New to the bracket

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Roll a 20 with F2P rules. If not then you are a *&^&

I feel like you have this message along with a few others that you just stroll around these forums reposting on every thread....

Yes I understand that 20 f2p players are at disadvantage compared to p2p players, but this song is getting real old....
I play f2ps, 20's with f2p restrictions, a 20 with p2p enchants and a 24. By far, I have the most fun on my f2p restricted toons. That's not to say, I don't enjoy getting pocketed by a 24 Hpal while I lava lash people for 700 crits on my 24 Enh... This bracket has enjoyable aspects for every single option you want to roll. Try out everything before you devote yourself to one toon. You never know which one you're going to enjoy the most until you've tried them all.
I play f2ps, 20's with f2p restrictions, a 20 with p2p enchants and a 24. By far, I have the most fun on my f2p restricted toons. That's not to say, I don't enjoy getting pocketed by a 24 Hpal while I lava lash people for 700 crits on my 24 Enh... This bracket has enjoyable aspects for every single option you want to roll. Try out everything before you devote yourself to one toon. You never know which one you're going to enjoy the most until you've tried them all.

Good way of entering this bracket imo
I played in this bracket for 6 mos and plan on returning on the 28th. It's as compettive as you want it to be. I'd suggest solo q'n for best results. Doing 5 man premade is way to faceroll even if other team has a few 24's.

Play as you want though, everyone wants you to play how they play.

I think Psychomaniac was from there and was GM of the twink guild Remix. He is with us on Anub'arak now.


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Hey!, yeah psychomaniac was in all my twink guilds back in the day. He is still a good friend of mine and is actually the one helping me with Gnomer runs :p Mabey after I have more money coming in Ill transfer my account over there :p
Hey!, yeah psychomaniac was in all my twink guilds back in the day. He is still a good friend of mine and is actually the one helping me with Gnomer runs :p Mabey after I have more money coming in Ill transfer my account over there :p

If you need additional help just let us know. Also, jump in our mumble and I will do a bugle blast for the old Whirlwind twinks. Can scrounge up 30-40 with only a short notice. :D

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Trilium IS very well known and was considered one of the best rogues in 19's when he played actively.

As far as his signature goes, I guess it's really a 19's thing -- you guys won't really understand. In any case, I highly doubt any of you will be outclicking him on returns.

He's not full of himself; if you get to play with him I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it. Great player and great person.
As far as his signature goes, I guess it's really a 19's thing -- you guys won't really understand.

What's to understand, a guy has a stupid amount of tasteless, vain comments in his signature. He might be a wonderful guy to play with, but people are responding to it because of his signature, and the whole self righteous opening to his thread.
Just saying.
Trilium IS very well known and was considered one of the best rogues in 19's when he played actively.

As far as his signature goes, I guess it's really a 19's thing -- you guys won't really understand. In any case, I highly doubt any of you will be outclicking him on returns.

He's not full of himself; if you get to play with him I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it. Great player and great person.

It is a 19s That is what has become of 19s...all epeen. Case and point; a steady stream of truly well known (when they were playing) 19s who were considered top echelon players in their class have been returning to the game. None of them beat their chests or signatures. One such player? Jumpy. Considered in many battle groups to be a top rogue. His posts and signature have no such epeen.

P.s. Out clicking. We scroll click now baby. Get on our level. :p

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You may be jaded with 19's but there is nothing wrong with Trillium and an asset to have in your group. We have all been young and wanting to fit in to the "IN" group. People are judging this book by its cover and haven't read before passing judgements. You're right people have been scroll clicking for ages just like Trillium thus the lucky to outclick him.
Trillium is well known for being an active player and doesn't have a bad rep. So I welcome any Active members to the 20-24 bracket.
You may be jaded with 19's but there is nothing wrong with Trillium and an asset to have in your group. We have all been young and wanting to fit in to the "IN" group. People are judging this book by its cover and haven't read before passing judgements. You're right people have been scroll clicking for ages just like Trillium thus the lucky to outclick him.

Did not say that there is something wrong with him nor that he is not a good guy or not fun to play with. That would be dense of me to do... kind if like suggesting that people are judging him when what they are taking issue with are his words. I get that you want desperately to be IN that IN group.

Additionally...clicking is clicking, scroll clicking is scroll clicking. There is no luck in either. You make your own luck. Thus you are wrong yet again. :D

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Did not say that there is something wrong with him nor that he is not a good guy or not fun to play with. That would be dense of me to do... kind if like suggesting that people are judging him when what they are taking issue with are his words. I get that you want desperately to be IN that IN group.

Additionally...clicking is clicking, scroll clicking is scroll clicking. There is no luck in either. You make your own luck. Thus you are wrong yet again. :D

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Wow, Crit you must have thought I was talking directly to you. I didn't even quote you, it was a response that just went under yours. The only comment that was directed towards you was that you and others were jaded with 19s. The rest of the included content was towards multiple people that were throwing out stereotypes onto Trillium just cause he has a signature and a good flag returner.

So because Trillium has an advertisement on his signature (his words), automatically brands him? We all have to live in our own skins and some of us brag whoop de doo. If braggers can't back it up then they will hear about it now won't they. Several players have stood up to back up Trillium as a player wanted in their group.

It seems out clicking a flag return when Trillium is around from previous statements in thread is tough to do. Scroll clicking which many players do now is common practice thanks for reminding all of us.

I didn't know you knew I wanted to be included in the "IN" crowed before I did. I have been busy last couple of months so I will have get right on finding where the "IN" crowd is. Can you point me to where that is? Is it 19's, 24's, rbgs, 70's or another game?
Wow, Crit you must have thought I was talking directly to you. I didn't even quote you, it was a response that just went under yours. The only comment that was directed towards you was that you and others were jaded with 19s. The rest of the included content was towards multiple people that were throwing out stereotypes onto Trillium just cause he has a signature and a good flag returner.

So because Trillium has an advertisement on his signature (his words), automatically brands him? We all have to live in our own skins and some of us brag whoop de doo. If braggers can't back it up then they will hear about it now won't they. Several players have stood up to back up Trillium as a player wanted in their group.

It seems out clicking a flag return when Trillium is around from previous statements in thread is tough to do. Scroll clicking which many players do now is common practice thanks for reminding all of us.

I didn't know you knew I wanted to be included in the "IN" crowed before I did. I have been busy last couple of months so I will have get right on finding where the "IN" crowd is. Can you point me to where that is? Is it 19's, 24's, rbgs, 70's or another game?

When immediately following another post and omit saying it is to the OP you say "you"...

Just sayin'

Friends always rush to their friends defense. Objective they are not. Being called out for something you did is not "branding". Being called out for something you continue to do may be. You sir are hypersensitive in the defense of this players epeen. One could easily derive that you are attempting to gain favor of the IN crowd YOU spoke about the player is trying to be in with.

As for where the "IN crowd" is you are the one talking about it. I don't go out of my way to know such things.

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What I meant is scroll clicking. I'd put money on Trilium outscrolling all of you.

I don't get what's the big deal...everyone's tripping out over nothing...It's like you guys are looking for the smallest things to nitpick on and start a fight.

I could say the same thing about you, Crit, boasting in your signature about your guild and how you are the founder of "Horde Invasion"...but I'm not.
What I meant is scroll clicking. I'd put money on Trilium outscrolling all of you.

I don't get what's the big deal...everyone's tripping out over nothing...It's like you guys are looking for the smallest things to nitpick on and start a fight.

I could say the same thing about you, Crit, boasting in your signature about your guild and how you are the founder of "Horde Invasion"...but I'm not.

Lol...stretch much?

Is introducing myself boasting as well? After all, I am Crit and you are not. Fail argument. Sure, you could say that about me but you are wrong and you risk being branded as a fool if you keep it up.

How much money are you betting and who will hold the pot?

Also, no one is starting a fight. This bracket is not the 15-19 bracket. What is accepted or is normal there is not automatically accepted here. Take note of the differences, respect them and in turn be respected. Keep forcing or defending stuff that does not work here and you may get a fight. That is the point. Stop exaggerating what is being reflected back to the OP. This bracket has little bragging going on and it is not acceptable. I am sure the player is a great guy, great player, etc.:D

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