New 49 Disc Priest (help needed)

Deadman's proc chance:

At level 29: 5.00% proc chance

At level 39: 3.40% proc chance

At level 49: 1.80% proc chance

At level 59: 0.20% proc chance

I have this at 39 and I really don't find it exceptionally useful as freezing band sounds. Deadman's hand roots people, big fing deal I'm a priest, if their melee they already have some type of movement slowing ability on me and 3 seconds aint crap to get away. Anything ranged but a hunter and I LOL@ and for hunters I don't really see where this would be game winning.

However, a 1% chance 5 sec stun, +18 sp and 10 frost resist, hell yes! I'm planning on wearing two.

BTW: according to the tooltip and thottbot they work the exact same for both procs, both off melee/ranged but does not proc while shielded.
Magrim said:
Deadman's proc chance:

At level 29: 5.00% proc chance

At level 39: 3.40% proc chance

At level 49: 1.80% proc chance

At level 59: 0.20% proc chance

where'd you find those #'s at?

i had it on my druid @ 49 and it proc'd zall day long.

but oh well, freezing band is always very nice as well; simply a suggestion
Someone had posted them on thottbot.

I think people just underestimate how much 2% is. That's what the mara trinket has and it is nearly up 100% of the time on any melee.

I could also see a feral druid rampaging around in cat and bear snaring everyone that hits it with the deadman's on, picking off the newbs and kiting away, RAWRZ! :) but for a priest I'm just not seeing much of a benefit.

With two freezing bands I'll be procing very timely stuns while my shields are down giving me that much more time for the debuff to end.
Wearing 2 freezing bands on a disc priest is not smart. You are giving up wayy too many stats for sp, frost resist, and a 2% chance stun. The int/stam potential from your ring slots is too great to waste on some sp and stun chance. It wont matter if you stun your opponent if your too oom to heal or bubble yourself afterwords.
(slightly less than 2% actually since their multiplicative...but hey ;])

yea i'd say only go with 1 freezing band and have another ring for good stats like cyclopean/mindseye/etc.

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