My thoughts on hunter changes

I agree with aimed shot should be lowered dmg wise, also concussive shot should have a bit longer cd tbh, if u get caught by a hunter with 100 focus, he can easily rape u just by spamming arcane shot on u.
my thoughts are? what class do you play murphy?

i was in a WSG today, wish i could video scenes/fights on the fly. 2 hunters and a rogue trying to kill a gnome disc priest.......he healed out 12 times feared them and ran off. they wracked up alot of negated, absorbed damage and got no kill.

and a holy paladin roller has no right imo to QQ about hunters. hunter kills you.....reroll the next LOL you can't kill me class.
shanker said:
my thoughts are? what class do you play murphy?

i was in a WSG today, wish i could video scenes/fights on the fly. 2 hunters and a rogue trying to kill a gnome disc priest.......he healed out 12 times feared them and ran off. they wracked up alot of negated, absorbed damage and got no kill.

and a holy paladin roller has no right imo to QQ about hunters. hunter kills you.....reroll the next LOL you can't kill me class.

At 19 I play Hpal (BiS), resto druid FC (in progress), and sub rogue (BiS); in the 20s I have a restosham (in prgress) and a (retired) 29 hunter that sits gathering dust. You are correct, I have no problem dealing or ignoring hunters on my paladin(However, 1v1 a hunter can clear enough distance to the point where I cannot cast offensively, so any comments about Hpals/discs rolling hunters in the 19s/29s aren't valid). However on my rogue, if I am caught anywhere remotely far away from a point to LoS, I will die in a 50% movement speed rage. I'd agree with nerfing rogue burst if disc priests and Hpals wheren't so resiliant(mostly Hpals, discs are not as bad in this level range.. lol70). If you're playing rogue and your trinket is up (and you how to play), downing discs is easysauce btw.. even moreso on a belf.
notoriousthf said:
I know you suck at hunter, but don't bring everyone else down like that.

If a hunter snares a pally before pally can close up to hunter, then it's already considered dead if trinket's on cd. which is usually 80% of the time.

My priest bubble absorbs around 660 damage and goes down in less than 3 seconds by just 1 hunter.

Even most hunters here think it's still too OP because they have so much utility.

First things first, I suck at nothing. I'm even bored with sucking titty. And while I do have a hunter, it's more of a rainy day gigger. I haul him out very rarely for a light dusting. My rogue is where the party's at...

Secondly, If you can't rape a hunter on your priest than you are extremely undergeared or you just don't know shit about playing priest. Considering BIS takes all of a couple hours to get on any toon (AGM excluded), my opinion would most certainly lean toward the latter in this instance.

I will, however, agree and commiserate with you on the CD for Concussion Shot. It is a little much, and could benefit from a tweak. But the never-ending discussion topics about the "OP-ness" of hunters has become extremely stale. Even the most known/respected community players will tell you that priests and holy pallis are as, if not more OP than hunters when played by SKILLED individuals...
copymachine said:
First things first, I suck at nothing. I'm even bored with sucking titty. And while I do have a hunter, it's more of a rainy day gigger. I haul him out very rarely for a light dusting. My rogue is where the party's at...

Secondly, If you can't rape a hunter on your priest than you are extremely undergeared or you just don't know shit about playing priest. Considering BIS takes all of a couple hours to get on any toon (AGM excluded), my opinion would most certainly lean toward the latter in this instance.

I will, however, agree and commiserate with you on the CD for Concussion Shot. It is a little much, and could benefit from a tweak. But the never-ending discussion topics about the "OP-ness" of hunters has become extremely stale. Even the most known/respected community players will tell you that priests and holy pallis are as, if not more OP than hunters when played by SKILLED individuals...

As for becoming "BiS", the time it takes depends on class first off. As for the AGM, it takes 36 hours to get one at the least, that is, if you're planning on not going to sleep and carrying a level 85 pvp brigade on your arm to get rid of the inevitable asshat(s) 85(s) that will always be there every three hours; and it takes twice the work to get two. I agree that Hpals and discs do waay too much damage, however, that is the extent of their problem imo. I can down both classes as a rogue with ease as long as my trinket is up to nullify HoJ or psychic scream, I can do this without a pocket healer(keep in mind you must be skilled at your class as well as aware of the tricks healers use to lose dps on them to pull it off). I'm assuming that all the people that defend hunters are the ones that play them as their main twink, the fact is that a hunter can destroy any class 1v1 without taking much damage at all; idk about you but does that sound OP? Hrm.. that's a hard one, think about it a little.
Mcmurphy said:
As for becoming "BiS", the time it takes depends on class first off. As for the AGM, it takes 36 hours to get one at the least, that is, if you're planning on not going to sleep and carrying a level 85 pvp brigade on your arm to get rid of the inevitable asshat(s) 85(s) that will always be there every three hours; and it takes twice the work to get two.

Yes the Agm's are a nightmare at worst (due to the lvl 85, 10 achievement point seekers) and a minor headache at best. I'm on a pretty major pvp server, and can't count the number of times I've been denied the drop by individuals that did not want it at all. They would travel to the Cape purposely to continue raping low levels for kicks until the chest despawns. Same faction mind you...) . Although I have been lucky enough to grab the last 4 of mine in the 36 hr minimum period you speak of, all of those in the beginning (before that little diamond in the rough "Have Group, Will Travel" entered the scene) I had to solo or bribe individuals in-zone for assistance at drop time.

Mcmurphy said:
I agree that Hpals and discs do waay too much damage, however, that is the extent of their problem imo. I can down both classes as a rogue with ease as long as my trinket is up to nullify HoJ or psychic scream, I can do this without a pocket healer(keep in mind you must be skilled at your class as well as aware of the tricks healers use to lose dps on them to pull it off).

I couldn't agree more. I've seen many vicious rogues annihilate any class, without a healer in sight. You not only have to be skilled at your own class, but at the class you are fighting as well. Which is why I've invested a great deal of time leveling and learning the tricks of all classes in order to better understand my enemy and anticipate his play on the battleground...all except warlock that is, someday perhaps.

Mcmurphy said:
I'm assuming that all the people that defend hunters are the ones that play them as their main twink, the fact is that a hunter can destroy any class 1v1 without taking much damage at all; idk about you but does that sound OP? Hrm.. that's a hard one, think about it a little.

My hunter is not my main twink. Yet dealing damage without taking much damage is counter-balanced by the scales of being able to interrupt and constantly spam heal through damage taken. Also, I am witnessing with great frequency the bemoaning of Concussive Shot, yet I never hear anyone bitching about HoJ ( the 6 second stun that damage does not break). Really???

Any Priest or Palli CAN destroy a hunter 1v1 if they know their class and how to play it. As far as all other classes, yes they usually are reliant on support to take a hunter down at this time. That has less to do with the OP-ness of a hunter than it does with the gimped nature of these classes (warrior -cough, Turdel- and warlock at first come to mind, mages seem to fare nominally better in most circumstances). Again, what I have stated is based on my own personal experience over the past 4 plus years. I expect many may disagree. Such is life.
Mcmurphy said:
As for the AGM, it takes 36 hours to get one at the least, that is, if you're planning on not going to sleep ...

you make this sound SO much worse than it is. by this you mean it takes a minimum of 1 and a half days to grab one AGM for a character? it's not like you're sitting online for 36 hours just for one trinket. haha

i've gotten 14 AGM trinkets on 8 different twinks since i started 19 bracket (3 months ago), and i'm working a full time job. i have not spent 504 hours (21 days) of my life playing WoW to get 14 AGM trinkets lol. it takes 1-2 minutes to log in, see if anyones there, if there are people log on an 85 if not just wait for the goblin to walk over and then grab the chest. i would say it's taken me more around a grand total of 4 hours for all 14 trinkets, including every 15 minute battle that resulted in a despawn.

also it is ridiculously fun and completely worth it. stv arena has been one of my favorite things since vanilla.
Megingjard said:
you make this sound SO much worse than it is. by this you mean it takes a minimum of 1 and a half days to grab one AGM for a character? it's not like you're sitting online for 36 hours just for one trinket. haha

i've gotten 14 AGM trinkets on 8 different twinks since i started 19 bracket (3 months ago), and i'm working a full time job. i have not spent 504 hours (21 days) of my life playing WoW to get 14 AGM trinkets lol. it takes 1-2 minutes to log in, see if anyones there, if there are people log on an 85 if not just wait for the goblin to walk over and then grab the chest. i would say it's taken me more around a grand total of 4 hours for all 14 trinkets, including every 15 minute battle that resulted in a despawn.

also it is ridiculously fun and completely worth it. stv arena has been one of my favorite things since vanilla.

I didn't mean to make it sound like a godly task and/or dishearten people who are trying to get it or thinking about attempting. The main point of my first opening sentences was that BiS status is not something obtained in "a few hours". A few hours collective hands-on gaming time, perhaps, but the process of becoming BiS(involving obtaining at least one AGM) will take probably a week minimum (collective real time)for most people. Copy said he obtained multiple AMGs in the minimal time required to get the item, however, most people don't have that determination or luck to pull that off (hats off to you though) ;). On that note, I just meant to give the BiS process credit for being(as a matter of fact) time consuming and sometimes challenging for most twinks. Gearing up is fun to do though, I occasionally make new toons on different servers with the sole purpose of gearing them to the point where I cannot obtain any better gear for them.
Grizzlefoot said:
Why dont you just put concussive shot on a longer cooldown?

I agree that would help alot, however, hunters can still down almost any class (basically any non-healing class) in two GCDs, which contrary to some beliefs, is OP. Also, I suggest that wing clip should be given a 20-30 focus cost since they can literally spam it on a melee attacker. Also, I don't think it'd be that bad of an idea to give concussive a focus cost as well.
Killing a 1.5k HP twink withing 2 GCD would take a dps of around 400. I don't think that's possible for any class at lvl 19 considering best burst scenario.

Best hunters I've seen can maintain a steady 90-100 dps throughout a bg, being on par with rogues.

At low levels, bgs are a game of rock paper scissors. I feel for warriors but the changes you suggested in the first post are not the solution.

The top of the food chain in the 19 bracket is the priest (shadow > disc). Hunters and palas come second.

Nerf priests, hunters, rogues and palas + Buff the others = Balance.

Some of the ideas posted in this thread are not even funny.
Trialathlon said:
Nerf priests, hunters, rogues and palas + Buff the others = Balance.

could you please explain your nerfs to priests hunters rogues and palas and the buffs to mages warlocks warriors shamans druids as im curious to know what ur thinking
I'm not a game designer and have no inclinations for that. I dont think in terms of abilities and cooldowns but rather in statistical terms. If on average twink bgs are populated in a proportion of 80% with these 4 classes then there's an obvious problem. How to balance them it's a totally different story.

Blizzard works like any other corporation in this world. It has limited resources and has to make the best use of them. If the twink community counts for only say 1% of revenues then it's really not worth bothering with balancing the lower brackets.

Getting back on topic, I would say the ideas presented in the first post would not solve the problem. It would nerf the hunters to the ground and ppl would stop playing the class. Rogues could then roam free and blow ppl up. Maybe warriors would also appear as a viable option.
i would definately consider frost mage as one of the op classes due to it being the class with most snares/cc's

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