New 49 Disc Priest (help needed)


Hey everyone, I just recently finished a Dwarf priest who was originally speced Shadow. While I had fun melting faces, my survivability was very low, and found myself very frustrated when I would solo BGs. So I switched to disc and am finding it WAY more entertaining both in guild play and soloing. My survivability is insane, and I feel like I contribute WAY more to my team through buffs, sheilds, dispells, and heals than melting faces with shadow.

I'm here to ask for advice on my talent build. I generally let most of my team mates do the killing so my own dmg is not a concern. I think I'm for sure going to put at least one point in power infusion when I redo this spec, but i'm just looking for some constructive criticism before i do. (For instance, is the +spirit and spell haste talent worth it?) My (unbuffed) profile can be seen at:

Self buffed, including Mixology and Scroll effects, my stats are:

3338 HP

5377 Mana (Greater Int Elixir + Mixology and Scroll of Int IV)

2668 Armor (36.88% Dmg reduction [Inner Fire + Glyph])

299 SP (Greater Arcane Elixir + Mixology)

9.99 Crit

126 MP5

By the way, Im finding that Mixology from alchemy to be among the best of the passive buffs from any profession. (Greater arcane elixir provides 35 SP and mixology gives an extra 19 for a total of +54 sp for 2 hours)

The downside of course (if you don't have herbalism) is that the consumables/their mats can be pricey, and if your twink dies a lot, must be reapplied with each death. I tend to use only 1-2 a game unless things get really competitive.

Potions such as Greater Shadow protection potion can really screw up a warlock or shadow priest as well, as it basically absorbs between 2-3k shadow dmg.

Also, I don't believe these buffs are dispelable.

Anyway, glad to be a part of this community, and please critique my talent build! :D
man you sound like a beast.welcome to twinkinfo btw! highest priest is lvl 29 so im of no use, but yea from what you describe you sound like a very good disc priest (over 3k hp and 5k mana ftw). thats cool to see that mixology is good, i dont think i've seen any1 with that before.
You can check out my priests spec as I will say it is, so far, the best build for my playstyle and gear. I have respecced more times than I can count and this one provides the greatest survivability. For a long time I had the Enlightenment talent but I recently dropped it, putting 2 points in Focused power and 1 in Renewed Hope. And im not looking back. Renewed hope, coupled with Focused Will, provides some nice damage reduction. I would definitely recommend trying out Renewed Hope, but im not a huge fan of Focused Will and I could see myself throwing those two points somewhere else, but for now it works. If you find yourself having mana issues at all I would put those two points in mental agility. With my gear and build I rarely have mana problems.

A couple other words of advice if your interested. As far as disc healing goes, stam>int>sp. Survivability is key as mana efficiency is usually not a problem and the difference in heals from 299 and 263 sp is not significant enough to sacrifice stam. If you have the Gemshard Heart necklace I would recommend wearing that along with the cyclopean band instead of freezing band. If you dont have the cyclopean band, another underworld band or Mindseye circle would still be a better ring of choice for a disc priest.

Edit: Added some stuff. My post was a bit rushed so if you need more details feel free to ask.

Thanks for the responses so far!

Karazy: I really like your build minus the points in focused power. Is the 4% increased dmg/healing really that noticable? I spam bubbles on anyone around me in AB, and have no mana problems with my current spec which includes 3/3 mental agility. I can mimic your spec minus the two points in focus power and adding them to mental agility and play the way I want to play (in theory). I'm guessing this is a difference in play style (which if so suggests the obvious: you are much better at mana managment than this fledgling disc priest :D ) but I support 90% of the theory crafting you have proposed.

As for gear, I'm not really sure I want to give up freezing band. I know it does not proc through PW:S, and I know that there are better rings that buff more than just my spell power, but when the Ring DOES proc it is absolutely priceless. Its an absolutely wonderful WTF piece of gear. I also would likely be switching it out occasionally for my mindseye circle, but I gave it to a guild mate who was not having any luck getting the Cyclopean band to drop.

Good suggestion on the neck. I would likely have farmed that by now if Mara was not the hardest instance to find a runner for on my server. Half the people on Akama don't even seem to know where mara is...

I'm also a bit handicapped seeing as how I was gathering all Spriest gear then switched to disc*facepalm*.

Anyway, thanks for the replies!
Karazy: I really like your build minus the points in focused power. Is the 4% increased dmg/healing really that noticable?

No, but neither is the 6% mana reduction of insta cast spells that it would otherwise go to lol. Just a matter of preference I suppose. Those 2 points could go to either talent imo.
eh i still think its gonna be a major nerf in practicallity. So lets say we do more damage with exorcism right....well any class that can kite will destory becase the move requires us to stand and cast. plus cleanse dont do shit for poisons...they are back on in a millisecond, HOF is the anti kiting move that allows for jousting.
I also use 1 freezing band while disc along with a mindseye. As far as spec, I would pick up Martyrdom, Inner focus and PI, and drop mental agility and 1 point out of someting else. The talents you pick up for the loss of Mental Agi is huge, Inner focus is a free cast anyway which will be alot more important than the 10% more mana that you may have saved and it has come in handy for me many times. Martydrom is huge also and itll save you ass many times.
might i suggest deadmans hand instead of freezing band. just b/c deadmans hand has some nice sta and the proc goes off on ranged attacks as well as melee which makes things fun.
sorry bout the 29 ret paly posts above, but as far as 49 disc goes.....if you konw what you are doing and how to win then you will be using dispell ALOT, i believe mental agility also redcues PW Shield cost correct? either way it is something i think is needed.

diaco said:
sorry bout the 29 ret paly posts above, but as far as 49 disc goes.....if you konw what you are doing and how to win then you will be using dispell ALOT, i believe mental agility also redcues PW Shield cost correct? either way it is something i think is needed.


Yes you'll be using dispell alot but martyrdom will save more lives including your own and dispell is already your ceapest spell anyway. I really haven't had mana be too much of an issue.
Choad said:
Yes you'll be using dispell alot but martyrdom will save more lives including your own and dispell is already your ceapest spell anyway. I really haven't had mana be too much of an issue.

really? its by fat my biggest issues. Due to using a high sp build (292), im rolling with 3.3k health and 4.7k mana self buffed. I always find myself running out of mana vs certain classes because keeping urself alive while still trying to dps can really hurt the mana pool. If i got mindeye ring and soulcatcher halo then problem solved, but until then it is.

I do however do not use meditation, i mean im hoting, shielding, fearing and running most of the time so i didnt think it would be worth the points. What do you all think?
Here are 4 best Priests I know, so you can use links to check possible talent builds... However, I don't like all buffs you are using... It is just to much and to expensive if you die :D...




Thanks for all of the replies: You can check my updated spec at Profiler - Wowhead

After playing around with stuff in both battlegrounds, here are my observations:

-Freezing Band is staying. It works so well it is ridiculous. With 3.3k health, i'm fine with sacrificing a stam ring for the largest SP buff available (from viable twink rings) and the deceiving 1% freeze chance. With my SP and Health, applying PWS gives me anywhere from 4.3 to 4.9k (on shield crit) effective HP. I've had it proc 5 times in one BG before. The key to maximizing this item is traveling with at least one other healer. My spec can tank a ton of dmg with near 40% armor, HoT's, Scream, and Flash Heals (especially with PI on). It works VERY well for a player who likes to guard the flag room in WG or hold a single point in AB all game.

-The deadman's hand suggestion seems interesting, ill have to try and farm it. Though i've read its effectiveness decreases with every level (not just at a level cap like 70), and the duration is dramatically reduced (3 seconds).

-I'm still very skeptical of picking up martyrdom. I can see how it might be beneficial, but I need more elaboration from the experienced players. I'll test it soon and see if I have any mana problems with a lack of Mental Agility. The six second window where I'm not hasted, just buffed against pushback/interrupts, is hard to conceptualize as super necessary compared to the increased effective mana created by mental agility.

As for my use of consumable buffs, my response to that would be that my Twink is pretty much my main. I have a 65 Rogue that I use to gather herbs and ore. I apply my battle elixir (greater arcane) maybe once or twice a battle, and have had a few runs where my buffs persisted through 3+ games after a single application. The guardian elixir (greater int) is very cheap to make and even cheaper when you can gather your own herbs. I usually make about 200-300g when I take an hour or so to farm ore/herbs, which is more than enough to buy a week or two's worth of alch mats off the AH if I get lazy.

I've also started using A wizard oil that gives around 30 or so additional spell power and persists through death. Fully buffed, im at about 323sp.
You are gonna have to tank some warriors and rogues (esp ud) and then you'll see why you need martyrdom, you'll see what I'm talking about soon. Notice that all 4 of the priests that the above poster linked all have it.
dont forget brilliant wizard oil (if you arent using it) i think its 36Sp and 14 crit
Yeah, that one is a bit more difficult to come across, as the recipe is a rep reward and none of the guild twinks have enchanting. I have a friend who is leveling a DK with enchanting so i'll have that soon enough. :D

RE: Martyrdom: Again, I can understand in theory how it is useful, but it still has not been explained fully to me. What is so life saving about it? The 20% reduced pushback? (Which gives 90% total reduced pushback with healing focus)

Or is it the 20% reduced duration to interrupt spells? I would guess the second one. I have also read that people claim 20% RESISTANCE to interrupt spells through this talent. If this is true, I'm sold instantly.
yea brilliant wiz oil isnt that hard, just need honored (pretty sure) with zandalar (ZG) so your DK friend can solo that in a lock out or two, or just buy bijus etc.

and about dead mans hand. its really good for melee like warriors and rogues but also good on ranged since it'll proc off that too, forcing a mage to use blink etc. it might only be 3sec and not entomb the person like the freezing band but i think it works quite nice, procs fairly often (i think reduced procs start @ 60?) and provides a nice healty 100hp
Wowhead comments say the chance drops slightly every level after 29, with it becoming near useless by 70. It is noticably less useful (albiet, perhaps still worth having) at 49. I'm gonna see if I can solo Doan with Obels.
hmm well from what i've seen and experience on my previous 49 druid it still procs a bunch @ 49, so idk never tested it at earlier lvls. i just like that it can proc of range; great to close the distance on those pesky hunters/mages/etc. Doan should be a can run thru much of sm w/o agroing anybody even and just pewpew him down
After testing, I have chosen to adopt Martyrdom. I can indeed manage mana as well as I always did. I also have finally purchased dual spec (Disc AND Shadow FTW). I'm having an absolute blast with 49 pvp with these two completely different rolls.

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