1 - Max bag and bank space. Youre going to find alot of gear and supplies you might want to hold onto for long periods of time on the off chance they get changed/grandfathered in the future. Bag space is at a premium. Get the biggest bags and most bank space you can
Just to make sure it’s clear to u
@DAXinko, this also includes unlocking void storage. With 10g max limit, u can still store things in void storage.
XD no I meant as in using enchanting scrolls like Elemental Force.Im pretty sure vet accounts can use them without game time now?
Has this been tested? I can’t check as I’ve got rid of all my high level chants. But I’ve never been able to apply a high level chant once my sub has expired.
Only exception that I’m aware of are some shield spikes.
Usually only chants u can apply as an unsub’d Vet are very low level ones.
- max out literally all the professions you can. I hear maxed could bugged for veterans though, so maybe someone like
@icehawk can confirm or deny this. (if you can't decide on a 2nd profession to go along with engineering i'd recommend Alchemy for the alchemist's flask, non consumable buff.)
With regards to professions as Vet, while u are sub’d, u can level them up as high as they can go on a 20. If u have any items that require the high level, those items will still be useable even when unsub’d.
What u won’t be able to do while unsub’d, is craft anything over about 60 - 75 skill level. For some reason Blizz keeps the bug on Vet prof’s
What this means is u will be able to farm all the mats for the low level items u can craft, such as food and potions while unsub’d. But for some of the more beneficial items, u’ll need to farm / buy the mats and make them now while sub’d. I’ll post some screenshots later that may help u work out what u should be looking to stockpile in ur BIG bags in ur totally UNLOCKED bank!
I notice u are levelling a Priest. U won’t have access to any useful potions so u will have to stockpile as much as u can now, also maybe some wizard oil, though if u have enchanting u can easily make that later.
As a long term Vet player, I personally prefer to simply keep Alch and Herb for my 2 profs. It doesn’t allow me to use Engineering items, but I have a steady stream of consumables I can easily make.
Strength potion is also unavailable as Vet, so u’ll need to make those on Str classes while sub’d.
Agility is available to Vets.
Stock up on other useful items like Goblin Gliders, Bandages, Haste Drums.
I’ll post a few helpful screenshots later tonight.