The brackets I find most fun personally is 19, 29 and 60.
Instead of asking what classes are the best, you should ask yourself what class in general you feel mostly drawn towards. At the end of the day, it's going to be more fun and satisfying playing something that appeals to you rather than something that facerolls.
Classes regarding 19 WSG (WSG because it's the most played, and the key focus in premades/plebmades/tournaments):
The higher you go, the better some classes start to get. All the way to 60, Arms Warrior, SV hunter and Disc Priest out-performs everyone else. However, at 60 classes like mage, warlock, rogue starts to becomes incredibly strong in their own ways.
Your tier list triggers me, so many things I don't agree with : /
Comment on the tier list with valid inputs as to what you think should be changed and why. Might be pointless with 7.3 around the corner though. So many changes are going to happen with that patch. (probably).
I would but u know, cba
Did you try Self Restore Deleted Character your priest on the Character loging screen?Right before Legion when the invasions were out, I made a level 19 disc priest, and got the ilevel 34 warforged, but ended up deleting the character shortly after, regret that now. I did a few BG's on it and had fun.
I may try another level 19 disc priest, although, I'll feel regret for deleting that one, or I could try a 109 DH has someone mentioned; I'm sure that would be fun.
Did you try Self Restore Deleted Character your priest on the Character loging screen?
Aww that sucks. :SYeah, it's gone.
Is there a huge advantage in having item level 34 vs 24?