I have the following dilemma and am seeking some advice:
- I got a level 19 hunter, level 29 hunter, and level 39 rogue
- Naxx stamina enchants go for 1-1.5k on my server so relatively cheap, AP enchant i cannot get cheaper than 5k
- So far I acquired 3 stamina enchants. 1 on the serpent shoulders for the level 19, 1 on the cutthroat mantle for the level 29, and 1 on the flintrock shoulders for the level 39 sword rogue
I now have the opportunity to buy ONLY 1 of the AP enchants and I am debating which item and for which bracket/char to use it for. This is where I would like your opinion. Here are my questions/thoughts:
1) How strong is the AP enchant in the different brackets?
I understand it is pretty sick at level 19, but the higher I move in the bracket, the less impact it may make. Someone told me its 5% crit for a level 19 rogue but I lack the experience to judge if that is sensible or not
2) Can I use Scryer/Aldor enchant for the shoulders of my 39?
I understand it requires item level >35 but want to make sure. Then I could put TBC enchants on Flintrock Shoulders for example
3) For level 19/29, is Naxx the only option I have?
I understand the ZG shoulder enchants cannot be done anymore
3) How expensive might Aldor/Scryer rep be?
It takes 120 hand-ins to reach exalted for aldor/scryer. Assuming the items cost less than 40g per piece, it ends up being the same or cheaper than a 5k naxx enchant for me today. I could therefore settle for a slightly less powerful TBC enchant for my rogue's attack power set, and use the Naxx AP enchant on my level 19/29.
I found this post that compares naxx and tbc shoulder enchants but its for level 70 and based on subjective stat weights of course but at least its something, maybe useful to some of you:
4) Which item would you use the AP enchant on in the various brackets?
For the level 29, I got hold of a Mantle of Thieves which I could use for the AP set and switch to the cutthroat with the stamina enchant for a more tanky/balanced setup. Honestly for the level 19 hunter I guess I would just use a second pair of Serpents Shoulders and I have seen Anexa do that too, so that should be fine. Would it be a second pair of Flintrock Shoulders for the 39 rogue?
5) Which bracket do you think is hottest in TBC?
6) With a view to world PvP in TBC what twink do you recommend?
For example, can a 49 twink kill level 70s in green gear or would I need a 59 twink for that? Or would you go for a 39 and roam around the world with 1-2 friends? I find the worldpvp on my 19 and 29 twink too one-dimensional with too few options to travel the world and that was the first reason to go for a rogue at 39.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond and share your thoughts!