)

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Glancealot, do you ever wonder why everyone dislikes you and your posts?

It's because when someone disagrees with you, you act like a 3 year old girl who had her pacifier taken away. You get so butthurt over stupid shit, it's amazing.

all i ask for is: if you don't like my templates, be specific.

but people like splosion seem to keep saying "your templates are horrible because you are a horrible person"

when i ask them "what's wrong exactly with those templates?"

they reply with "this is why you are a horrible person"

sure i am disliked by many but i am always up for a healthy debate on which piece is better for a particular slot:)
We asked you to explain what you did (i.e. the process) to get BiS. Suddenly turning up with a crapton of profiles claiming BiS (for PvP too) then not explaining how you reached that when asked (we never said your templates were wrong, that's just another thing you've ignored about the posts).

If we don't like your templates, justify why they are why they are.

<3 for the constant mention of me btw, glad to know I'm loved.
We asked you to explain what you did (i.e. the process) to get BiS.

in order to do that, i need to give you some sort of formula...

something like:

x stat1 = y stat2 under the condition that stat3 is more than z.

i will work on that.
this just occurred to me, if i said "Most Effective Health" instead of "BiS", maybe you guys wouldn't have so much to complain about.
this just occurred to me, if i said "Most Effective Health" instead of "BiS", maybe you guys wouldn't have so much to complain about.

Don't hurt yourself man, too many ideas like that and your brain will explode.
Took you long enough.

you see, the thing is, most of those are not really pure "max effective health" templates, for some slots, i picked items that would give a lot of stats over items that would give a tiny bit more effective health.

which is the why i called them BiS: they are templates that give you a ton of effective health while not completely ignore other stats like armor, spell power, etc.

what i am trying to say is, it is too hard to come up with a stats weighting formula for each class and each spec...
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It's not too hard, it just takes time. It's why my old BiS lists thread took months, and it was still not finished by the end of cataclysm. You can't just make things in this short a time, not without doing heavy research on each class, and taking into account external stuff like healing, defensives etc (for example, avoidance vs damage reduction actually work against each other - if you can't get both, don't try.)
I wonder though, to obtain the wrathful gear you need to get extreme amount of honor and you can only get 4k honor before lvl 80. Is the exp off BGs active at lvl 80?
you could just do dungeons and then convert JP to Honor...
Awesome, didn't think about the JP converting thing. It's atleast something and if you have a stable 5 man group it should go kinda fast with the MoP gear and all.

Thanks guys!
I've finally gotten around to getting my 82 Shockadin online (just a little more for the 81 elemental shaman), he' still got room for improvement and min/max but he's getting up to 60-70k crits on Shock and Harsh Words with the various buffs/cooldowns synced. the cast time on Censure is also quite low going below 0.5sec on lusts
At the moment wintergrasp is bugged, I've talked with a GM ( I know they're not very well informed ) but he told me that it's not just certain realms it's affecting them all, but the rank system shuts down in the game on occasions. Let me know if anyone else is experiencing this, non of my 80 friends run Wg enough for them to give me any info, plus I haven't checked in the last 2 days mainly because my subscription ran out.
updated OP.
I'm not sure how to calculate effective hp so i'm asking for help. If someone knows i'd very much appreciate it.

What is the effective hp difference between this and this template? The difference is the second has glowing wind bracers and a on use haste trinket which really would come in handy to stack shields and dish out heals with the insane burst damage coming from some classes, but i don't want to lose too much effective hp so i'm trying to figure out if it's worth it or not.
I'm not sure how to calculate effective hp so i'm asking for help. If someone knows i'd very much appreciate it.

Max Health / (1 - (Resilience / 100))

So with 100k hp and 60% resi you'd do: 100k / (1 - (60 / 100)) = 100k / (1 - 0.6) = 100k / 0.4 = 250k EH

You could also include other damage reductions (like armor) by multiplying them together before dividing, but I think most PvPers only look at EH from resi (since you don't know if you'll be vs a melee or caster).
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