My Live Stream - Twink 29 Alliance Bgs

Queue alone once pls. Ah, u cant right, need to win for cumming

I can totally ignore this and keep playing with my friends but I will solo que.
I read somewhere you dont want feedback but idk and idc if thats true^^
3rd time i tuned in to your stream. 3rd time premading against horribly lost people, this game right now they atleast have some 29, which still is not a challenge for premade/pug or w/e you wanna call it.
Your mage gameplay is interesting to watch but the games arent.

Dont recall i ever said about me disliking feedbacks.. im happy to read them so i can reflect on my mistakes :)
I am honestly just like playing with my friends. They are mostly the same people. I can note so many things in my defence but cba.
Though i can see why running more than 3 men premade in pugs can be too much. I have been thinking about from other's perspective a lot today and i would probably be frustrated to see that big group everytime i solo que in bgs. Thus i am gonna be solo queing for a while. I apologize for my actions and should've realized it sooner than this.
Also i won't point fingers at anyone who premade into bgs because i know its just not always about dominating the map.

Thank you for your comment :)
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I apologize for my friend who jumped on the weapons in alli flag room, think that won;t happen again.

Dreamy why do you even respond to this, Drama is one big exploiter/glitcher so... don't bother with that troll.

And about group queueing, sure it is annoying but you should do whatever you want and don't let these silly posts get to you :p

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