Need info before making a twink


Wanted to make a 29 for a while now but want some information first


What is in high demand atm? Wanted to make either a healer or a hunter


Any guild recruiting? Im alliance


Is it overall balanced or is nothing viable except 3-4 classes/specs


How often do bg/arenas pop?

Thanks for reading!
Q : What is in high demand atm? Wanted to make either a healer or a hunter
A : Probably mages. There aren't many. And i would roll fire or frost.

Q : Any guild recruiting? Im alliance
A : I think Gurubashi Surf Club.

Q : Is it overall balanced or is nothing viable except 3-4 classes/specs ?
A : Brewmaster Monks / Feral druids / Retribution paladins / Shadow Priests are the most OP.

Q : How often do bg/arenas pop?
A : --1-- Arenas -- Fast. Pops are good in arenas.
A : --2-- BGs -- Average. Depends in the time you decide to queue.
1. Play hunter
2. GSC is not recruiting atm for what ive been told, but there are qutie a lot of smaller guilds on Raven, OL etc.
3. Imo balanced except ferals and BM atm, atleast for pugs
4. arenas are good & bgs depend on when you que
Wanted to make a 29 for a while now but want some information first


What is in high demand atm? Wanted to make either a healer or a hunter


Any guild recruiting? Im alliance


Is it overall balanced or is nothing viable except 3-4 classes/specs


How often do bg/arenas pop?

Thanks for reading!
Class: Any class is actually a viable option, though there's a tendency of Druids and BM monks

Outland/Ravencrest for alliance and Draenor/Stormscale for horde

Make anything, just don't rolla BM monk.

shit pops 24/7
Wanted to make a 29 for a while now but want some information first


What is in high demand atm? Wanted to make either a healer or a hunter


Any guild recruiting? Im alliance


Is it overall balanced or is nothing viable except 3-4 classes/specs


How often do bg/arenas pop?

Thanks for reading!

- I would make any dps class that isn't Shadow priest, Feral Druid or Brewmaster Monk. We need more spellcaster tho so mages and warlocks.

- As some1 mentioned GSC is not recruiting atm but Ravencrest is still the place to go. Plenty of other twinkguilds around and always a good bunch of twinks outside Goldshire to chat with..

- It can be balanced but it usually isn't since ppl have rerolled alot of BM monks and Ferals but if you are lucky and get bgs with few of them it can be really fun.

- Arenas pop all the time, if u wanna face p2p tho u need to wait until the evening. Bgs pop all the time too but ALOT more on the evenings, depends on what you choose to que.

Hope this helped, good luck and welcome!
I would argue enhance is the most op 1v1, it can beat bms, sps and ferals. I dunno about rets though.
Actually soloed the dungeon and just took it for the crit :) dont be so quick to judge
Wanted to make a 29 for a while now but want some information first

Class: Make a resto druid if you want a healer. Moonkin is the hidden op spec right now (though not great for arena, can get bursted and lacks survival compared to BM monk, the god-spec).


Any guild recruiting? Im alliance


Nothing is viable except BM monk.

Long (15-30 min) bg queues sux.

How often do bg/arenas pop?
Skirm queues are fast, see ^ for bgs.

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