New to the 20s Twinking First Try Need Some Help

I would be SHOCKED to see them leave SL on 9.2.5 for almost a full year. SL has been on end-of-life for a while now.

SL has been on the end of it's life cause it got the WoD treatment and was cancelled. They needed to abandon SL and work on Dragonflight instead of delivering the planned 9.3. It's a smart move.

With that said we are left with an end of WoD situation, not much Blizz can do because I can't fathom that Dragonflight will be released earlier than March of 2023. March of 2023 it rushing Dragonflight.

Which is why they paired Dragonflight reveal with the much anticipated WotLK reveal and they expect that to be the content hold over till Dragonflight releases next year. So a Spring/Summer release is likely but from all the Dev interviews and Q & A the language points to April or later release likely.

Dragonflight isn't anywhere close to Alpha, in the next months they will reveal Talent trees on a website per Holinka in his recent interview for players to give feedback on. Blizz has no intentions of rushing this because of the horrific situation their company is in and need to win back players to convince them Dragonflight will be different. So they plan on possible 2 Alphas and gathering feedback to do many iterations. Beta won't even be this year. I just can't see it as of now.

How does one attain pit fighter. I go there at 6, 9, and 12 (server time) and the chest is never there.

I went off this guide I found in comments for times

00:00 (Midnight)
15:00 (3:00pm)
18:00 (6:00pm)
21:00 (9:00pm)

I grabbed it at 3PM (for me Eastern time) bunch of people waiting some rogue sapping etc. I was ready to battle but we all just chatted. I went to loot right away never was attacked. The other 6 people there also looted and got it. We didn't even have to PvP guess it was changed thankfully... cause I really needed the trinket.
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With that said we are left with an end of WoD situation, not much Blizz can do because I can't fathom that Dragonflight will be released earlier than March of 2023. March of 2023 it rushing Dragonflight
There was like what... 4-5 months between the last patch of WOD and 7.0

But yea man, I hope they slow it down. Im fine with them letting content simmer and wouldnt mind them sitting on the final patch of SL for over a year. But I'm gonna make the safe assumption that I'm in the minority and they arent gonna bet on an entirely different game holding folks over for that long.

Point being, its closer than I think you're planning. But still, you shouldnt let that keep you from building/experimenting with the toon :)
There was like what... 4-5 months between the last patch of WOD and 7.0

6.2 was released on June 23, 2015
Legion released on Aug 30, 2016

So 14 months (the content for WoD was cancelled just like SL)

Also Legion was announced Aug of 2015 and released 1 year after announcement.

So if SL follows WoD's model then April of 2023 or latter likely. Combine that with SL being the dumpsterfire that it is and in Dragonflight they need to change everything. New robust Talent system, all classes redesigned. New Dragonflying system.

But yea man, I hope they slow it down.

They have no choice now. That is why the Devs are on a PR tour. Heck even Ion finally did an interview with Asmongold. Blizz is on their apology tour and trying to convince all the players they lost to come back. So the repeated terminology echoed from the interviews was (listening) to player and then iterating. Something they haven't done before really. They do seem to want to get it right this time but they also realize they have to get it right. SL was that bad, it wasn't just the worst expansion but one of the worst expansions ever released for any MMO. Every player metric for SL is the worst in WoW history.

But I'm gonna make the safe assumption that I'm in the minority and they arent gonna bet on an entirely different game holding folks over for that long.

We have WotLK coming though. That is an expansion technically. Keep in mind when WoD lost half it's subs and they pulled the plug on it for over a year to redeem themselves in Legion they didn't have Classic.

Point being, its closer than I think you're planning.

There is a 0.00% chance Dragonflight comes out this year. So not sure what dates you are thinking? Again March 2023 would be rushing DF and likely a late spring/summer release. They can finely tune all the new things they are implementing build up excitement again.

We have seen Zero gameplay because there is none to reveal. Just some barebones on the new Dragonriding to build excitement for that system. So next couple months I expect for the first reveal of Talent trees. Then a few months after that first Alpha. The first Beta will be next year.

WotLK will hold everyone over and was the pinnacle of WoW anyways. Blizz made their bed now they have to lay in it.

Just my 2 cents but I'd bet on this with what I know.
But still, you shouldnt let that keep you from building/experimenting with the toon :)

The reason why I been going hard is because I expect the April 2023 release so I can enjoy my Twinks and play WotLK until then :)
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Seems like this belongs in the 10.0 speculation thread, but I might as well write it here since everyone is throwing dates around.

Following the logic from the above post, I threw the dates in a table. (Hope I got the dates correct, happy to redo the math in excel). It takes roughly 300 days after pre order is available for the expansion to come out. When I check the days between day1 of each subsequent expansion, its roughly 773 days. Assuming all things linear, that would bring us Pre order date of March 11, 2022 and launch date of Jan 5th 2023...

Since we are already passed the pre order date and the overall sentiment is far from alpha. Just being generous and throwing 9 months (30*9 days) would bring us to preorder dec6 2022 and oct2 2023 launch, but this is just my corporate bullshit math... to me, the material presented feels like a big content patch. But who knows? Maybe we'll get the new talent revamp before 10.0. To me, it seems the majority of the community is most excited for.


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Seems like this belongs in the 10.0 speculation thread, but I might as well write it here since everyone is throwing dates around.

Haha this thread is kinda the culmination of me learning Twinks and links/info, my experience so far with Twinks and any random topic that pops up. Once my Sub runs out I'll probably make a Prot Pal guide depending on how into I go. I'm now looking over consumes and bought 200 BFA Draughts for the +5 all stats for both my Twinks. Since I played a lot of BFA had resources to spend on potions.

Since we are already passed the pre order date and the overall sentiment is far from alpha. Just being generous and throwing 9 months (30*9 days) would bring us to preorder dec6 2022 and oct2 2023 launch, but this is just my corporate bullshit math... to me, the material presented feels like a big content patch. But who knows? Maybe we'll get the new talent revamp before 10.0.

Yea I mean I like your logic. Blizz is holding off Preorder intelligently this time around because people are pissed. After they finish the apology tour and then finally debut some actual gameplay that builds excitement they can offer preorders. This is just a different situation somewhat due to the hot water Blizz is in with SL and internally. Offering a preorder for Dragonflight would be considered insulting atm and they know it.
Does nightmare tear only give +2 stats now? On my Prot I put one into my gloves that had +2 stam and my HP stayed the same. Also my Str only went up 2. So kinda disappointed I just bought one and wasted some gold as I was trying to focus on adding more Str/HP.

On a positive note farmed out my 2 pc on my Spriest today so can't wait to melt on him. Has 20% crit and 32% haste :)
Been focusing on my Spriest to finish up right before my Sub runs out because while I want to have fun on Prot the reality is atm the 20's bracket isn't great for Tanks.(hope DF changes that) You need tremendous gear and build to overcome all the disadvantages which is why we often have more than 1 Twink.

My Spriest just melted with okay gear so really excited now I'm almost finished my Haste/Crit build (which was met with some skepticism in another thread.) I been soloing Old Hillsbrad with him killing the Capt trying to get my legs. I just feel like this build not only offers the most damage compared to Mastery but as I said tanking capabilities that just makes the build feel solid.

Right now rocking some solid stats at 33% Haste 24% Crit and a solid 14% Versa to bring everything together. Zero mastery and can't see a reason to put points into it over the other stats.

If anything is learned from these forums there are a lot of ways to play and build something unique to your playstyle. That's why we Twink afterall. This build feels really good right now and will be nuclear in damage when I Que it up. The rotation feels great and Haste/Crit allows for more PvP talent options.

I got Alchemist flask, leveled cooking for Int food, Brilliant wiz oil and BFA Draughts. :PagChomp:
Looks good, might I suggest [Mark of the Hidden Satyr] neck enchant and [Elemental Force] weapon enchant. They proc off sp dots and they are quite frequent as there are no internal cooldown. (I've seen it tick back to back in a matter of seconds)
might I suggest [Mark of the Hidden Satyr] neck enchant and [Elemental Force] weapon enchant.

Thanks for the reminder, I've been holding off on the neck enchant as I wasn't sure if I was going to switch it out for something better. I don't think I'd want to lose the +11 spell power on weapon in this build for Elemental force but I do have a decent socket weapon in stash I could put one on to mess around with.
why not blade of eternal darkness? that shadow bolt proc doesn't seem to have a cool down, and on my priest it procs all the time just from shadow word pain, I'd imagine it will proc more for shadow priests.
I don't think I'd want to lose the +11 spell power on weapon in this build for Elemental force but I do have a decent socket weapon in stash I could put one on to mess around with.

I haven't played sp for a long time, but I recall choosing the elemental force over the extra +11 spell power. Since the tooltip dmg before/after enchant was not a big difference maker. Although its pure chance, the ~45 dmg was a frequent proc. Each instance of dot ticking or reapplying dots, or casting dmg spells could trigger it.

why not blade of eternal darkness?
This is another weapon definitely worth getting.

There is an offhand with proc, but it summons skeleton(s) to attack your target, but it keeps you in combat unless they respawn.
The Book of the Dead is good too, I've had 3 skelies up at the same time one time haha good fun. But they don't hit hard at all, like 4 damage outside of bg, can't recall how much they hit for in bg when scaled up. Although for a Crit/Haste build you probably want the off hand from the priestess in Atal'Dazar, socketed version ofcourse.

/shame me who still don't know how to link items.
/shame me who still don't know how to link items.

Look up the item on wowhead then copy/paste the webpage url from the address bar up top. Looks like this:

https //www wowhead com/item=13353/book-of-the-dead

https //www wowhead com/item=158322/aureus-vessel

(I took out the colons and periods from the URL so it wouldn't create the link in the examples. I think just wowhead and the item number is enough... yes it is- www wowhead com/item=158322 )
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why not blade of eternal darkness?

Seems like an interesting item! Haven't looked into it, yet.

There is an offhand with proc, but it summons skeleton(s) to attack your target, but it keeps you in combat unless they respawn. Book of the Dead

Cool suggestion thanks! Definitely style points.

On a side note finally finished Old Hillsbrad, the Crit 3 socket pants dropped off first boss and the 3 socket +2 stam bonus off 2nd (what I was after) in the same run.

So put +2 Inte/Crit gems in the Crit pants and the Pantaloon's I was after got the +2 Int/Haste gems (which I'm probably sticking with) Since they have Versa and the Haste + 2 stam bonus is good.

Minions really benefit from Crit/Haste. Shadowfiend really pumps with Crit/Haste and Dragonling melee Crits but his lightning breathe can't. So maybe the book of the dead would be interesting I'd be like a Necromancer lol.
I haven't played sp for a long time, but I recall choosing the elemental force over the extra +11 spell power. Since the tooltip dmg before/after enchant was not a big difference maker. Although its pure chance, the ~45 dmg was a frequent proc.

Ok did some test with an equal weapon with socket. The Elemental force procs are nice crits for 91 dmg and nice to see an extra proc rolling in on dots. However not sure if it really benefits the build even in Dps.

The loss in spellpower was a pretty big difference I thought in tool tip across the board without full buffs. Going from 673 Vampiric touch down too 635. Power word shield: 394 down to 373. Also it knocks down my Shadowfiend damage. For burst where I'm going Mind Blast into instant Vampiric it's a pretty big loss of burst especially considering crits.

Also I think losing the spellpower magnifies with the Mind trauma PvP talent I'm running. At 4 stacks I get up too 48% Haste on the PvP dummy. Creating an even bigger damage difference from losing the spellpower enchant.

It's obviously perhaps situational and playstyle preference. I think that Elemental force is good for medium gear then loses it's value when in BiS is my thought? Obviously also Elemental force offers no defensive benefit just lower heals and bubble too.

However I have it in stash to test more in the future ;)
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Ok did some test with an equal weapon with socket. The Elemental force procs are nice crits for 91 dmg and nice to see an extra proc rolling in on dots. However not sure if it really benefits the build even in Dps.

The loss in spellpower was a pretty big difference I thought in tool tip across the board without full buffs. Going from 673 Vampiric touch down too 635. Power word shield: 394 down to 373. Also it knocks down my Shadowfiend damage. For burst where I'm going Mind Blast into instant Vampiric it's a pretty big loss of burst especially considering crits.

Also I think losing the spellpower magnifies with the Mind trauma PvP talent I'm running. At 4 stacks I get up too 48% Haste on the PvP dummy. Creating an even bigger damage difference from losing the spellpower enchant.

It's obviously perhaps situational and playstyle preference. I think that Elemental force is good for medium gear then loses it's value when in BiS is my thought? Obviously also Elemental force offers no defensive benefit just lower heals and bubble too.

EF is only good for non-S tier dps specs. For a S tier spec (spriest) spell power is far superior because spriest damage scales so well with it. And as you said it also buffs your PWS and shadowmend. is a direct character nerf imo. The damage is negligible and it will keep you in combat when you really need to mount. Any offhand with a socket is better.

Mark of the satyr is another enchant that doesn't scale well with pumper specs. I'd always prefer +8 mastery from mark of the trained soldier over it. And a socket weapon is better than the because once again spriest damage scales so well with normal stats.
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EF is only good for non-S tier dps specs. For a S tier spec (spriest) spell power is far superior because spriest damage scales so well with it.

Yea that is what I was thinking.

Book of the Dead is a direct character nerf imo. The damage is negligible and it will keep you in combat when you really need to mount. Any offhand with a socket is better.

Makes sense.

Mark of the satyr is another enchant that doesn't scale well with pumper specs. I'd always prefer +8 mastery from mark of the trained soldier over it.

I was just thinking that. Like it doesn't directly compliment face melting builds. So I actually bought the Mark of the Claw enchant to test for the +7 Crit and Haste since I already have a Crit/Haste build. Having +14 stats seems pretty good, wonder why no one mentions it?
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