My thoughts on hunter changes


I have a few ideas I wanted to share with you people on what I think blizz should change about hunters in the low level brackets (10-39). I'm not trying to flame on the class, however, my opinion(as well as many other peoples') is that the class is extremely and disgustingly OP at this point in time, even moreso than before cata.

On that note, here are the ideas:

-Change hunter scaling so in the lower level brackets (10-39), hunters and their pets will do 30% less damage overall.

-Aimed shot damage should be lowered by 70% for all level brackets except for the endgame

-Wing clip must either cost focus (I'm proposing 20) or be a skill learned at level 20(to balance out CC with rogues and their crippling poison)

-Concussive shot should be a skill learned in the 30s (possibly higher, I suggest implimenting it in at the same time as hand of freedom is learned)

-Hunter's mark should give 2 debuffs, one that increases ranged attack power to the target, same duration. Another that last 5 seconds and allows the hunter to see the target regardless of stealth (this will get rid of the rediculous /hunter makes stealth openers unusable anywhere near the hunter until the hunter puts mark on another target)

-Disengage and SS stay the same (they need it in the 19 bracket imo they're fine as they are)

I am aware of the crazy opening rogue bursts at the lower levels as well as 60+, the OP pallyness at 29, and the 13k crits arcane mages pull on the wsg FC. However, since I'm only covering 10-39 I'd say regardless of pally/rogue damage, hunter damage coupled with the extreme CC they're given nullifies those two classes. A pally/rogue can pull off decent numbers in the endgame pvp stats, but that would only mean they're probably going after the paper classes that they can win against, if a pally or rogue (29/39) dueled a hunter 1v1 or went after one in a bg alone, the hunter could flaw them hands down.. just want to give the other classes a chance. Btw I could go over other classes I'd like to see changed as well, but I only want to focus on low level hunters in this post, thus why I'm posting in the 10-19 since It's one of the most affected brackets.

I want to see your thoughts on this, did I go too harsh or is this a decent revamp?
yeh i was thinking about something like this: Hunters need to use a steady shot-like ability to enter into combat, so if a fc is running away from the hunter, you cant lol rape em w/ auto shot, unless you time this ability right. The ability can have alike a 2.5 sec cast, and you don't auto shoot until you use this ability, so people can actually run away from hunters lol, and avoid em, rather than getting steamrolled on the way to the efc, etc.
I agree with what you are suggesting and wish that Blizzard would actually do something. Haha.

If they did then we would realize just how OP rogues are in low levels also. All of these suggestions are great, and about 80% of that damage reduction could be applied to rogues also. imho.
Rogues are fine @ 19

Reduce all hunter damage by 10-20%. Take away disengage. hunters are balanced.

Rogues don't lose to hunters 1v1 at 39.
I think disengage is fine, and i agree with the damage reduction of 15-20% i just think concussive shot should have more of a cooldown and wingclip should cost focus.
Do we really need a daily contribution of threads regarding the OP'ness of hunters? Priests anally rape them with little trouble, and a good palli wraps them up in a gift box with lavish bows and scissor-curled ribbons. The "OP" argument has evolved into a critter of it's own species, and every day the snowball rolls down an eternal hill, gaining momentum and mass as it does so. Hunters are not that OP, many classes can handle them just fine.

Put simply, you are junkies. You've become addicted to the subject matter as a necessary evil in the daily discourse, and there is currently no figurative methadone to assist in weaning you from the beast...

Cold turkey time, friendo. Get over it already.

Edit: Next.
Well if Hunters got 1RAP from every 1 point of Agility that isn't Base agility, by default, then Mail Spec at level 40 increased the AP gained per point of Agility by 1 in adition to it's current effects Aimed Shot wouldn't knock 100% of your health anymore in the brackets that matter.
Fishnchips said:
4 sec CD on a 5 sec duration slow, all im saying.
see my sig for more info on this

also @ OP, blizz doesn't care what you think. you could use 1000 spreadsheets to calculate every possible scenario and figure out how to balance each class perfectly, but their spread sheet titled "how to make the most money out of this game by appealing to the lowest common denominator" will remain the only one they care about
copymachine said:
Do we really need a daily contribution of threads regarding the OP'ness of hunters? Priests anally rape them with little trouble, and a good palli wraps them up in a gift box with lavish bows and scissor-curled ribbons. The "OP" argument has evolved into a critter of it's own species, and every day the snowball rolls down an eternal hill, gaining momentum and mass as it does so. Hunters are not that OP, many classes can handle them just fine.

Put simply, you are junkies. You've become addicted to the subject matter as a necessary evil in the daily discourse, and there is currently no figurative methadone to assist in weaning you from the beast...

Cold turkey time, friendo. Get over it already.

Edit: Next.

i like you ^^ :p :EU: 8) :US:
Best Rogue EU said:
i like you ^^ :p :EU: 8) :US:

An unexpected development, to be certain. You'd be the first on this site. Brutal honesty is a hard pill to swallow for such a sizeable cross-section of the community.

Anyways, cheers loc! :D
copymachine said:
Do we really need a daily contribution of threads regarding the OP'ness of hunters? Priests anally rape them with little trouble, and a good palli wraps them up in a gift box with lavish bows and scissor-curled ribbons. The "OP" argument has evolved into a critter of it's own species, and every day the snowball rolls down an eternal hill, gaining momentum and mass as it does so. Hunters are not that OP, many classes can handle them just fine.

Put simply, you are junkies. You've become addicted to the subject matter as a necessary evil in the daily discourse, and there is currently no figurative methadone to assist in weaning you from the beast...

Cold turkey time, friendo. Get over it already.

Edit: Next.

I know you suck at hunter, but don't bring everyone else down like that.

If a hunter snares a pally before pally can close up to hunter, then it's already considered dead if trinket's on cd. which is usually 80% of the time.

My priest bubble absorbs around 660 damage and goes down in less than 3 seconds by just 1 hunter.

Even most hunters here think it's still too OP because they have so much utility.
the fact that "running auto-shot" was even brought up has to be some kind of sick joke. please tell me you arent all that ****ing stupid.
copymachine said:
Do we really need a daily contribution of threads regarding the OP'ness of hunters? Priests anally rape them with little trouble, and a good palli wraps them up in a gift box with lavish bows and scissor-curled ribbons. The "OP" argument has evolved into a critter of it's own species, and every day the snowball rolls down an eternal hill, gaining momentum and mass as it does so. Hunters are not that OP, many classes can handle them just fine.

Put simply, you are junkies. You've become addicted to the subject matter as a necessary evil in the daily discourse, and there is currently no figurative methadone to assist in weaning you from the beast...

Cold turkey time, friendo. Get over it already.

Edit: Next.

Then you obviously do not play in the 19 bracket, possibly 10-29 collectively. Sit down children and let me tell you a story. Awhile ago. When I was first exploring the new cata talent layout. I was on my hunter(29), and decided, "hey, my gear is pre-cata decent, why not que xp-lock?" Well, my gear turns out to by sub-par by a logshot, none of my items are BC-chantable, I was still carrying pieces I picked up during my level 19 twink adventure on that toon. All around me where people toting their mongoose enchanted weapons, carrying half BC-chantable GF armor, etc. I didn't even have AGMs at that time, however, my hunter "twink" proved to be invincible, I did not have a pocket healer, none of the melee could get close due to: hunter's mark/scattershot/concussive/bat screech/[insert hunter CC here]. I could break a priest with two abities(explo-arcane+autoshots in between). I achieved an endgame damage of 30k higher than the closest person to me. I'm not bitching/making up excuses to flame on hunters. They are disgustingly Op, if you are a melee hit with concussive in an open area (10-29) you-will-die. Nothing remotely close to balanced to the 40 yard distance they can lock themselves into. I made this post to see what you people would think, considering people like pizza are talked of as "good" these days. Anyone that's not a moron can roll any class as a hunter at low levels; you can break distance on a pally to prevent getting hit with AS/exo/HoJ, as for priests the burst can get them down to the point where the priest is forced to Oom via heal/bubble cast spam in order to prevent dying. The reason why I post here is to get some intelligent feedback on my theorycrafts, it doesn't matter to me/doesn't come as a surprise that blizzard won't listen to anything on these threads and why should they? Btw all my hunter twinks are either retired or deleted at this point; I do not play hunter b/c it isn't fun for me or anyone else that I play against.

Oh and, running while casting auto doesn't bother me, they need it. As the levels progress casters become as mobile as hunters anyway.
Far to lazy to read some of these posts. Auto shot while running, and a slow with a longer duration than cd is retarded. As I play a melee at 19 it is frustrating. Don't get me wrong, fighting a good hunter at 19 I don't mind that. Just very annoying while a hunter back peddles away while killing me. Can't be too difficult for those hunters just to use the "S" and and click conc and win.
so you really are stupid enough to think that Running Auto shot has to be removed or have a level requirement.


god you ****ing people are dumb
Sanitarium said:
so you really are stupid enough to think that Running Auto shot has to be removed or have a level requirement.


god you ****ing people are dumb

Trying to keep this post on the topic of my changes, not to flame on you inpeticular.. I just ignore people complain about hunter auto while running, it's not a valid problem... the hunter dmg spells as well as CC are what I'm covering. Zomg guise why can you cast DoTs while running? Ice lance while running? OMGscorchwhilerunning, shamans can healcast while running(omg haxx0r) not to mention HoTs while running. Should be nerfed, lul.

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