Hello, I'm a very hardcore 19 twinker and have been for the past 10 years. I know every BiS and q item for every class, spec, and so on for 19s...
However, I recently decided to make a level 29 warlock. Im 17/3/0 specced into afli, with the biggest point of my lock being dotting a lot of people and melting everyones faces off. However I only solo que so I still want some health/mana to be sustainable.
Gearing has been going 'ok' but now I run into some slots for which I feel like I don't know the optimal solution or BIS item.
I put together a pic that shows all my current gear.
Heads-up: I know I can easily improve librams on head and legs but I can't afford those. 2 LIBS are about 350g on my realm. I also can't afford +30sp on wep (180g) which I assume is BIS
Currently the slots I'm struggling with the most are:
Rings (I think my 8 stam sylvanas is BIS + Plains ring?) but not sure
Trinkets (dont wanna get AGM)
I think weapon and wand setup are bis? 30 sp bis wep enchant when I can afford it?
Any help/advice on items to look out for or quest items would be very appreciated!
Kind regards,
However, I recently decided to make a level 29 warlock. Im 17/3/0 specced into afli, with the biggest point of my lock being dotting a lot of people and melting everyones faces off. However I only solo que so I still want some health/mana to be sustainable.
Gearing has been going 'ok' but now I run into some slots for which I feel like I don't know the optimal solution or BIS item.
I put together a pic that shows all my current gear.
Heads-up: I know I can easily improve librams on head and legs but I can't afford those. 2 LIBS are about 350g on my realm. I also can't afford +30sp on wep (180g) which I assume is BIS
Currently the slots I'm struggling with the most are:
Rings (I think my 8 stam sylvanas is BIS + Plains ring?) but not sure
Trinkets (dont wanna get AGM)
I think weapon and wand setup are bis? 30 sp bis wep enchant when I can afford it?
Any help/advice on items to look out for or quest items would be very appreciated!
Kind regards,