New to the bracket! Something bothering me...

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Why is it that EVERY BG I join... I'm ally btw. Horde has nothing but pallys, hunters and rogues... No diversity... I've played about 6-7 games in this bracket as a 24 warrior and it's funny that you horde HAVE to play those classes to be competitive.. Opinions anyone?
If you were horde ud say the exact same thing about the ally....
I chose warrior for that reason... Hunters pallys and rogues are boring to play.. My opinion.. But going up against 5 pallys (2 holy) 3 ret.. 4 hunters and a rogue.. Is not my idea of a fun game
I'd say those are the most three played classes on both sides.

Were all 24s or 20s?

Massacre pm me your real id, I will give to our guild and you will have a more enjoyable experience. I love warriors in groups. Great supporting class.

reminds me of critsters 6x 24 holy/prot paladins+1 24 priest.Do you call that a ''fun'' game?

or...ive seen 6 cyclops alliance hunters...ive seen 7 24 undergeared duopaladin hunters...i thought ive seen it all...until this


grass is greener on the other side though..once you play both factions you realize they have an equal amount of skeying hunters(inculding me).But horde does have alot more 24s..i wouldnt blame them though..insta queues..who doesnt want ''easy f2p n00b kills '' without having to wait 5 minutes.
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Ah that looks lovely.... im not going to lie.. i made a 10 hunter premade on my 19s once... was just not fair and not fun.. really no point lol
hunters are op and weak people make them to pwn.
rogue is the second choice for clicker bads due to them already having the boas(see above).
they reroll paly after dying as a rogue or hunter to one. im sure they start of all "im gunna heal meh team derp" then go ret for sweet burst.

i see you like to generalise your hate between these classes in any post you seem to do, should let the grudge go imo
Weak enough to not shut up about and keep complaining about something that will never change. Every time you complain about hunters, people have even more enjoyment creating them...
Weak enough to not shut up about and keep complaining about something that will never change. Every time you complain about hunters, people have even more enjoyment creating them...

thats fine with me. it sharpens your skills to face 5(or more)hunters or rogues. its also nice to out dmg all of them on a stamina stacked lock with zero slows/interputs and cc that breaks if you look too hard at someone.

im just saying rolling those classes are a crutch and every single twink who plays them(me included) knows im right.
thats fine with me. it sharpens your skills to face 5(or more)hunters or rogues. its also nice to out dmg all of them on a stamina stacked lock with zero slows/interputs and cc that breaks if you look too hard at someone.

im just saying rolling those classes are a crutch and every single twink who plays them(me included) knows im right.

oh you make me lol, and dotting everything up isnt hard btw
Fear can be used to interrupt a heal.... And if ur not smart with fear obv it will break.... If used right it I amazing
Weak enough to not shut up about and keep complaining about something that will never change. Every time you complain about hunters, people have even more enjoyment creating them...
Let him keep complaining please it just gives me more pleasure when I can 1v1 him as a lv 20. He must think his 4 cast action bar as a lock is so much different then a hunters 3 slot action bar. Then again he is the guy who thinks rogue and hunt boas are the same
hunters are op and weak people make them to pwn.
rogue is the second choice for clicker bads due to them already having the boas(see above).
Fear can be used to interrupt a heal.... And if ur not smart with fear obv it will break.... If used right it I amazing

im not the one who breaks my own fears, its idiot pugs. i dont think ive ever head someone refer to cc with a cast time as an interupt.
lots of firsts tonight.
im not the one who breaks my own fears, its idiot pugs. i dont think ive ever head someone refer to cc with a cast time as an interupt.
lots of firsts tonight.

blaming others lol, and it would be considered one because this is 24 not 85, but i guess your just showing off more of that knowledge of yours
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