Nothing special here and I think about 1 minute in you threw an awful drag gernade followed up by charging the wrong person (you charged some rando when you should have saved to use on efc). Proceeded to turn film off.
Be happy I made it that far in though as it takes ALOT to get me to actually finish a twinks video.
My suggestion to you is try and work on getting some amazing shots, and edit just those in. Can’t say anything else because you had a lilttle bit a comedy with that rogue bit, as well as a solid intro. It’s just, as your gameplay starts to unfold in the film and we get to see what you do during crucial plays, you fall short. Either edit those out, or as I said before wait to make a movie where you have nothing but great shots.
This might Ben harsh criticism but again, it takes a lot to impress me. And I’m not stroking some imaginary ego either, because I don’t think I’m any better of a player than anyone else, and not saying I can get better shots by any means, even if it’s might be true. I’m just saying if your going to make a twink film, remember your audience. A bunch of perfectionist. When I personally see someone who didn’t scrap a bit of film that’s has a frag belt miss, I cringe.