New years resolutions!

Hmmph there is actually an item from vale of eternal blossoms that might help it increases xp from mobs by quite a chunk it can also be sent from mailbox but make sure you don't have pvp on if you die your gonna have to farm it again.I'll try find out the name:)
I don't have mop on this acc

Come over on misha :D I hear from a few friends (yes idek whats happening on my own realm lol) that we have a small hunter army forming to 1 shot all these big bad 24 premades ;) No farming allowed and we won't be able to premade all the time but if you're rolling an ally hunt come on over.


Don't worry we will use our power sparingly.. More people then you may know are getting tired of these crappy 24 horde premades gy farming so when we have a bad night of 24s we'll just whip out the hunters and show them how a fair fight feels ^-^ Had 3 on our realm already with 2 more that I know of that's gearing and a possible 3 other ones that's coming
Don't worry we will use our power sparingly.. More people then you may know are getting tired of these crappy 24 horde premades gy farming so when we have a bad night of 24s we'll just whip out the hunters and show them how a fair fight feels ^-^ Had 3 on our realm already with 2 more that I know of that's gearing and a possible 3 other ones that's coming

Glad to see you understand the point of premading, so maybe you can stop bitching about other realms. And I sure hope you don't think just horde are the bad guys here, I know you know Alli teams are just as bad.
A team=A team comprises a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.
A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his/her strengths and minimize his/her weaknesses. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.[1] A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.In the bad times and the good times there will always be good teams and bad teams
never to read a pryopaladin thread again.
Probably try farming the ambassador title, Still don't have that yet haha!
Glad to see you understand the point of premading, so maybe you can stop bitching about other realms. And I sure hope you don't think just horde are the bad guys here, I know you know Alli teams are just as bad.

I always understood the point of premades. I just felt like some people used premades to cause grief instead of griefing the people who caused them grief, if that makes sense.. Some are just for fun though of course :) Like I say a horde premade of 6 24 rogues the other day. They lost 3-0 pretty easily but I bet they had fun even with their really OP comp. Also I haven't bitched about premades that much lately.

Yes ally is bad as well but only a blind person can't see the overwhelming P2P ratio of horde compared to ally and the overwhelming ratio of horde premades to ally. I know very well most pugs/premades for ally, if they had the chance, would do the same horde does though.
I always understood the point of premades. I just felt like some people used premades to cause grief instead of griefing the people who caused them grief, if that makes sense.. Some are just for fun though of course :) Like I say a horde premade of 6 24 rogues the other day. They lost 3-0 pretty easily but I bet they had fun even with their really OP comp. Also I haven't bitched about premades that much lately.

Yes ally is bad as well but only a blind person can't see the overwhelming P2P ratio of horde compared to ally and the overwhelming ratio of horde premades to ally. I know very well most pugs/premades for ally, if they had the chance, would do the same horde does though.
Now girls can't we all just get along and talk about how cute Jacob is in twilight ? I myself wish he would take his shirt off more but that's just me .
This is us getting along though? lol and I think I can speak for me and hairy when I say twilight sucks...
Your right only one potty word in the convo so far . That must be a record !!! :) on twilight comment you can't just say twilight sucks you have to respond In the form " twilight suck !, ________ in the movie __________ is _____ times hotter than Jacob !" That's just how it works :)

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