New changes: Positive? I wouldn't say so

Elude said:
Hopefully most twinks switch to more populated battlegroups. That would consolidate all the twinks on a couple of battlegroups so that the queue times would be back to normal.

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not prepared to move all my toons to another battleground just for this patch.

What, leave my raiding guild, when I've worked so hard to get a spot in Ulduar?

If I only move my twink, how long is that going to last me ?

Face it, a twink has running costs too (Rumsey Rums, Swiftness potions, etc).

Plus, if a new BoA comes along, I'll need my level 80 to get enough emblems...

As far as I can see, Blizzard is just trying to put twinks in a "back room" as well as converting the twinking process into an 80 activity (i.e., getting emblems for the stupid BoAs).

They already f*cked up the AGM by creating the stupid achievement which means *nothing* to level 80s.

Since low level twinks need it, they created the perfect ganking ground for those 80s who got pwned in the BG with their lowbies.

20 mins WSG is also another blatant insult at twinks.

This will *not* reduce queue times.

Queues will be long because there will be not enough twinks to queue. Period.

I foresee many "twinks" switching XP back on after a short while.

These pretend-twinks were deluded into thinking that, just because they got their +15 Agi on gloves, they could pwn in BGs.

When they realise they're now the ones being targeted by the real twinks, they'll leave pretty quickly.

As the real twinks remain, queues will be longer, and the fights will be tighter.

This means longer and harder fights.

I can see many WSG ending at 0-0 most of the time because of the stupid 20 min timer.

Thank you Blizzard (NOT).

So, what if I now can PvE Deadmines?

I have lost count how many times I've done Deadmines.

And while the instance is quite an interesting one if you haven't seen it before, it loses its appeal somewhat once you've done it like 50 times or more.

When I twink, I don't do it for PvE, but for the PvP aspect of it.

I want to fight *real* people, not some stupid NPCs who just stand there and cover the inadequacy of Blizzard to create a decent fighting AI for them by giving them stupidly high HP and OP spells.

At least at level 80 you get emblems and rewards.

What will we get at our level?

Yet another "Defias Armor" ?

Part of the twink appeal was to plan ahead, getting the right gear for your twink, being careful about your XP, etc.

With the new BoAs being better by far, you'll just get BGs full of look-alikes. It will be hard to distinguish who's who.

Meh, this is been a long QQing rant.

But I cannot help feeling very despondent by the way twinking is going (as in down the pan).
I kinda feel like an ass saying this but one of the things I most enjoy about low level dueling is killing the characters that aren't geared to duel at low levels. I enjoy owning pubs and splitting wins when I meet up with other low level duelers. The new patch will take this enjoyment away from everyone. When I use to LLD on diablo I considered it a successful day if atleast once I heard a pub say man you must use hacks cause I can't kill you.

I was wondering how much exp you will get from bgs with the new patch. I mean will I be able to play with my exp turned on for like 6 months before I level or will it be a quick thing? If I could get 6+ months out of it I think I would just play the char until I leveled in the bg and then remake the char.

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