if you're only using dots on rogues you're bad, end of discussion.
letting people bandage is bad, putting pressure on healers is good, you getting this?
Can I get an armory link please so next time I kill you I can /wave b4 i do?your actually bad at playing ur hunter
Assuming all the 24s are actually good:sorry to burst your bubble but bis f2p hunters are as OP as any 24, apart from 24 hunters ofc. i'm not gonna complain about 20 hunters while im playing a 24 rogue, but dont expect pitty as a hunter.
and fyi, i'd happily play this bracket as a 20 (and do some times) if it wasn't for the amount of hunters, you made your hunter to faceroll, i made my 24 to faceroll your faceroller, difference is i admit it.
Can I get an armory link please so next time I kill you I can /wave b4 i do?
Assuming all the 24s are actually good:
20 hunt vs 24 priest: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 hunter: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 pally: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 rogue: (assuming vanish isnt on cd) no chance
20 hunt vs 24 warrior: can be a 50/50 chance depending on situation
20 hunt vs 24 lock: lock should win atleast 75% of the time
20 hunt vs 24 resto sham: hunt could win but would take literally 5 minutes
20 hunt vs enh/ele shaman: shaman should win with higher hp and higher burst
20 hunt vs 24 mage: (assuming mage has more then 1.5k) no chance
20 hunt vs 24 druid: no chance unless they dont know how to shift.
Hunter wasnt my first class Lilrouge @ Misha - Game Guide - World of Warcraft was but after seeing hunter had the best chance vs the increasing amount of 24s you think I'm going to continue to let you guys just use your level advantage to roll over everyone? I made my faceroll to have any chance vs your faceroller I don't expect pity but tired of hunters being blamed by everyone including 24s now like you don't have enough of an advantage lol
Yes assuming the 24 is good.. I can easily beat 800 hp 24s like your bm hunt there can to. Go try beating a 3k prot or 2k mage then talk to me about rocking 24s downmaybe 1-2 24s that fit that role of "24 beating the 20." Heck not even close to BiS and people like Hotskulyarl @ Bleeding Hollow - Game Guide - World of Warcraft can rock 24s down.
ok ill try to find some one to kill and SS.Yes assuming the 24 is good.. I can easily beat 800 hp 24s like your bm hunt there can to. Go try beating a 3k prot or 2k mage then talk to me about rocking 24s down
Thought you upgraded?ok ill try to find some one to kill and SS.
Can I get an armory link please so next time I kill you I can /wave b4 i do?
Assuming all the 24s are actually good:
20 hunt vs 24 priest: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 hunter: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 pally: no chance
20 hunt vs 24 rogue: (assuming vanish isnt on cd) no chance
20 hunt vs 24 warrior: can be a 50/50 chance depending on situation
20 hunt vs 24 lock: lock should win atleast 75% of the time
20 hunt vs 24 resto sham: hunt could win but would take literally 5 minutes
20 hunt vs enh/ele shaman: shaman should win with higher hp and higher burst
20 hunt vs 24 mage: (assuming mage has more then 1.5k) no chance
20 hunt vs 24 druid: no chance unless they dont know how to shift.
Hunter wasnt my first class Lilrouge @ Misha - Game Guide - World of Warcraft was but after seeing hunter had the best chance vs the increasing amount of 24s you think I'm going to continue to let you guys just use your level advantage to roll over everyone? I made my faceroll to have any chance vs your faceroller I don't expect pity but tired of hunters being blamed by everyone including 24s now like you don't have enough of an advantage lol
most of this is bs and i cba to explain it all, but.... how does a 20 hunter lose to any type of warrior 50% of the time ? unless you dc or something, and why cant you kite a ret?
Seeing warriors can crit for nearly 1k and piercing howl can cause them to get a few extra hits on me I could be dead before I start to kite. A ret just uses HoJ then by the time those 6 seconds are up I'm long dead. I know I'm op vs all lv 20s but disc priests and holy pallys but main reason I rolled a hunter was to have any kind of chance with GOOD 24s and I'm still unable to see how I'm op vs 24s
Will you take a gift card?
Seeing warriors can crit for nearly 1k and piercing howl can cause them to get a few extra hits on me I could be dead before I start to kite. A ret just uses HoJ then by the time those 6 seconds are up I'm long dead. I know I'm op vs all lv 20s but disc priests and holy pallys but main reason I rolled a hunter was to have any kind of chance with GOOD 24s and I'm still unable to see how I'm op vs 24s
Versus Warriors. Let's say you feel pity and let them get the Charge off (Charge - Spell - World of Warcraft), because I'm pretty sure 40 > 25. I digress. They charge, you disengage. What's the problem? You skeying while trying to find your Scatter bind? They shouldn't be hitting you at all. My Mage doesn't have the kiting issues you eluded to with Wars and she has to hardcast her slows.
Versus Ret. Yeah I suppose if you can't trinket you will die. Any reason you didn't start kiting before they got within Hammer range? I'm almost 100% certain 40> 10 (Hammer of Justice - Spell - World of Warcraft). Don't quote me there though
However, I think I understand the real problem here...
Is this a 1st person zoomed in issue? You can easily remedy people getting the jump on you by zooming out. There is a slider in the interface menu which allows you to adjust your camera distance...
Or you can use this macro
/console cameraDistanceMax <value>
Where value cannot exceed 50.
Now you won't lose to Rets or Warriors as a Hunter any longer!
Thank me with a gift basket please!
Versus Warriors. Let's say you feel pity and let them get the Charge off (Charge - Spell - World of Warcraft), because I'm pretty sure 40 > 25. I digress. They charge, you disengage. What's the problem? You skeying while trying to find your Scatter bind? They shouldn't be hitting you at all. My Mage doesn't have the kiting issues you eluded to with Wars and she has to hardcast her slows.
Versus Ret. Yeah I suppose if you can't trinket you will die. Any reason you didn't start kiting before they got within Hammer range? I'm almost 100% certain 40> 10 (Hammer of Justice - Spell - World of Warcraft). Don't quote me there though
Or you can use this macro
/console cameraDistanceMax <value>
Where value cannot exceed 50.
Thank me with a gift basket please!