Need help. New here


Hello there o/
So I am still subbed right now, but i would like to make a F2P twink in case I unsub. I like disc/shadow priest.
What preparation do I need? I will :
save some enchants in bank, coz I know how powerful Satyr and Elemental weapon are
keep a little bit of gold
level engineering and craft Green Lens (idk if it is still usable in starter edition)

Suggestions? I am new in this.
Thanks for help guys :)
Hi there. What u r looking to do is make a lvl 20 Vet, which is still F2P, only u would be doing it on a formerly subscribed account.
I don’t have much time now, but tomorrow I can provide some additional info if no one else does before then.
In the meantime, have a look at the Veteran section on these forums.
Hope to welcome u to Vet life soon! ;)
you can continue to use the green lens engineering goggles once your subscription ends

mostly just consider what gear/enchants you might ever want, which is a difficult thing to do but that helps to give yourself some insurance
@DAXinko - Some things you may not think about.

1 - Max bag and bank space. Youre going to find alot of gear and supplies you might want to hold onto for long periods of time on the off chance they get changed/grandfathered in the future. Bag space is at a premium. Get the biggest bags and most bank space you can.

2 - Build and enchant various gear sets. This will get significantly harder/impossible without a sub. So if you want to, say, build a pure spellpower set and a pure haste set, youll need to get all that sorted before you unsub. Want a set with ele force and a set with int? Do it now.

3 - Buy a ton of consumables we cant make. My brains a little foggy on examples right now but Goblin Gliders come to mind. Know that vet professions are bugged, so once your sub ends, you wont be able to craft anything that requires a skill greater than 75. Potions, elixirs, food? Any of that, stock up.
vets have it much easier than f2ps, which if you unsub from your previously subbed account you will be considered a vet as others before me have stated

before you unsub heres my two cents on things to do

- finish your gear set, get literally all the shit you can enchanted with subscription enchants

- if you can wait a month or so for the new 32 slot bags to drop in price buy 11 of them to have maximum bag space, if you're more budget you can roll with 30 slots but you'll lose about 22 extra free slots. just make sure all your bank tabs and bags are full of good bags

- join a guild you'll want to stay in. if memory serves me right, you stay in said guild as a vet, and (could be wrong) any other chars made as f2p can join the guild that the veteran is in

- considering you're subbed I imagine you have mogs for yourself already but get any <60 mogs you can now which leads me into my next point

- pile all your gold from around your account and keep it on your f2p. You can only have 10 gold as f2p yes but if you hold more than 10 on you and go f2p you still keep the gold, just cannot loot anymore or sell anything as to my understanding. Nice to have the money for mogs, repairs, vendor items, and such

- max out literally all the professions you can. I hear maxed could bugged for veterans though, so maybe someone like @icehawk can confirm or deny this. (if you can't decide on a 2nd profession to go along with engineering i'd recommend Alchemy for the alchemist's flask, non consumable buff.)

- if you don't go with alchemy, stock up heavy on buffs, well feds, flasks, pots, the whole deal

if I can think of anymore good points I will edit this post adding them, but these are the big ones to me. best of luck to you
Thank you very much guys. Lot of helpful stuff here :D
I will start working on my F2P char. It will take some time, coz I have stuff to do IRL but this will help a lot.
If something else comes to your mind, please let me know :)
Today, I have leveled him. Did some stuff. I have nothing so far:
But in very first BG i have met this boi
I guess that is what I am going for.
Thank you very much guys. Lot of helpful stuff here :D
I will start working on my F2P char. It will take some time, coz I have stuff to do IRL but this will help a lot.
If something else comes to your mind, please let me know :)
Today, I have leveled him. Did some stuff. I have nothing so far:
But in very first BG i have met this boi
I guess that is what I am going for.

I would say go for one of the healing neckpieces as they have int. The manari amulet also can't be used in BGs. Other than that, it looks like a solid role model for some basic gear.
As F2P you cant apply enchants, use the AH, trade, mail, or talk to anyone above lvl60. So get it all done before you go f2p
I think you can use enchants as a f2p now.Sorry If Im mistaken but if Im not just stack up on a lot of encahnt
You can get enchanting and chant your own gear, up to 75 skill i think
XD no I meant as in using enchanting scrolls like Elemental Force.Im pretty sure vet accounts can use them without game time now?
1 - Max bag and bank space. Youre going to find alot of gear and supplies you might want to hold onto for long periods of time on the off chance they get changed/grandfathered in the future. Bag space is at a premium. Get the biggest bags and most bank space you can
Just to make sure it’s clear to u @DAXinko, this also includes unlocking void storage. With 10g max limit, u can still store things in void storage.

XD no I meant as in using enchanting scrolls like Elemental Force.Im pretty sure vet accounts can use them without game time now?
Has this been tested? I can’t check as I’ve got rid of all my high level chants. But I’ve never been able to apply a high level chant once my sub has expired.
Only exception that I’m aware of are some shield spikes.
Usually only chants u can apply as an unsub’d Vet are very low level ones.

- max out literally all the professions you can. I hear maxed could bugged for veterans though, so maybe someone like @icehawk can confirm or deny this. (if you can't decide on a 2nd profession to go along with engineering i'd recommend Alchemy for the alchemist's flask, non consumable buff.)
With regards to professions as Vet, while u are sub’d, u can level them up as high as they can go on a 20. If u have any items that require the high level, those items will still be useable even when unsub’d.
What u won’t be able to do while unsub’d, is craft anything over about 60 - 75 skill level. For some reason Blizz keeps the bug on Vet prof’s :mad:
What this means is u will be able to farm all the mats for the low level items u can craft, such as food and potions while unsub’d. But for some of the more beneficial items, u’ll need to farm / buy the mats and make them now while sub’d. I’ll post some screenshots later that may help u work out what u should be looking to stockpile in ur BIG bags in ur totally UNLOCKED bank!;)
I notice u are levelling a Priest. U won’t have access to any useful potions so u will have to stockpile as much as u can now, also maybe some wizard oil, though if u have enchanting u can easily make that later.
As a long term Vet player, I personally prefer to simply keep Alch and Herb for my 2 profs. It doesn’t allow me to use Engineering items, but I have a steady stream of consumables I can easily make.
Strength potion is also unavailable as Vet, so u’ll need to make those on Str classes while sub’d.
Agility is available to Vets.
Stock up on other useful items like Goblin Gliders, Bandages, Haste Drums.
I’ll post a few helpful screenshots later tonight.
If u roll on destromath and ur active I'll hook u up.

Wait, wasn't Destromath become inactive since 2015?

Hello there o/
So I am still subbed right now, but i would like to make a F2P twink in case I unsub. I like disc/shadow priest.
What preparation do I need? I will :
save some enchants in bank, coz I know how powerful Satyr and Elemental weapon are
keep a little bit of gold
level engineering and craft Green Lens (idk if it is still usable in starter edition)

Suggestions? I am new in this.
Thanks for help guys :)

Glad to see new players.

If you still want some help don't hesitate to join the twinks discords:


Lvl20 bracket
Thanks a lot guys :3
But technically it gives me extra bank space. Am I right?
I've wondered this too. I know on my vet account, I was unable to access the guild bank but Im unsure if that would change if I was the guild leader. Or if thats changed since I last tried.
Just to clarify, you cannot access Guild Bank on a Vet, even if your the leader of the guild. Only with an active sub can you access the GB. I recently took over my Guild as Leader (sadly due to being the only active member nowadays :() and I have no access.

Now, for a few helpful snippets to give you some idea of the Vet life ;)

Below is typical of what happens to professions when unsub'd. You can't make Giant Str for example, so you need to stock that on your Vets if a Str class. We do have access to Swift Pots and Agility Pots :)

Blood Sausage will be one of the best dishes you can cook. So stock up on that Bear Meat :D

Unlock your Reagents Tab and stock up on mats so you don't waste precious bag space. Also, in the Bank Bags, stock up on heaps of useful items, like Goblin Gliders, Sharpening Stones, better Food, Bandages, Strong Anti-Venom, also Armor & Weapons with different chants that may be useful. I only keep Leather Patches and low level Scopes on my Hunter, as that's all I can apply. The message in the bottom left is what you will get when you try and access the GV :(

Good luck with your Vet preparation!;)

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