My Return Will Be A Celebration.

GL with the guild, hope you only premade against 24's and i hope that you will choose Horde side cause i can't go against GSC alone ( if there's more than 5 of them ).
Wb Quack!

Now this celebration, what are We talking?
Free booze, topless service, cage dancers? I'm intrigued ;)
New account? Just checked and you havnt been on for 2 months on the btag I have, pm me your new if youve got a new one

Edit; working on a 24, might play it if I have fun
Thanks gsc dude :)
A millionaire in game and real life snack ;)
Thanks man, space for you if interested ( syntax )
I will go horde if more want it but alliance if more want alliance I let the people joining the guild choose.
Kinda quit but missing wow a lot haha. Same account. Space for you too zethax man.
Haha Kiri <3 . You can join if interested too I know you don't like 24s but f2p restricted toons are also welcome. If played well.
Just bring your avatar, I'll bring mine np

omg, deja vu! ;)

Haha Kiri <3 . You can join if interested too I know you don't like 24s but f2p restricted toons are also welcome. If played well.

I might :) let me know when u decide server and whatnot. I'll even roll 24 for premades np ^^ most likely lock tho, as I seem to lose interest in other classes kind of fast
omg, deja vu! ;)

I might :) let me know when u decide server and whatnot. I'll even roll 24 for premades np ^^ most likely lock tho, as I seem to lose interest in other classes kind of fast
Might I mention all a-team members get flame tabards ? Once the a-team is made
Oh kiri :') would you prefer horde or alliance ? I'm taking a poll atm. And any specific realm? (Pref. an active one )

Ally or horde idc, I'll play either np.
If needed I got an enchanter on anachronos, ally side, with all twink chants except 20 frost to gloves.
Just not aggramar server, I've maxed my amount of chars there
Ally or horde idc, I'll play either np.
If needed I got an enchanter on anachronos, ally side, with all twink chants except 20 frost to gloves.
Just not aggramar server, I've maxed my amount of chars there

No problem and great. Thanks :)
Guild name ideas;

We Sub to Scrub
F2P Spanking Inc.

I'll update when I think of more
You just looking for officer rank already ;)

Got woken up at 6am by a very drunk girl, and had to to go work at 9 so I'm a bit tired, and that usually equates to me bein quite silly, hence the names..
Must.. crack.. jokes... to... Stay... awake.. ;)
But yay officer, suck that Mr General who said I wasn't suited for military service (when they ask you Why you would want to be in the military, you just say you really look forward to shooting ppl, and voila, no military service for you ) ;)

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