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Is multiboxing allowed (legal) in WoW?

A common questions asked by many who are looking to start multiboxing, or many who have played against a multiboxer: is multiboxing allowed (legal) in WoW?

The simple answer is yes. What a lot of players fail to realise is that multiboxing in WoW would only be against their ToS if any movement or actions of the characters being played was automated (i.e. the player is not controlling them). While we do use multiboxing software such as pwnboxer to control our characters, nothing is automated. The software we use to control our multiple accounts only sends the keystrokes and movement commands we manually press on our keyboard. Therefore no characters are moving or attacking automatically.

But isn't still morally cheating?
A lot of people still say that even though WoW allow multiboxing in their game, it still is cheating, using multiple accounts at the same time. I can understand why some people would see this as an advantage to the multiboxer. However what non-multiboxers fail to see is the fact that multiboxing can actually be quite difficult. A well organised group of 5 players should be able to easily beat somebody who is multiboxing 5 accounts. What happens a lot of time in battlegrounds is one or two people running to try and kill a multiboxer and then getting 'one shot'. It should be quite obvious to any player that no one person (unless they are pro) will be able to take on 5 characters, whether they are a multiboxer or not.

First of all, What exactly is Pwnboxer?
The multiboxing software itself is designed to be extremely easy and simple to use, which allows you to multibox anywhere from 2 to 10 characters at once in games like World of Warcraft (but note it isn't limited to only WoW).

With tons of built in features and settings, from custom game settings to increase performance to broadcasting of keyboard and mouse. The newest feature in pwnboxer multiboxing software is its dockable click mapping which allows you to make a grind in game with buttons that send commands to all of your characters.

What makes Pwnboxer the best WoW Multiboxing Software is the ability to dual box a number of accounts with ease, without having to try and learn difficult scripting or use an overly complex User Interface. It’s easy to setup your accounts and games, use click-mapping to send commands to all your characters with the click of a mouse, and manage healing, tanking, DPS and AOEs all at once. Pwnboxer was never built to just be a multiboxing software solution for World of Warcraft. It works and has support for LoTRO Multiboxing and many other MMOs.

Recently, I purchased a license from pwnboxer, and I have to admit that it works like a charm!! I leveled up so quickly, and earned a lot of gold. From my point it is the best multiboxing software out there and those who are interested can follow the link below..

Check out the offer:
coming for the booty 10

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