Newest compilation of MoP BiS Healing templates! (for both 80 AND 80+ PvP twinks)

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finally updated OP with druid.
if there is enough interest, then i will extend the OP to include all classes and specs, not just healing ones.
Ooooo look guys, people blindly following templates, my favourite type of PvP'ers. BOOM HEADSHOT!
Ooooo look guys, people blindly following templates, my favourite type of PvP'ers. BOOM HEADSHOT!

who said they have to blindly follow? is that what you do when it comes to templates?

well sorry to break this to you, most people use my templates as a base to expand from in order to to build a twink that they themselves consider BiS.
who said they have to blindly follow? is that what you do when it comes to templates?

well sorry to break this to you, most people use my templates as a base to expand from in order to to build a twink that they themselves consider BiS.

Hurp durp durp, ORLY?! KK U RULZ.

But seriously, I wasn't ripping into the templates anyway, so go fuck off somewhere else. I'm just not a fan of people going oooo templates, making their character exactly like it, then being like... Ok, I know this enchant here isn't BiS but I'll ask about it instead of just changing it. You're making mindless PvP'ers that have NO IDEA how to gear, enchant or reforge their own characters, thus the reason I'd love to run around and "BOOM HEADSHOT" them.

Oh and PS. I don't use templates. I gear my own characters thanks very much.
If someone doesn't have the mental capacity to build their own twink's gear set then honestly I don't know why they even bother. Sharing some common knowledge is useful but it really isn't hard to head on over to Wowhead + CharDev and make your own profile. Half the fun is figuring out what's BiS for your spec and reevaluating those choices over time.
I will admit, part of the reason the BiS list isn't updated for new specs/gear is that it's next to useless to even try for it. I get a request, spend half a day theorycrafting for it (bearing in mind I don't have all classes at 80, and certainly not the gear to prove my theories) only to literally get either argued at for several pages (Thanks Falkor), or blatently ignored. I've still got several sets of my own, but much like the approach I've been taking in-game to these things, the effort has to come both ways. Providing info to the mindless stupid masses is one of the reasons I barely post on MMO-Champion anymore.
If someone doesn't have the mental capacity to build their own twink's gear set then honestly I don't know why they even bother.

actually the number of people who don't have the mental capacity/technology capacity/patience/time to build their own twink's gear set is quite large. i am a wowhead expert now but it took me a long time to figure out everything.

it really isn't hard to head on over to Wowhead + CharDev and make your own profile.

then be a good samaritan and do it for them. i promise you there is a need, i personally get a lot of tells of asking for gear advices lol.

Half the fun is figuring out what's BiS for your spec and reevaluating those choices over time.

it is half the fun for you. i admit, for me too.

but we can only speak for ourselves, no?
then be a good samaritan and do it for them.

I'm getting kinda low on gold, could you be a good samaritan and farm some for me? Thanks.

Edit: Let me just clarify btw. If you have a lot of experience/knowledge about your class then sure, it's always nice to help others who ask for advice. However, what's not fine (imo) is when people ask for someone to make them a chardev because they're too lazy to do it themselves (at least try first and then ask for improvements). Or when someone makes a bunch of templates for classes they don't even play and posts them as "BiS".
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Or when someone makes a bunch of templates for classes they don't even play and posts them as "BiS".

so it's okay for Splosion to do it, but when i do it, it's not okay.

i see.

which template do you have problem with? please either give a better alternative, or keep quiet ;)
so it's okay for Splosion to do it, but when i do it, it's not okay.

i see.

which template do you have problem with? please either give a better alternative, or keep quiet ;)

Do you even know how many classes/characters Splosion has? Nope? Well neither do I, but it's alot (like 6-7 lvl 80s and several that are higher level). You could argue that I don't know how many you play either, but looking at your rogue's armory I'm not convinced you actively play 1 level 80 (at least not recently anyway).

And I don't have a problem with any of the templates (I've not bothered looking at any of them). If anything I have a problem with you, and the way you keep posting false information on this forum lately. What research did you do to make sure these are "BiS"? How did you figure out what stats were best? Did you do any in-game testing? Used a Sim? Or did you just "pick the highest item level" >_>

Usually I'm very passive on these forums, but you're starting to get on my nerves now too. Remember what they say: quality > quantity.
I don't have a problem with any of the templates (I've not bothered looking at any of them).

then look at the title of this thread and then tell me, why do you continue to post in this thread?
it amazes me that people like Splosion and Aelobin don't realize that something they themselves find trivial could be helpful to a lot of people.

sorry to break this to you, but few people spend as much time as us on this video game.

so i am going to continue to build templates to help others. don't like it? quoting Splosion, tough luck!
Thing is glancealot, there's two things you're doing that you obviously haven't identified as issues.

1. You seem oblivious to almost anything we're saying (to the point of horrible ignorance, people only have to read this thread to see that)
2. You aren't exactly posting the most accurate of information. It's just some random calculations you've done, and doesn't have much in the way of reasoning (My BiS thread had reasoning, and it also was primarily PvE because there literally is 1 BiS for that and nothing else, whilst PvP several sets had to be made, and even then it was mostly at the user's discretion)

But again, you're not going to see it. And I'll probably get some semi-insulting response because that's what you do, you seem incapable of replying any differently.
ignoring your posts until you stop beating around the bush.

1, name the issue, the exact issue, which piece in which template is questionable.

2, name the alternative.

then i will discuss said issue with you.
Glancealot, do you ever wonder why everyone dislikes you and your posts?

It's because when someone disagrees with you, you act like a 3 year old girl who had her pacifier taken away. You get so butthurt over stupid shit, it's amazing.
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